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Status Replies posted by Penlan

  1. viewed from the tower block, platform 3 at Plymouth was just packed out with passengers waiting in the sunshire for the 1239 Plymouth to Penzance train!

    1. Penlan


      Not more visitors, struth, well at least they won't be in cars, the Easter break normally gives an indication of what the rest of the summer will be like down in West Cornwall in terms of cars, camper vans etc., and their LACK of understanding how the narrow lanes courtesy road management systems work, let alone parking across or even on one's drive... 2011 looks as if it's going to be the worst yet based on the last two days.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Back from a great weekend away for a birthday treat. A trip on the Bluebell and a visit to a well-stocked guitar shop - couldn't ask for more.

    1. Penlan


      Guitar - are we talking (or should that be plucking!) acoustic or electric ?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. has just Dyno-rodded his rmweb email inbox. 4500+ incoming from 3 weeks :-/ Anyone need any Viagra; I've got loads.

    1. Penlan


      that's 1,500 a week! The most spam I've had was 10,500 in a week just after my eldest lad opened a Myspace account for me - fortunatly at the time I had already put a spam block on the suppliers server - now down to around 3,000 a week for the last year.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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