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SNCF stephen

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Everything posted by SNCF stephen

  1. If 66 135 has no wheels then could you not consider running it as a dummy loco and double head some of your freight, or perhaps top and tail them?
  2. Thanks for the information on the Mikadotrains models. I have one of the examples that I have just put a sound module inside (see the post in the forum). They are fantastic models but not cheap. I also have a number of other kits/kit bashes/scratchbuilds on the go at the moment which is interesting. The festival at Mountlucon takes place every year with the x2800's making a return trip from Limoges with their trailer. A number of other excursions make the trip to the town but I did not realise there was a preserved roundhouse there. I might try and persuade the wife that it would make a fun day out on our annual French trip next year.
  3. got my DCC sound chip working but the train wont move!

    1. SNCF stephen

      SNCF stephen

      It now moves! Hurrah!


  4. The progress you have made is spectacular. How much time did this take? I know you have been working on it every day but was it an hour or two here and there or were you going like the clappers?
  5. I am a relative newcomer to the SNCF scene and as such I missed the last days of the X2800s. However, there are a pair stabled at Limoges that I see quite regularly as that is my usual spotting haunt. I didn't have time to get to your spot but next year when I go to the Limousin I will take the train to Brive and have a bit of time there too. My layout is of Eymoutiers which is a small station on the LImoges to Ussel line. I model in N gauge so I have had to be quite innovative in the ways I make rolling stock and buildings but it is a fascinating way to build up knowledge about the area and the railways. Stephen
  6. I did enjoy the brief time I spent spotting at Brive last year. The loco hauled services are fantastic, especially the fact that they are not using a DVT so there is a run around operation.
  7. By the end of today another UFO will be removed from my list!

    1. 69843


      Unidentified French Object?

    2. SNCF stephen

      SNCF stephen

      You are right, another one of the Picasso's!

  8. I always enjoyed playing MSTS when it was first out. I was saddened when they cancelled the sequel. It is interesting to see how your scenarios have developed. Mine were always a mix of whatever stock I liked. Have you ever thought about route construction?
  9. This thread really is inspiring, in fact I would say it is dangerously inspiring. I am sure that there are a lot of people out there who might see a project as being viable after seeing this thread whether they are new to the hobby or veterens. Are you allowing yourself any leeway with the £100 budget or is it that figure or nothing? I only ask because if it went a couple of £s over then I am sure that you would have achieved your overall goal of making an affordable model railway. Good luck with this project and I look forward to seeing more. Stephen
  10. I have a week off work which means a weeks worth of modelling. Plus with some stuff going off eBay I might be able to afford a sound chip for one of my fleet!

  11. I don't know if this is an option but if you wanted to run more with less space then you could consider changing scales. It is a big decision but with the space you have you could do a lot in N Gauge as Reemgee says. You could have a double track mainline with plenty of sidings and other features with the ability to run many many trains. The downside is that N Gauge is not as DCC friendly in that the space required for the larger and mort functional chips is not as easy to find in tiny N Gauge locos (but saying that I have seen chips in even the smallest of locos). I have to say that I am an N Gauger myself and would not be able to model a decent layout with the space I have if I were using OO so it is definitely the space saver. With the innovations that are coming through from the main manufacturers there are incredible levels of detail that were unthinkable 15 years ago. Whatever you end up doing good luck and keep us posted.
  12. You could do some sheets of your patented mud/grime on some card and just fix groups of 5 or 6 extra passengers in key locations. With the right foliage/debris concealing the edges they would hardly be that conspicuous.
  13. That is a nice review Tom. I too am going through a period where little is going on but it is nice to see your fleet expanding nicely. I think the benefit of modelling preservation is that there is an excuse to run almost anything you want because of the fact that locos do visit. One thing I am interested to know is do you plan to run schedules i.e. gala days, normal operating days. Or do you plan to operate what you feel like when you feel like it? Keep up the good work.
  14. I am just curious to know if there are any other RMwebbers who went to see Refused in the last 3 days?

  15. This is the first time I have visited RMweb on my new computer. It is now running much better but I am wondering how much of that is the new server?

    1. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      Hopefully quite a lot! No disrespect to the new computer though.

  16. That wiring is superb. I wish mine looked more like that and less like spaghetti! I will be interested to see what type of lighting you decide to go for. One thing I have always found with layouts is that by having a large lighting rig over the entire length of the layout you loose the natural shadows that would occur at certain times of the day. I suppose that is one of the compromises that has to be made when trying to light something in miniature.
  17. Just got a late delivery from France. Lots of stuff in a package! This is what modelling is all about!

  18. £110 for a sound decoder. Is that worth it? It is hard to find and I am wondering how available it is. Difficult decisions!

    1. neal


      Try an mrc 1617 from the engine shed for <£50. Good fun to start with, and passable for med/heavy uk steam.

    2. SNCF stephen

      SNCF stephen

      Thanks for that. I model French N so I am after a specific size/type. I might investigate generic types for the steam locos though!

    3. gridwatcher


      ....you tend to pay for what you get in sound chips. MRC have been iffy in past depending on what DCC system you use.


  19. I have finally been able to purchase two chips and installed them into my 66000's (with a bit of internal reconfiguration!). They seem to work fine so I will be gradually converting my fleet to DCC as funds permit. If I am lucky then I hope to have one or two sound units installed by this time next month.
  20. Your wallet wont thank me for this: It is a very good price!
  21. I was overjoyed a few weeks ago when I managed to get my first kitbuilt chassis to work on my layout. It was a tad noisy and was secured together by tape before I properly put it into position but it was a big step forward. Here is a picture of the chassis. That was until it tried to negotiate the tight corner on my layout that is like that to allow a turnout to be positioned on the module. At this point it promptly derailed and refused to go any further. I looked at the structure of the chassis and the space inside the railcar and I realised that it would not be possible to produce a solution using this chassis. Therefore, I found my spare Tomix TM 08 chassis and started working on plans to lengthen it. The bogies are shorter and will negotiate tighter bends but it was far too short. Therefore a piece of plasticard was fashioned as the pivot for the bogie and then glued into place. The pickups were resoldered and the cardon shaft was lengthened using styrene tube. I was quite pleased with the results and it runs quite well. It needs some more weight on the plasticard end but aside from that it runs fine. By doing this it should also be easier to get it chipped for DCC. In other news I have received a package of 2 new X2800 railcars in kit form. The first of these is a resin mould which I believe is the last ever to be produced from the old Vapeur 70 range. The other is one of the new AIM Trains N' Co kits which is brass and resin. I need to get the instructions translated before I have a go at making it up as there are a few minor issues I need clarifying. Still, the kit looks great and the picture does not do it justice. Thanks for reading. If you have any questions or comments then please feel free. Stephen
  22. An ebay retailer is refusing to refund me the return postage for an item he sent me which was WRONG! Grrrr

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. steve fay

      steve fay

      threaten you will leave bad feedback and report to ebay

    3. Chris116


      If he won't refund the postage then don't send the item back. You did not order it so it is his problem. Tell him it is ready for collection!


    4. SNCF stephen

      SNCF stephen

      Thanks for the help. I have already had the replacement item and it was a Buy It Now item which stated (in French) that if it was not as described he would pay for the return postage. I have opened a dispute but I am not too hopeful! Thanks again

  23. Definitely adhere to this advice. It took me 6 months to get my money back from an order that I placed.
  24. I am guessing this is for HO gauge. If not and you are interested in N then www.trains160.com is superb.
  25. my first kit built chassis works! That is a surprise!

    1. AndyB


      Well done.

    2. SNCF stephen

      SNCF stephen

      Thanks, except I have just discovered that it wont go around corners. Modification is needed!

    3. scots region

      scots region

      Ah always a problem

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