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Posts posted by darren01

  1. HI DLT

    You have been hiding this one away to long, just love it; I do like the feel of openness to it

    It is a lot different to brideport town, but still has a grate charm to it, I just love the way you tone all the buildings in with the surroundings and the detail is spot on, I do like run rounds in stations like this , just like the L+B layout .

    Well done on a grate piece of modeling! , Can not wait to see this one in the flesh and have a play.

    All the best


  2. Someone must be telling porkies on that one, or is it the original pig in a poke?

    Suppose it looks good after a few funny fags.....



    Was this sold like that or is it a joke?

  3. HI All

    I live in a Hamlet (5 House) in the middle of nowhere and have done for the last few years.


    I just don’t understand how they can put it up by 33% since last years; it is hell of a jump!


    I did also ask why they had changed the company again this year.

    He told me they looked at 12 different ones to get the cheapest one.


    I have checked on line and they seem to have gone up by the same all over, funny how they have all gone up at the same time.


    So it looks like everyone will get a rise this year when they renew their insurance.


    I have to pay it as I use the bike a lot and I would never dream of ridding a motor bike with out it, but it has made me a little angry, that I have to pay for other people who make fraudulent claims, and a credit crunch.

    Just feel like we are getting ripped off!

    Rant over.


  4. HI all

    Today I renewed my bike insurance and was shocked , I have never made a claim in all the time I have had the bike , but today when I went to pay I found out that it has gone up by 33% .

    I asked why? And was told due to the credit crunch and fraudulent claims! , My insurance is with one of the cheapest going, but going up by 33% since last year is a joke!

    Just seems that you get screwed for everything in the UK!


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  5. HI

    What ever bike you get make sure you get some good bike clothing ,seen to many lads on their scooters just wearing a T shirt and jeans sad.gif.

    Not fun when you come off and have to have half of the road removed from your bodybad.gif

    Good luck

  6. HI Ray

    The track work is looking very good and the ply sleepers look amazing , how you getting on with the single slip?.

    This is going to be a good layout to shunt around on, keep up the good work ,and keep the photo coming !.

    All the best


  7. HI Ray ( Granddad)

    That a fine pair of legs you have their !.

    I like the way the legs are able to go in on them selves , very neat !.

    Once you have the tops on your be well away with track laying ,keep up the good work .

    All the best

    Darren ( Grandson)

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  8. HI

    Saw your layout in Model Rail a while back and even through it is no where finished it still looked amazing , i just love the way you have the lines running in and out .

    I too have moved over to making my own track and have found it to be very enjoyable to do, the double slip did give a hard time .

    Keep up the good work !.


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