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Scottish Modeller

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About Scottish Modeller

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    Railways and Model Railways
    General Modelling
    Modelrail Scotland - www.modelrail-scotland.co.uk

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  1. You are not alone..... Speaking as a 61 year old who has full NI paid up and now struggling to get work. Then finds that DWP do not have to give me any money!

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    2. Mallard60022


      Sadly, an increasing problem across the Country. Please do not think I am being patronising here, but when I was in your situation I found that the Council often has P/T jobs and I have done two or three of these as they find it hard to get people to fit in the hours. OK so it is low waged but it is regular and often quite acceptable (e.g School Caretaking). Hope you don't mind me mentioning this. All the very best mate.

    3. Bulwell Hall

      Bulwell Hall

      I lost my job in 2010 and have had to be self employed ever since as there simply was nothing availible for 59 year old. But hey, we all live in Nirvana now and it's going to be alright - isn't it?

    4. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      I was made redundant at 52 and had no real difficulty finding a job but it was through contacts I'd made on the 'net and wouldn't have come about if I hadn't had those contacts. But it makes a big difference if you have skills to sell and you can find your way to those who are looking for them, That's where having contacts starts to play its part.

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