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John M Upton

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John M Upton last won the day on March 24 2012

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  • Location
    Driving along the Coastway West in a 377 now they have taken my 313's away...
  • Interests
    Model Railways, writing novels and eating all those things the Food Standard Agency keeps trying (and failing) to warn me about....

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  1. BT OpenReach's so called Super Fast Broadband network is having a nostalgia night tonight, how else do you explain the 14k dialup like performance?

    1. bgman


      I find putting another Shilling in the meter helped me !

    2. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      It always gets me how "broadband" adverts always seem to offer some Utopian vision - usually involving a large number of people at the same time, all getting unrealistic amounts of data delivered impossibly quickly, with no buffering.


      To me, these adverts all come across as somewhat Grimm - and the reality somewhat dystopian.


      It's about time the network operators were required to quote only the MINIMUM speeds available - and be held to them.

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