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Posts posted by westie7

  1. On 06/03/2024 at 19:04, WCML100 said:

    So next off the work bench is another vehicle! You may have noticed it lurking in the pictures in a recent post!


    It is this Scania 94D rigid in TNT livery, by Oxford Diecast. It starts out of the box as a standard issue so plenty of work to be done to bring it in line with the standard previously set by the Ford Transit previously attempted.




    First everything was dismantled and given a good coat of Railmatch Matt Varnish to tone everything shiny down, and give the weathering something to cling to! The glazing wouldn't budge and I didn't fancy breaking it so masked up instead!


    I gave the roof a coat of off white paint as per photos of similar lorry’s I found. This looked miles better than the shiny unrealistic silver finish previously.




    Next up was the fun part! As per the Ford Transit previously attacked, some Ammo wash was used to get into all of the panel lines and grooves etc. This was done on all of the curtain-sides and cab. Once painted on, it was taken back with IPA and cotton buds. This not only takes the glaring contrast away but dulls the remaining areas right down too. I also took this opportunities to use some 'dirtied' cotton buds which still had a good amount of IPA as well as the wash on to streak across and create the streaking across the roof. Again something I had found on numerous lorry roofs during research.



    Last but not least was details. I painted up the dash in the interior to give it a dark grey plastic appearance, again as per the generic appeal most cabs have. I added a cut down driver, and some typical lorry driver accessories on the passenger seat with the list of the days job on the dashboard! These were all used again from the same sheet of ‘Litter’ made by modelrailwayscenery.com - great not just for using as litter! I also painted up the wing mirrors too with the same silver used on the Ford Transit.




    All in all a quick, easy and fun little project! Great to add realism to the road scene when we get to that point as it is now ‘ready to plonk’! It certainly an easy way to transform an out of the box item to ‘model worthy’. As Greenford is quite an industrial area, it certainly won’t be the last of the commercial vehicles to be re worked for the layout! 
















    That’s all for now. More on the way soon!




    That's brilliant!

    Just found this while looking for an older style P94 cab for a fire engine conversion 🙌🏻

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  2. On 22/02/2024 at 20:34, Rammstein2609 said:

    Hi All,


    I thought it was worth showing some photos of a small rake of weathered Alcan tanks as I'm quite pleased with how they've turned out.  Taken today on Tulloch Bridge during setup for Model Rail Scotland 2024 at the Glasgow SEC:




    These wagons really are fantastic and fill a huge gap (for me and WHL modelling).  Thanks RevolutioN!




    Really authentic weathering, that first one had me double take. 

    I shudder to think how long we have been talking about these wagons, I think it was when I had a full head of hair 😂

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  3. On 18/01/2024 at 20:01, Revolution Mike said:

    As per the note at the bottom of the email you received - if you paid a balance then that dispatch email is automatically generated (we can’t change that unfortunately unless we remove the deposit system) when you pay a balance but the order is sent when the other “half” of the order ie the balance is marked as despatched. 

    Cheers Mike


    Hi Mike,


    I have dropped an email in, looks like I'm getting broken links for two of my invoices, one went through no bother funnily enough.

    I've no doubt there's a straightforward fix




  4. 6 hours ago, Daddyman said:

    These do look good. How strong is the brake lever guard/ratchet? On the Bachmann AB wagons and the Hornby OTAs it was always the first thing to snap. 


    I reckon it's a more accurate representation, it should be more fragile however it appears a better quality material so I have no worries 

  5. 4 hours ago, Flood said:

    I don't really want to post about air-cons on a Mk2B thread but I will just make this comment.


    Folks shouldn't try to separate the three air-con batches of Mk2. The Mk2D TSOs had the toilets moved to regain 64 seats in the Mk2E stock, the Mk2E stock only had Stones air-con equipment to save money (they used those which would have retro fitted the Mk2C stock). Each Mk2 version was an upgrade from the previous version with the Mk2F being the best version (apart from some of the interior coverings).


    The Bachmann Mk2F was requested by the design staff to be given the option as a Mk2E version but was rejected on cost. A ridiculously short-sighted decision but those who know me also know of my personal experience with Bachmann management which is less than agreeable.

    (they're f@@@ing useless).


    Therefore Accurascale should make an air-con Mk2 which can be made as a Mk2D, Mk2E or Mk2F from the outset. There will be long term cost savings as long as it is the plan from the start, all variation requests by the modelling public are met and and a vast number of livery variations are possible.


    I would interject here, mentioning a matrix guide to where, toilets, fans, roof vents etc are. But this isn't a 2D thread :D



  6. 16 hours ago, meanach said:

    Both from (different) retail partners. The one I got direct was so well packaged I think it would have survived a nuclear blast! 


    I have had loose windscreens, unfortunately with missing wipers too. The retailer has the info for trying to acquire replacement wipers.  This retailer also packages the box to nearly twice the size :D



  7. On 21/07/2023 at 10:49, Adam1701D said:

    Exactly right, Tom - we are using the same mechanicals as the 86 for now. If there is sufficient interest, I would like to look into an upgrade further down the line that could incorporate a speaker.


    The Flexicoil suspension units will now be moulded integrally, so as to prevent them from pinging off and getting lost! 


    What else can I add? We are doing 87101 properly with a modified roof and extra vent on the cab roof. The cross-arm pantograph and the high speed pantographs are all-new and much closer to scale than the previous versions.


    Whilst the timing of the announcement seems odd, it is timed to coincide with the next edition of the NGS Journal popping through the letterbox. There is a lot of other development going on in N, so I hope we can muster up something for TINGS!

    Excellent news.

    And even better that the roof of 87101 will be done correctly.

    On the subject of roofs, I'm hopeful of a better attempt at the BW HSP than the spares one available. Looking at these items day in day out I've never been convinced of the dimensions. 🙏

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  8. 1 hour ago, cairnsroadworks said:

    418 in current day mode is pretty much original. As @Torbay Expresssays the modern AS model covers those with DRS (and not all DRS 37s as I’ve mentioned on here before) - so has the LED tail lights, multi socket, plated bodyside window and the strengthened front windscreens. Some of the current DRS 37s (401/407/422/424) have all these mods but they retain the bodyside window. 

    Wasn't referring to the DRS modified LED tail lamp surrounds.

    Was referring to the D surround on the photo of 051, as like 418 pretty much original, as are the ones I'm 'very' familiar with and was standing staring at in the sidings.

  9. On 23/03/2023 at 10:51, MRDBLUE17 said:

    Hello everyone,


    Sorry for any concerns caused for all our customers who have an account registered with us yesterday. 

    We have introduced a new facility on the website which will allow you to add credit into a secure wallet. It’s something that’s been requested especially with the ever growing number of items to pre-order. As part of activating this function, £1 has been deposited into your wallet. 


    All safe & secure but you’ve gained an extra £1 on us.


    All the best




    Cheers for the update Mark.


    No purple smoke and mirrors and sounds good to me.

    Now did someone mention ltd 156's 


    rgds Mark 🤪

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