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Everything posted by DavidB-AU

  1. Meanwhile on a tram in Melbourne...
  2. Stuck on a lateral! Parsons Green
  3. Yes they are. I could only count 16 cars so I don't know if there are 4 spare or not yet refurbished. There is also one car somewhere in Italy. Belmond took it there for evaluation in about 2010 and as far as anybody knows it's still there. Cheers David
  4. A new promotional video from Peru Tourism. The new livery looks quite good, IMHO better than the Hiram Bingham. Cheers David
  5. Mortimer's 1952 Augmented Variation 4th Amendment. Crosshatching means automatic knip for 3 turns. I'll start with Lancaster Gate.
  6. Didn't want to revive any of the 3 year old topics so thought I'd start a new one for anybody to post pics of cool LEGO models. Here's a stunner to get going, taken by my brother Greg at the Brickman exhibition in Melbourne. Posted with permission. Cheers David
  7. John Fowler 0-6-0T (b/n 11885 of 1909) at the Alexandra Timber Tramway Museum yesterday. Cheers David
  8. The Great Train Race at this year's Hunter Valley Steamfest. Cheers David
  9. That also reverses polarity on the diagonals, so the only move open I can see is Green Park.
  10. And we've had a letter from a Mrs Trellis of North Wales. She writes, "Dear Sir Steve, I'm looking forward to seeing Oxford and Cambridge rowing this weekend. I do like a good argument." In response I make a half strile to Hanger Lane.
  11. Truth is stranger than fiction. The Carthaginians built flat pack warships that could be assembled in a hurry when needed. Cheers David
  12. Richard Hammond 'injured in motorbike crash' while filming in Mozambique http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/03/20/richard-hammond-injured-motorbike-crash-filming-mozambique/
  13. The problem is I know management types who would think this is profound.
  14. White House press pool now consists of Hello magazine and the Beano http://newsthump.com/2017/02/26/white-house-press-pool-now-consists-of-hello-magazine-and-the-beano/
  15. Basically the same as the Western Australian Government Railways Pm/Pmr class. http://www.hothamvalleyrailway.com.au/pm_706.htm Cheers David
  16. Given that some terrible event happened "last night in Sweden" I would like to express my condolences and support for the Swedish people. #Jagärsverige
  17. Some people think we're joking?
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