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Everything posted by LNERandBR

  1. There is an element of lottery when it comes to exhibiting a layout at shows. However, if the layout has been built well then you'll have very few issues and any that you do have will be fixable. I'm often surprised that my own layouts can spend ages in storage only to work perfectly once put up in an exhibition hall. My best advice, clean wheels and clean track!
  2. I've started standardizing on the Hornby close couplings but as mentioned with Bachmann Mk1's the coupling is pulled as tight as it can go. The best way I've found to couple two coaches is to turn the bogies so the coupling extends. However, as mentioned, it can be fiddly. Previously, I used the bar coupling that comes with the Bachmann Mk1's and had no issues with derailments. However, my stock only get's to come out at shows and therefore coupling and uncoupling what is meant to be a more permanent coupling was troublesome and time consuming. Not ideal when it's time to pack up! What about using Kaydee couplings between the coaches that need to be parted and the Bachmann bar between those fixed rakes that never need to?
  3. Hornby diesels now come with a similar close coupling mechanism. Perfectly fine when pulling coaches or longer wheelbase 4w wagons like MGR hoppers. However, get a lager wagon with small bogies like a 100t tank and the coupling often pulls the bogie off on corners. Again, it's due to the coupling not re centering and remaining kinked to one side.
  4. I never realised that it was permissible for lay-by sidings to be positioned between the main Slow and Fast lines. I've always thought that they'd be on the outside of the formation. Is that something unique to Little Bytham or was that done in other areas of the ECML?
  5. Well the High Street is known locally as Chip Pan Ally
  6. None of this modern frame stacking either. He works his magic with one long exposure.
  7. Personally, I think Warm Storage is better then going to EMR. If it went to EMR then the doors would need changing to conform with in modern standards. That would ruin the work put into the paint finish in my opinion. Warm Storage must mean there are options for the set's future.
  8. So two incidents in 25 years then. Not exactly a common occurrence.
  9. Are you able to program any other cv's on the loco or do all of them give you the error 01 message?
  10. LNERandBR

    Oxford N7

    Yes, but I was wondering how the Factory Fitted version stacks up against other projects and if it's worth waiting for. The cost for factory fitted looks to be lower then loco and an add-on sound decoder/speaker.
  11. Start a money raising campaign to get the GCR signalled for bi-directional running! Then you'd have a stretch of standard gauge double track without the pathing constraints of the Mainline railway. Admittedly, the GCR has plenty of other commitments for its funds and manpower. On a smaller scale, hasn't thr RHDR done parallel runs?
  12. LNERandBR

    Oxford N7

    Any info on what the sound is like on the DCC Sound version? Weighing up if it's worth holding out for the BR version with Sound or not.
  13. I have a pair of 20s fitted with ESU decoders from Legomanbiffo. (DC Kits) Like the above they are a matched pair with the correct sounds coming from the correct loco depending on direction. They're the best sounding 20s in my opinion but then sound is a very subjective subject. I'd recommend listening to a few projects at shows. I know both DC Kits and Digitrains both have facilities to hear sound projects in the flesh at shows.
  14. It's been a very enjoyable yet busy day at Spalding with Wolds Way. I did get a bit of a look around towards the end of the afternoon and there's some excellent modelling on display. This year's show is certainly living up to the usual high standard, well done to Tom and everyone else who's organised and helped out at the show. Roll on tomorrow
  15. What shows are left on your tour list for 2019 please?
  16. Looking good, I'll be wandering around on Sunday and will be sure to come see you
  17. I feel that the hobby as a whole is very broad and diverse. At one end of the spectrum you have the childs trainset. At the other end you have exquisite finescale modelling that perfectly observing the prototype with everything scratch/kit built. Should we all be striving for the latter, possibly elitist, end of the spectrum? I think so. However, many people stop off along that path and find they are getting plenty of enjoyment from what they are doing. To that end, some stop off sooner then others. Some stop off then are pushed by others to follow them further along the path. Conversely, some stop and can't be pushed further no matter what you do or try. Overall, if people are enjoying what they do in the hobby then surely thats a good thing?
  18. It will be for ease of identification. WRC does simular, each team having a differnt way of identifying the cars for the commutators/spectators. Hyundai for example using the national flag of each driver on the air pod on the roof. (Which works until they have two with the same nationality!)
  19. It would be interesting to know what would have happened if there was grass there instead of the drag strip run off. Obviously something we'd never know but would the F1 cars have had more grip on wet grass? It was interesting to see that their tyres got coated with what could best be described as soap suds when they got on this area.
  20. I suppose Lewis's issue was crashing right by the pit entry. If it had been a few corners earlier his team would have been ready to receive him. As it was, the team had no time to react. If you watch the Team Radio video on the Offical F1 YouTube channel they only just confirmed he wanted Inters when he got in the Pit Lane. Lewis being more worried about crossing the track safely at that point then answering Bonno.
  21. https://www.gptoday.net/en/news/f1/249640/renault-truck-crashes-en-route-to-hungary Things go from bad to worse for Renault after both cars retired. Now one of their trucks has crashed. Fortunately it sounds like the driver is okay. Hopefully it's not one carrying the cars and anything damaged can be replaced in time for the weekend.
  22. https://www.gptoday.net/en/news/f1/249620/alfa-romeo-suffer-post-race-penalisation-williams-score-first-points The Alfa's have been demoted, Hamilton get's points in the end as does Williams.
  23. Charlie, I have two questions for you. Are you still reblowing V4 decoders and are you still offering the trade in for older decoder versions?
  24. Possiblly best thing to do would be to remove the link once its clear that the discussion has moved on and it's no longer needed for private study. Then there would be no risk of repercussion in the future after the use has been had of it. One of those, better safe then sorry situations.
  25. This is exactly what I do with all my sound fitted locos. The Fiddle Yard is no place for sound locos to be ticking over. I also have a depot layout and always try to have as few locos with sound on as possible. Locos never sit with the sound on for long. You can't hear the one your actually moving!
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