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Everything posted by jamie92208

  1. Sushila and Caroline have reported in and are speeding up. Sushila is just past half way at 4220 metres and completing 19 metres per day. Caroline is at 3812 and has managed 22 metres per day over the last fortnight. Jamie
  2. Good moaning from The Charente. I've not drawn the curtains yet so have no idea what it's like outside. It was rather wet for much of yesterday but bright and sunny later. Today I'm heading north to a seminar on inheritance planning. Sounds riveting but it needs to be right. There are several potential niggles as France is not happy at complying with EU directives in this area. I may even stop and watch trains for an hour or so on my way home. Jamie
  3. The shortage of shells for a convential war is nothing new. The UK found itself in the same position in 1915 and a prodigious effort was required to build up manufacturing and logistical capacity. This even included Roro train ferries and their associated docks. That was after nearly a century of small wars, though the Royal Navy had broadly been maintained. Strangely enough there were the same arguments about the cost of a viable strategic deterrent. The deterrent in 1914 was the Grand Fleet and the concept of a fleet in being. A large part of our industrial capacity and GDP was used to maintain that. Thus after Jutland the British capital ship losses were replaced in about a year, Germany never managed that and could only produce dreadnoughts at about 25% of the rate that the UK could. Nowadays it is of course the Ballistic missile boats. Jamie
  4. It happens in a lot of fields. I saw it in Local Government where one party was in power and completely dominant. My colleagues in Local Government were amazed that I could turn round to councillors and say No. Apparently a I've a certain level there was always an elected councillor sitting on promotion boards or selection panels. Thus the officers had to be careful what they said and did. Jamie
  5. @iL Dottore @polybear Paris is great with good public transport.sadly your info re prices is a bit out of date Flavio. Even down here a 'menu de jour' is usually about €15 though that sometimes includes a glass of wine. I suspect that in Paris it's about €18 to 20. I did find a serb cake shop at the bottom of the footbridge that runs across the huge yard at Villeneuve St George. Jamie
  6. Ribble Rail is still posting regular updates and the work is going well. The south foot crossing has been removed. The new northern one is now in use along with the temporary steps for the three peaks footpath. The southern end of the down platform has been fenced off for about two coach lengths to allow work to start on the footbridge and lift foundations. A lot of work has been done on the site of the sidings with a small shanty town of offices drying room etc installed. The work is certainly coming on apace now that all the permissions are in place. Jamie
  7. Florence may have reached her destination but Cecilia is still going strong. 102 metres last week at 15, 967. 93 metres to go. The other three haven't reported in recently. Jamie
  8. I have several similar scars on my left index finger from when I was about 10 or so. The one on my right hand was from accidentally hitting someone's glasses in a fight at school. Jamie
  9. I have been told that there is no difference. Just that medical grade costs many times more. I believe that it was invented to glue wounds together in Vietnam. Activated by moisture and exposure to air I think. Bon courage. Jamie
  10. Good to see that there is progress. Thanks for posting. It's good that there is such a convenient vantage point. Jamie
  11. The person maki g the post did make the point that possession sites are getting longer and longer and thus harder to inspect before handback. Jamie
  12. From a post elsewhere on this site the object was an unrecovered piece of rail from the possession. Jamie
  13. Good moaning from the Charente. I got my eyes tested yesterday and can still see. That's a positive. In the afternoon I placed the last water butt and filled it from one of the others. We now have over 6000 litres stored for the summer. After the next bit of rain it should be 7000. That's enough for the veg patches if we have a hosepipe ban. This must be doing us good as the water bill came yesterday. Our consumption last year was only 52 cubic metres as opposed to 77 the year before and 92 in 2021. Another positive. A regular Doctors visit this morning then the supermarket. What a thrilling life we lead. Regards to all, and of course Sundry. Jamie
  14. I have a vague memory that a third device, another plutonium bomb like the Nagasaki one, was not far off being built. Another factor was that by then, Truman was president. He had been an Artillery officer in WW1 and believed in the use of overwhelming force to bring about an end. Jamie
  15. I usually enjoy myself by insisting that they move the bag and then sitting in the seat. I have great fun. My ex colleague and I also enjoyed ourselves one day on a crowded cross country train when some fellow in a suit and tie with laptop and phone insisted on sitting in our reserved seats. He did get up rather fast when assisted by Keith and I. Jamie.
  16. It was the secondary target that day. I can't remember what the primary one was but it was obscured by cloud. Jamie
  17. Andy beat me to it. Yes the dust shield that stops all sorts of carp getting into the bearing. I think I made ours out of 9mm ply from an old baseboard. Waste not want not. Jamie
  18. That would make sense. Though by the 1890's sprung oilers made from wool on a spring steel base were in use. I had to commission some for the horse tram. Jamie
  19. Just don't get too close when you wave. Such a manouver didn't do the Costa Concordia much good. Jamie
  20. I used to try and take 3 weeks off for our main holiday. When we were on 8 hour shifts, with a bit of planning g 14 days annual leave got you 3 weeks off. Then some fool put us on Ottowa shits, or 10 hours, 6 on 4 off. Annual leave was then converted to hours and it was very easy to use up a lot of hours. Jamie
  21. How do you know he uses a commode, pray tell. Jamie
  22. Good moaning from the Charente. It's sunny but cool outside. I'm off to The Danglies for the second part of my eye test the probably to the opticians to part with money. Ttfn. Jamie
  23. I did wonder when Stukas were mentioned if this incident happened in 1940. Jamie
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