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Posts posted by APOLLO

  1. I once had to keep a straight face as an allegedly very clever chap tried to persuade (after having failed when he demanded) me to sign off an approval on behalf of a flag administration to weld a leaking gas pipe with the pipe still pressurised with gas. He had all sorts of fancy CFD and analysis to demonstrate that it would be safe but couldn't offer a sensible reason why they couldn't just isolate and purge the line and just avoid the whole risk.


    Not an uncommon job in the gas industry (NOT to leaking pipes though !!!!!). "Hot Tap" welding of offtake tees to steel high pressure transmission mains is a standard practice BUT it has to be done with certified materials and a fully coded and trained welder, along with work the necessary method statements and engineering supervision. I did not do this - a job for the Supergrid guys - (Transmission Dept). They also did the drilling through a valve on such jobs to introduce gas into the pipes we had laid. 


    Anyway back on topic - money & bank related





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  2. I must admit, as I get older I am becoming progressively more tin foil hat wearing on the matter of government monitoring us, at one time I was of the view that if you had nothing to hide then why worry etc, as I have seen certain things I find I am increasingly leaning the other way. To be honest I don't really worry that much about business monitoring what I spend as they just want to make money but I do see all sorts of sinister applications for data in general. How long before the Chinese concept of social credits spreads?


    This is frightening.





  3. THIS is becoming far more prevalent with electronic banking.




    Whilst I am not against modern banking, I don't use mobile banking and use internet banking with (hopefully) great care. 


    Unfortunately the cashless society will come, 10, 20 years perhaps. After that, human microchipping.  "The powers that be" will be able to turn your finances (and complete life) etc on or off at will. 666 Number of the beast and all that !! 



  4. The (then) brand new office block at the North Western Gas Board, Pocket Nook St Helens back in 1969 had 2 Canteens and 2 Dining Rooms !


    A Large canteen for "The workers" (and us apprentices) was on the first floor at one end of the block, a central kitchen and the Staff Canteen. Alongside was a separate "Senior Officers" dining room, and behind that was a small, carpeted wallpapered and waitress served "Higher Managers" dining room. The car park was similarly denominated (with cars to suit !!). As far as toilets were concerned, we all peed in the same pot !!!!


    I made it to the Higher Managers dining room, once, by invitation, just before it closed around 1990 - the look on the faces of the common staff & fellow "officers" !!!!!!


    All gone now, but despite the class distinction (and it was very noticeable back then) very happy days and first class folk to work for, one and all. (except the bl**dy finance dept - daily run ins with that lot, as was usual back then for us "financially vacuous engineers !!)



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  5. I was a "bit" of an audio enthusiast back in the 1970's.


    Garrard deck, replaced with a Technics direct drive 

    Yamaha Amplifier replaced with a Pioneer one

    AR2ax speakers

    Technics dual cassette recorder

    Akai 1721L reel to reel stereo recorded (I still have this - on display AND it works !!)

    Dust Bug and sticky tape on a drum dust remover (remember them) !!!!


    My mate had a pair of Electrostatic speakers that sounded superb. (Quad I think). SME arm etc. Cost an arm & leg back then !!


    Late 80's I went all Technics with a pair of superb sounding Briklin speakers. I still have all this equipment and use it occasionally.


    I still have a lot of music on cassettes that I recorded in the 70's. They still play (just) - OK for the old Rover !! I allways used quality Maxell UD tapes, bought in quantity with a few mates at a good discount from a Hi Fi shop in Chorley.


    Now even the CD's days are numbered, but it's great to see vinyl coming back - not that I buy any - being a lazy tight ###### I use Youtube these days - sacrilege !!!!



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  6. Personally, I find the idea of hydrogen stored in a high-speed train, immediately below high-tension OHLE, pretty scary.


    Agree. When on standby duties (British Gas outside escaped first responder) many years ago I carried a FIM gas detector which could detect parts per million of methane in air. It had a 12" x 3" Hydrogen tank attached, pressurised to 2500 PSI. I carried this around in my car, and never had any problems though we were taught to double check the precision engineered valve was shut after use. I also had to notify my car insurance, though I don't remember them charging me extra.


    Hydrogen is not really a fuel (like methane coal, oil etc) it is a conveyor of energy. Hydrogen does not exist in its free state here on earth in any useable quantity. Energy therefore has to be spent to obtain it, either by DC electrolysis of water of cracking methane (natural gas). It needs to be stored & transported at high pressure, and is an extremely volatile gas, so utmost safety and high quality engineering is required, at all times.


    I can't comment on the overall cost savings or otherwise with using Hydrogen. The cost of energy needed to obtain the Hydrogen will be the most important and deciding factor.



  7. Thanks for the explanation & photos Tony - Fascinating.


    I saw this line once, on holiday in Hemsby near Great Yarmouth aged 7 back around 1959. Dad took us to the station a couple of times I seem to remember - such a long, long time ago. Nice to see it modelled.


    Edited to add  -  Another double track line which was singled (with the other track remaining until the line closed) was the line from Wigan Central (GC /LNER) to Darlington St Goods - around 1 mile and mostly on bridges / embankments. The line here was singled around WW1, the line being worked as a single line from Wigan goods signal box. View here from a Manchester Central bound train departing Wigan Central around 1963. dad took this photo.





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  8. Just came across this document. It states Wigan NW will become an ‘integrated high speed station’, where passengers can catch HS2 trains. With trains running every hour, Birmingham will be just over half an hour away, and London less than 90 minutes. Over 15,000 passengers a day will be able to travel on the high speed network to and from Wigan.




    Also these






    All good news to me - though it's better to stop here as the speed limit through Wigan, as previously mentioned, is around 60mph due to curves either end (which would cost many millions to straighten - especially the north end, 2 tracks on a high embankment).


    I wonder if King Charles will open our new North West HS2 integrated hub ? - I can imagine -- At breakfast that morning the King was asked by Camilla what his itinerary was for today, He told her that he was off to Wigan to open HS2, and asked what attire he should wear. Camilla looked at the King, all quizzical and said “Wigan ? Wigan ? Wear the fox hat” !!!



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  9. Gentlemen Should Please Refrain

    Passengers will please refrain
    From flushing toilets while the train
    Is standing in the station for a while.
    We encourage constipation
    While the train is in the station.
    Cross your legs and grit your teeth and smile.

    Piddling while the train is moving
    Is another way of proving
    That control of hand and eye is sure.
    We like to keep our toilets neat
    So please don't pee upon the seat
    Or, what is worse, excrete upon the floor.

    Gentlemen also please refrain
    From passing water while the train
    Is standing at the station in full view
    'Cos railway workers underneath
    May cop it in the eyes and teeth
    And they don't like it: how the hell would you ?




  10. Well Mike, the whole world of retail is in a sh1t storm of change at the moment, our model railway retailers being just a very, very small portion of that change. When large household names like M&S, Debenhams etc are announcing multiple shop closures, I'm not surprised at such retail changes in our hobby you outline above.


    Change or die seems to be the name of the game.


    For what it's worth most of my purchases these days are secondhand, mostly from ebay, (N American O gauge). I've never seen such affordable good quality stuff for sale as in the last couple of years. My OO purchasing is past peak - (i.e. I have enough.stuff). I'll have enough O soon, Very little for me I need / want to buy now - loads and loads to do though in the coming years which will keep me busy. Are many modellers like me ?



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