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George Hudson

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Everything posted by George Hudson

  1. and a totally gratuitous photo of something I made years ago! and still waiting for its neighbours!
  2. For those who like to see things developing and with apologies to those who don't (posting keeps me motivated).
  3. Can't believe this thread was started in Oct 2016! Here's the latest state of play and I am going to push to the end. This has been quite a project but hopefully the end is in sight ..... and I can move onto the next.
  4. Unashamed topic bumping. This is in Spitalfields market in London.
  5. Excellent photo thanks. These sort of cameo scenes really add interest (I was going to write "add charm" but given the subject matter perhaps that's a little over the top).
  6. I'll bow to your sartorial superiority Ian! And just for you I've changed my profile photo. I am going to junk the redundant part and move on.
  7. Don't now about Holloway but my inspiration was the widened lines Farringdon/Barbican (Barbican was original called Aldersgate).
  8. Sometimes yearn for a BLT (branch line terminus, not bacon lettuce and tomato, although I like those also).
  9. Changed my mind on the tall arches, too many height changes on the board, so I chopped them. Looks ok thought I think....
  10. I am not great on internal detail, I just like to give the illusion of something inside, in this case a printing press and offices
  11. Mmmmm yep, see below. The building is two wings with an inner courtyard. In the "original" (this isn't a proper copy of a prototype) the courtyard is fully enclosed. I am going to try to come up with a solution where one can see in but still have an impressive central entrance joining the two wings. I haven't work that one out yet! The first wing has its roof and internals done but still needs a lot of detail. I sealed it up and then realised that the windows open the wrong way!
  12. Some progress mad but still seems an awful lot of "glass". That's a stip of acetate before I buff off the white paint to give me the window frames btw.
  13. Better late than never, have got off on some tangents in between but now back on Zetland house. About to wail; "No more windows, you can't make me!" Andrew
  14. You should be mentioned in despatches for that! Andrew
  15. Yes indeed I will put irregularities in although some of the road surface is going to be pristine, I noticed in a number period photos the road can be in surprisingly good nick!
  16. Well that's a relief. Here's a loo I have been working on while we have all been away during the upgrade (thank you RMWeb team).
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