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Everything posted by yellowvanman

  1. Hi Dave , I agree with Ragtag those destination stickers are great..! like many others I collected them of trains we travelled on in the 80s including the "Scotrail-Express"..Edin-Glas. first time i`ve seen them on a model , Excellent work .. cheers keith.(YVM)
  2. Hi Pete, 47 looks great , what do you use for your grass/bushes ect ..I`m just weathering up the brewery area and I need some grass/foliage .I found some stuff up the woods which looks ok , the stuff in the shops is a bit ker-chinggggg..If you know what I mean..Cheers Keith.
  3. The 60s looked great..but thats more like it !! bring on the B.R blue and railfreight , and all sound chipped up and running that will make a superb vid..
  4. Look forward to seeing those two 47s out on the layout, like the last pics ,the crompton looks great..keep it up..
  5. Hi, great looking layout , the scratch built shed looks fab.. just starting myself with 80s blue layout and trying my hand at some kits ,will have ago a a scratch build job when I get some more bits together..cheers YVM.
  6. Hi Flood, Excellent detail and great work on that monster shed ...
  7. Hi Pete, nice to see another loco on the workbench..slowly gettin through em..!. .You know you will go the `sound chip way` its just a matter of time. ..I am almost there clearing the study and putting shelves up ect so can fit a small layout in...it will be about 9` x 2`ish and 80s blue ...I want the whole station, depot ,yard ect but will try not to squeeze to much in ...no DDC or sound (yet) ..to much dosh..(To many other hobbies ,Van, beer you know the score)..so will start with the 03,33,40 and various railfreight wagons I`ve collected over the years , I`m thinking I may have some sort of M.O.D yard/buildings ..anyway watch this space I may start a layout thread, it might be called Durnstown..cheers for now YVM..
  8. That a mega bit of thrash from that 27, sounds excellent...shame my speakers arn`t bigger !..i might be starting a small layout soon and i`m temped by the sound chip stuff..
  9. Hi Pete , great pics ,looks like you had a good running day ...
  10. Hi Pete , looking forward to some pics of Llanbourne on your running day..has the ford escort made an appearance yet?
  11. Great looking layout Jon ..use to work the LPGs to Furz and the steel and stone ect to Hamworthy, I have some pics If you want..cheers Keith.(YVM) Heres a pic of Ham box ..
  12. Hi Kevin , Great to see you and your layout at the Romsey show, its a cracking layout ,very impressed with the DDc setup with working points, signals, locos( the cromptons sound hell-fire..)..I was talking to an old work collegue who has retired and we were listening to the 33, 50 and 58 all ticking over and watching the `thumper` and 33+TC and he was also well impressed ,as he has driven most if not all types of traction on the layout thats pretty good..cheers Keith (YVM).
  13. A pair a Brockenhurst, 37078+37293 storm through on 6V99 Hamworthy-Cardiff 1990..
  14. Hi pete , guess you will be on ere soon, hope you had a great flight ...hope the weather a bit warmer for ya, guess which CIG was on the Lymo today.!..Hope to see all your model bits appearing on Llanbourne in the next few weeks...cheers YVM.
  15. Hi chaps ... Been a while but heres latest pic taken the other day , 37416 still dumped at EH..
  16. Heres PCM and yellowvanman junior down on the Swanage...
  17. Heres PCM and yellowvanman junior down on the Swanage...
  18. Pete, get of the computer and get yourself round ere for a beer and some old railway slides....
  19. Hi Kevin , the layouts looking great...will try and make it to the Romsey show..
  20. more great pics Pete... been of the web for a while ..computer had a meltdown..now just catching up..
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