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SNCF stephen

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Everything posted by SNCF stephen

  1. That fencing is really looking the part now. Good progress. I really like the grass on the tramway reservation, have you secured it specially to prevent it getting into the tram mechanisms?
  2. I wish I could Tom, my hands are not precise enough. I cannot cut decent straight lines to save my life (on pretty much any project). I usually try and find ways around it.
  3. So someone I know said something about a 70 metre vegetation free zone on the proposed HS2 link. I did not believe it and cannot find reference to it anywhere. I have found reference to a 25metre vegetation free zone on HS1 but it does not look at all bad. Can anyone clarify this for me? And thank goodness this has been approved. I was surprised there was no fast lines going through the Birmingham Interchange station as they have at Lille Europe.
  4. the graphics card on my PC has given up the ghost. Everything is now stretched out of perspective. I am looking forward to being able to afford a Macbook Pro!

    1. beast66606


      Macbooks fail too ...

    2. Tim Hale

      Tim Hale

      Yes they do, buy a new graphics card.

    3. Trebor


      sound more like the screen to me, you still have a picture, graphics card is working, try a different screen if you can, first


  5. That is some really good scratchbuilding there. I wish my skills could match yours.
  6. Well said, plus the amount of disruption it would cause would mean that anyone near the line would effectively be without a decent rail service for some time (anyone remember the Trent Valley improvements?).
  7. This layout just blows my mind. I am always impressed whenever I check this thread. The attention to detail is awesome. I am very envious about your Plasticard skills. I look forward to seeing how this progresses in the new year.
  8. Your method of applying the grass is really good. I also have one of the fly swat applicators and, although I am sure the more expensive models are better, it is not half bad! I wanted to paint our bedroom in Railmatch Sleeper Grime but my wife wouldn't let me!
  9. happy new year to everyone, I know it is early but I suffer from premature congratulation!

    1. Horsetan


      Don't hold back, then!

  10. 2012 will be the year of Airbrushing!

  11. Well due to a heck of a lot of reasons I have not updated the blog in a while. However I have made progress on the 3D printing venture. I have 4 examples of the Draisine to build now and the original example has been shot with a coat a primer. This highlighted the exquisite detail. I also put some glazing behind the empty window frames. At this point I would have uploaded a few images of the progress but you will just have to take my word for it until the server comes back online properly. Basically the first model had a slight issue with a small section of the body making it sit slightly too high on the chassis. Some changes were made and it now sits perfectly. The rear bonnet was also added to the Sprue of detail parts making it possible to model up to 3 different varients from this single base model. The next step is to actually finish painting the first example and make up two others as examples of what they are like. I am hoping to sell a few to recoup some of the development costs. As you may have noticed Christmas has been and gone and I now have a large amount of UFO's including some brand new ones. I shall detail these once we get the images back online as the list is extensive. BTW I hope everyone had a good Christmas! This will certainly be the last blog post but might also be the last forum post from 2011. So have a Happy New Year and may it be filled with joy and nice models!
  12. I have far too many modelling projects to keep me busy over the Christmas break!

  13. dismantling the baseboards for Neuvic Entier. Even with the ability to recycle a lot of the materials I will still need to go to the tip, TWICE!

  14. Nice work Les, I really like the layout of the town with the dual layers.
  15. commuted to work for the first time (properly) by train today! Loved it! So much less stress to deal with than driving!

    1. Will J

      Will J

      Brilliant.. from somebody green with envy, living next to a long closed station!

    2. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      Just to be contrary I found out this morning that a journey on the Circle Line that you could once guarantee would take less than 15 minutes now takes over 30 minutes. Semms progress in London has a different meaning from elsewhere.

    3. SNCF stephen

      SNCF stephen

      well I had to drive to the station, because believe it or not the cost of commuting from my local station is FAR FAR more expensive than parking and riding!

  16. Thanks for that, I thought you might like just a few tips for you with the material. Use superglue to strengthen any fragile areas of the structure. It is very brittle and will crack easily. Always use primer to ready the surface for paint. Also in relation to making carriages you can create small inserts around the edge of windows which makes them very easy to drill and then push through! Good luck with the locomotive.
  17. Wow, I cannot believe I have been missing out on this topic. I really like the subject matter and the tramway. Keep up the good work!
  18. is very honoured to have taken the picture that appears on the front cover of this quarters SNCF Society journal!

  19. Wow, that looks great. I have just got the final draft versions back from the printers for the Draisine. I will post the results in due course! Did you have any knowledge of Sketchup beforehand? How hard did you find it to get your head around it?
  20. just got back from Brussels. Saw some really interesting trains and trams! Also drank a fair amount of very good beer!

  21. Because your layout is still in development then you have the ability to also move with the times. When your layout eventually gets 'finished' you will need to consider whether you would want it to be representative of the prototype at that time or of a time a few months ago? Also, do you like the idea of having a footbridge in this location? Do you think it would add to the layouts interest? Stephen
  22. Those cobalt motors are a dream. I have a spare one going if you are interested. I just need to remove it from my layout. That muck looks spectacular!
  23. got back from Warley about an hour ago! I think I was the first to leave!

    1. Tom Garnet

      Tom Garnet

      I went yesterday. Show much better than last year's

  24. played percussion (badly) on stage last night with my favourite band in front of 500+ people!

  25. Thanks for the comments guys. The 3D printing doesn't cost a lot itself (especially for N gauge), however the design work can cost a fair amount. However it depends how much detail you want. If you were happy for a basic shell that you could detail then that is very doable!
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