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Everything posted by Steadfast

  1. Nice bit of weathering there with the coal streaking, I keep meaning to add it to mine over the brown rusty look. It's good to see someone else has had a bash at doing the weld lines too!
  2. There were a couple of days in early September when that happened, here on 1/9/09 Hope this wasn't the last Tug I fot for a while...and beast's hints are usually pretty reliable I still find the fuel economy and build of the 66s a real shock in comparison to the 60s, and double heading can't be a realistic long term option, as Martyn says train lengths would need a huge increase for this to work long term. Markets are still down, so hopefully as they pick up, a need for more traction, and heavier trains, could see a pick up of the Brushes. Only time will tell, think positive in the mean time cheers jo
  3. Well the supposed Saturday cut off hasn't happened, several are still out and about in the active WC** pools, and 60041 is allocated to tonight's Lindsey-Westerleigh and tomorrow's return... I did hear from a very reliable source (ie, he'd been to Siemens earlier that week) that Siemens may be looking at buying some cheap from DB, and re-engine with a Cat lump and use them as hire locos, either UK or Europe. The shells are in good condition, with very little, if any, rust on the very worst examples. Siemens and DB have a very good working relationship apparently cheers jo
  4. Some of you may remember the 3D printed class 59 bodyshell I was fiddling with on old RMweb http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=10057&start=234 Here is the current progress, once it's done, I'll do a proper step by step blog entry covering the shell, and also the underframe work
  5. Well some more progress has been made on the grotty Dutch tractor. Inbetween scratching the weathering and throwing my paintbrushes out of the pram, I've attacked the underframe with some powders. They still need some work, but the variation in tone is getting there - in fact it looks a lot more varied, yet subtle to the naked eye than in the photos. Somehow I'm going to add some satin bits to the black on the underframe to give that greasy look, probably a powder and varnish mix. I'll probably add some drybrushing to the steps too with gunmetal or similar. The front end details are done too, pretty happy with these, and the scratches of yellow showing through on the centre plough. Not sure whether to cut back and redo the bodyside brown weathering to remove the scatches, or live with them. We'll see!
  6. Thanks Graham. I seem to be really yo-yo-ing with this one. I'll look it over and be really happy with it, then look again later and the weathering looks really course and over done. Though later I'll look at fotopic and the grotty shots compare well to the model. I just don't really seem to be able to get "in the zone" with this one - perhaps it because it's not a 60! Maybe it's the pressure of wanting to do a decent job because I know I'm probably going to sell it on once it's finished. Meh, whatever, I ain't no psychologist!
  7. Thanks guys. I feel another visit to Mr Daniels' fotopic site coming on for weathering details. The 'cows mind are a long term project, you know a bit here, and a bit there, like today because I already had the airbrush loaded with brown. Also got to do some fiddling with the ploughs on the tractor, and sort the bufferbeam pipes out. There are a nice looking set of air pipes in the Fastline IIAs I had delivered last week...
  8. So, had a good session with the airbrush today, got a decent layer of brown on the underframe, and dustings on the bodyshell in the right places. It finally feels as though it is coming together now! Still need washes and powders on the underframe, but its moving in the right direction. Also gave some Seacows a dusting over with frame dirt at the same time, these had already had a series of brown and grey washes already. I've also glued on the detailing bits. Looks like they may, just, still make it round 9 inch curves. Further detail painting will follow, along with some stone dust and a load. Mmm, rusty cows Should like nice with the OBAs and Autoballasters in a long engineers working behind a tug or a maroon tractor or two
  9. Wow, it sounds like something off Star Wars in that video! cheers jo
  10. Thanks for the comments guys. Popping the update on, and stepping back and looking at the model through the posting, rather than individual photos has given me the urge to crack on with it! Of course it was helped just a little by hearing this pair thrash away in the rain today. Mmmm
  11. I've not heard of anything available in 4mm (or N for that matter) Julian. The bogie rake on Pengwynn (including the Polybulk and the Clay Tiger) are all scratchbuilt or bashed from RTR cheers jo
  12. It seems like we are working at a similar pace then Martin! James that work is just stunning, and that BSI coupler is just...wow! What did you use for the exhaust pipe, by the way? I've got a set to do for my 150
  13. How do the Dapol ploughs compare to Bernard's etches? To be honest I'd never thought of using them, but may give it a try on a future model. I go with detailing one end fully, and as much as possible on the coupling end, as IMO it completes the aesthetics of the model, especially on things like 60s and 66s where there is detail below the bufferbeam pipes. The turning offscene priniciple is what I plan to do too, as to me, the benefit of a better looking model outweighs the additional shunting move.
  14. Ok, so the model in a week concept didn't work, by the end of the week I couldn't be bothered and lost the excitement with the model. Here is how the loco looked at my attempted finish date. Please excuse the fluff and bits on the model - only just noticed that while I was resizing the fots. It looks ok in the flesh, a little less sure now I've looked back over the piccys. I'm pretty happy with the roof, but the noses and sides still need work. Talk about unsure! Next stage, is to airbrush the underframe brown. On top of this the powders can go on to vary the shade, and add some grime. The lower bodysides will also get a dusting of "underframe turdy brown" as well. Ploughs have had a rough coat of yellow ready for a thick layer of brown! I dunno when the next update will be - presumably after some spraying weather! jo
  15. Looking nice Adam, very nice! They do look good in silver cheers jo
  16. Lovely Jubbly! Nice to see Bernard is developing some etches for the refurb grills too - opens up a lot more possibilities! Out of interest, how have you attached the ploughs to the buffer beams, or are they bogie mounted, like was neccessary with Farish of old
  17. 70002 at Stoke Gifford was idling while we were there today. It sounds remarkably like an MTU engine, with a bit more of a 60 style chuggy-ness. Every now and then, it got louder with a rather healthy belch of clag, presumably as some change happened in the engine, whether it was picking up more cylinders for a bit, or changing the 4 that it was idling on. Suffice to say, it was next to a pair of 66s, both yinging away to themselves. The external noise level at idle of the 70 is similar I reckon to the sheds, but it doesn't travel anywhere near as far, or as easily, due to the different noise. cheers jo
  18. Apparently it's to be named on Thursday, though I've not heard anything about what it'll be... cheers jo
  19. Been playing while watching tv tonight. Managed to do kill two birds with one stone with the green and headcode panels. It's amazing how even adding the old Freightliner logo to the new livery makes it look better! Off now for an early night before an early start for Warley tomorrow cheers jo
  20. Nice idea about trying a split headcode Mike - will have to give it a try. as you say, the body between the cabs is very much a scaled down US body design, just substitute the multitude of US warning labels with British HSE ones Yeah I think the DB livery looks quite good Simon, though I doubt they'll get any, more likely looking to a European manufacturer if they do need more stock. Off to play some more with Photoshop later cheers jo
  21. Caught 70002 at Stoke Gifford today. It's definitely growing on me. It's amazing how much better it looks in a nicer livery - I like both of these that I've done. I do like the 58 livery, with a bit of extra black round the front makes the black light clusters look a lot less alien. cheers jo
  22. Looking good Steve - a couple of questions though if I may. What is this SLS/SLA material - who is doing it? Presumably it gives a better finish than the standard Shapeways materials. Also, how does the cost compare with the other materials? I'd be interested in investigating these jo
  23. That's the one I don't know how much tractorage will occur tomorrow as I'm planning to go fotting, but if nowt else hopefully underframe and plough painting will progress. I did read about Pixie lowering his 37, though looking at the model there doesn't appear to be an easy way to it, unlike with the 47. I may try moving the sideframes up a little to compromise. I've also got a DRS 37 to do, so an easy method of lowering would be interesting... Re the weathering, I don't know where to go next really, because one minute I think it looks ok so far, the next it just shouts out "crude, crude, crude", especially the tide mark on the nose. Will have a look in the morning
  24. Not a lot to show at this moment in time unfortunately. What there is to show I'm not happy with, having spent the morning attacking the body with various colours of Games Workshop acrylic. The fading on the roof looks ok, but the fading and dirt on the sides and nose I'm really not happy with. It looks grotty, but not in the right way. Will get on with spraying up the bogies, underframe and ploughs in the mean time though. Where's the headbanging smilie off the old forum when you need it? Edit time: I've just finished editing the photos for uploading. I've got to say, since I took the photos, and have looked at them on the laptop, I'm a lot happier with the loco so far, perhaps correction needn't be as drastic as I thought. One thing I'm really not happy with is the tide mark on the front by the headlight, which has come from the wash applied here, but is something I can work back and tidy up. Here is the fuel tank assembly, with adding piping, primed ready for a coat of matt black to give a nice base for the weathering Likewise the bogies. This shot makes the 0.3mm wire on the speedo drive look so chunky! Though it is nice that is doesn't look like some wire and plastic glued on the side now that there is a unified finish between it and the bogie frame. The bodyshell weathering, which so far I'm so-so with, as I mentioned above. The roof fading I like, and is ready for a good coating of clag. This is the look I'm aiming for http://chrisfinch.fo.../p55064987.html I think I'll get there eventually Oh, and I also primed this today, it's been waiting primer for ages, and will eventually be sky blue jo
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