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Posts posted by darren01

  1. HI All

    I have just got my class 22 today and what an amazing model it is, one thing i would like to ask is when running only one light comes on ,one red at the back and one white at the front ,is this right?.

    Also i have noticed that the cab light's up when running ,is their a way of turning this off as it looks a bit funny with the cab light on when running.

    Well done Dapol for bring this model to use and such a fine model as well!.

    All the best


  2. HI Ray


    The trees have really brought the layout to life!, this layout looks better every time i look on here.

    You have done an amazing job on it and well deserves being taken to a few shows and seen .

    Keep up the good work mate .

    All the very best


  3. Hi Ray

    The layout looks amazing in the flesh ,just love the way you have put it together and how it draws you in to the scene .

    And yes i did have fun driving your sound 08 today, got a soft spot for gronks and even better with sound!.

    Thanks for letting me have a drive today, so when will be your first show? ,as this layout deserves to been seen by other modelers!.

    Cracking layout Ray ,top bit of work!.

    All the best



    PS .I am slowly being drawn to the dark side (DCC) ....I must resist .......

  4. Hi Ray

    Smashing bit of work, the layout has really come on in leaps and bounds.

    As you say a few trees and it will be spot on, so when can I come over for a play?

    The track work looks amazing and so much better than Peco track any day.

    Keep up the good work and keep the photo coming!

    All the very best


  5. May I quote what was said in post 1178?


    When I recently spoke with Simon Kohler about the traction tire issue (in general, not specifically regarding the 4-VEP), he informed me (if I understood him correctly) that adding traction tires isn't something Hornby likes doing as it is a cost (and presumably time and resource expense), but it's the compromise alternative to providing a heavy metal chassis that would add significantly to the RRP


    What a load of old cod ,how come Bachmann can do it with their loco’s and still sell them a lot cheaper than Hornby , for a model costing over 160.00 pounds they should have put more weight in to the frames , sorry but IMHO they seem to have tried to slip this model out on the cheap

    Look at the 3MT the whole chasse block is metal!

    Paying that sort of money and finding the model is not fit, I would send it back!

    • Like 1
  6. WOW!

    That is looking very good indeed , now you have added more bushes and shrubs to it has really brought it out now.

    I know it would be a very good looking layout and it just keeps getting better, keep up the good work.

    All the best


    PS , no more creeping out to the shed....LOL

  7. HI Ray

    Just had a look and i must say "Top bit of work" so when is your first show ?.

    Glad you have had fun with the grass master ,good bit of kit and well worth the money.

    This is going to be one cracking layout!, keep up the good work.

    All the best



    Ps i am up before the birds alarm clock have even gone off!!

  8. HI All

    Totally agree with you on this one, I too do not like the way Hornby are going with their customer base, but it has been on the cards for some time now.

    Starting with the outrageous price rise earlier this year and then making the 4 Vep, which in my opinion should have been aimed at the RR, and not sold £160.00 price range.

    I remember specking to Mr Kohler some time ago, when I was working on the first James may toy story; this was just after the T9 had come out.

    I asked him very politely about the poor haulage of the loco and that a number of web sites had a lot being said about this problem.

    The answer I got back was very dismissive and that their was nothing wrong with the T9’s, then a few month later Hornby where tacking them back to be sorted out.

    I agree with what Andy y has said about Hornby not wanting to engage with their costumers’, look at Dapol and they way Dave has communicated with use on here about up and coming models, Dapol even asked for help with the class 22 so they would get them spot on.

    At the end of the day we are the customers and if Hornby carry on this way I fear they may alienate their core market, us!

    I got my first train Hornby train set when I was seven and now at 45 years old , I feel a little bit put off buying any more Hornby stuff .

    Sorry this is a bit OT, but I felt I had to replay to some of the things that have been coming up on here.


    • Like 5
  9. HI

    Looking very good, here is a little tip that was passed on to me, using Slater brick sheets.

    As the sheets are made the brick work is blown out in the moulding machine, giving the brick a round look to them on the surface.

    If you use some 600 wet and dry over the top of the sheet this removes the roundness of the brick, also helps with painting the sheets afterwards as it helps the paint to key.

    Do this lightly all over the sheet before you start cutting them up.

    Hope this helps

    All the best


  10. HI Ray

    Looking very good ,But as Mudmagnet has said it needs a color to lift it, use the winter grass lightly on the top of it and have some thicker patches as well.

    I did this on my lay out over the top of the grass i put down ,and it helped to tone down the green, but looking very good .

    You mastered the grass master by the looks of it!.

    All the best


  11. HI Ray

    Well you have been busy with the grass master ! Looking grand ,just need to add a little bit of Autaum grass on top now.

    Going to be a very good model ,keep up the good work !.

    Allthe very best


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