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Stephen Freeman

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Everything posted by Stephen Freeman

  1. Hi, I tried the stop arm transfer next. I will try them on other arms in due course and adjust accordingly. As said need to be slightly altered for GWR ones
  2. With regard to the Ffestiniog signal, it is now operational (without the servos) and ready to be painted. Photos in the coming week I think.
  3. A bit fuzzy but looks better in real life, always a problem with close-ups, twice life size in this case. As luck would have it I had done the design previously in another program but couldn't find it, whilst doing this I found it again though! Actually prefer the new version myself.
  4. I have just been experimenting with DIY Transfers for signal arms. Previous attempts have left me disappointed, however I have tried again, this time with better decal paper (MDP) and the results seem encouraging, I have used an Epson Inkjet printer. I found that that the ink will run, however a protective spray of suitable lacquer does the trick. Stop signals were never a problem but distant ones were very tricky. This should simplify them. I will post a photo soon. I willl need to slightly adjust the design for the GWR ones as I didn't quite get the size right, easily resolved. Photo soon
  5. Bending fibre optic cable can be done with limitations. A much sharper bend can be had with the application of heat in the form of an adjacent (but not touching) hot soldering iron, the greater the sacrificial length the sharper the bend, gravity is your friend here. However in this case I don't think a sharper bend would be sharp enough. Have you thought about a very small LED (0402 size) in the base of the lamp and fibre optic thereafter. The fine wires for the LED would be easier to bend and hide.
  6. Copydex/Latex has sound advantages if you can stand the smell. I believe that Carrs is/was crushed fruit stone too. I say was, because the Mill that supplied them burnt down some years ago, I expect they found a new supplier subsequently. Another good source of ballast can be Chinchilla dust, if it is fine enough.
  7. So it begins. 7mm scale Ffestiniog double arm signal Ladder - Model Signal Engineering - chemically blackened. Stage - Ditto Cranks -ditto Post - mine Slot - scratch built from brass scrap Arms - Modified Model Signal Engineering - they were originally meant to be somersault arms, but with a bit of modification , i.e. filling in holes, drilling new hole and re-shaping Base - Brass Sheet Servos - Towerpro 9g The arms are secured by brass tube (it could have been rod, which would have done equally well) soldered to the cranks The lower cranks are secured on a Stainless Steel pin. The lamp is from a section of square tube with a length of round tube for the lenses which are countersunk. The top vent being a piece of brass rod. Chemically blackened Now I have read that horizontal = danger, 45 degrees = caution and vertical = clear Now most servo controllers can only cope with two positions, in this case that is all that is asked for at the moment. But just for the hell of it, I will use a MERG SEMA4 unit to cope with the need for 3 positions. How you might ask? Well I believe it is sort of possible but it needs 2 channels and 2 switches for each arm. More in due course.
  8. Good Morning, A couple more signals recently completed Firstly an LNER bracket signal, working led lights, servo control with GF Dual control board Secondly a SR (LSWR) Bracket signal based on All Hallows without the elevated dummies (Ground signals). again working LED lights with GF Controls Dual control board I have also been busy building some ex LSWR lower quadrant signals and will try to photograph them before despatch. The next project is a little different to the norm being a 7mm scale model of a Ffestiniog double arm signal. I believe there is a replica (non-functional) at Tan-y- bwlch station. I have got as far as the post and arms. I have used one of my posts suitably shortened with the arms secured to the slotted part. It will be another servo operated job. More on that soon.
  9. I thought off the rails was a shape ways thing in that his designs ate available through them. They were expensive enough before brexit now just plainly ridiculous. Here is a link https://www.shapeways.com/shops/otr
  10. Not if you are quick, having a hot enough iron means you can get in and out quick before damaging it, of course heatsinks help too.
  11. Sovereign Colliery graces the latest 2mmFS Magazine, fine layout but I do have serious reservations on the signal placement. Far too close to the OHLE if you ask me, anybody climbing the ladders would be at serious risk of electrocution I think!
  12. TSC920 flux and Lead-free solder works with iron at 480c, though the other important parameter is the size of the bit, larger the better.
  13. Normal flux and solder should be good enough, the problem is using an iron that gets hot enough, you definitely need a min 50w temperature controlled one set at maximum with a decent sized bit. Cutting it is another matter, Xuron cutters? forget them! Best to use a minidrill cutting disc, preferably with the diamond discs. The other main problem is that it bends very easily, too easily in my opinion. Is it worth it? Well go and have a look at the prototype rail and see if you agree that it actually looks more like it than the others, to my mind it does and personally I have no problem using it for my own purposes but at at a premium for everybody else.
  14. yes I know it works ok on opera but my automatic account settings aren't accessible
  15. keep getting a 403 forbidden using firefox
  16. It depends, if you inteend exhibiting, remember the littl ones, 30 inches is probably a good compromise. If it's just for yourself, it is as has been said a trade-off between being able to reach the back of the layout and comfort whilst operating, I find 30 inches ideal when working at a desk but then I'm not as tall, say 3ft to 4ft max for yourself.
  17. Why?? As said just group the templates you need and mirror.
  18. Straight nickel silver wire in a wide variety of thicknesses can be had from Albion Alloy stockists, such as Chronos
  19. It depends, yes there is generally a maximum length of timbering, depending on the company concerned two or more lengths could be spliced together if necessary, I think the normal maximum is/was about 28ft. You could ask on Templot club where you might get a quicker response from MW.
  20. Not sure there is currently such a thing as Exactoscale 75BH rail. 75BH rail is available from EMGS and Scalefour in both Nickel Silver and Steel, there are of course others. Exactoscale chairs etc are available from the various societies only, you need to be a member of the relevant society.
  21. If you are using resin for the lamp don't forget to paint it silver first otherwise you will get light coming through where you don't want it.np
  22. If your friend is in the UK, EDM sell both code 55 and 70 FB Micro Engineering FB. If in the US then obviously order accordingly. If you are looking for UK main line FB Peco code 83 fits their Pandrols.
  23. Just to confuse matters still further, if the rear of the signal was not visible to the signalman then the back blinder wasn't always fitted! Probably depended on the Company policy. Indeed might not even have a had a rear light at all.
  24. I only mentioned bridge rail as the photo seems to show that in use, nothing to do with use on bridges, sorry if that confused.
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