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Posts posted by Brush47337

  1. Must have been a bad week

    The guy who wrote the Hokey Kokey also died this week.

    They dropped the coffin at the church and when they tried to put him back in well.....


    ..........They put his left leg in .... ...then his right arm........then frankly it just got a bit silly after that.biggrin.gif

    • Funny 1
  2. Wee Jimmy was staying at his Grans.


    After a couple of days he said to her......


    ................."Gran........have you seen my wee bag of tiny pills with L.S.D written on them.......?"


    Gran shouts back.....


    .......................... "sod the pills.......... have you not seen the dragons in the kitchen.........?"


  3. 4 quick jokes from the last couple of days on Radio Scotland.


    1. Tribute to the Late grat Bob Monkhouse time.


    When asked on the Parky show if he was afraid of dying he replied


    .........." no I am not afraid of dying......it's the day after I don't fancy......... you are sooooo stiff all over..."


    2. When Parky asked Morcome and Wise what they would have been, had they not become comedians..... Eric answered....


    .........."Mike and Bernie Winters"......ouch.


    3. More of a scottish one this but it might work if you say it out loud.


    ...... Did you hear about the poor motorcyclist who had a bad crash in which both his testicles were cut off?

    He managed to glue them back on with a tube of Bostic.


    4. What's the difference between Iron Man and Iron Woman.....?


    One is a super hero............ the other is an instruction.



    There you go Four for the price of 1 from me.



    • Like 2
  4. Mr Beejak Thanks for pointing Mr Dazza 50 015 in the right direction with videos.

    There was an excellent link on old RMweb on how to post you tube clips - and get a frame to appear in your thread to show people it is there. All I can manage is a blue url thread (and my 16 year old IT boy had to show me that!).


    Must go and see if I can find that old link - hope you liked the Videos.


    I am having a wee think these days about adding a helix to my layout (to a lower level - or a higher level). I am fortunate enough in having "play value" in that trains run twice round room - and I managed to build cameo areas so that they run high, low, tunnel, bridge, station and countryside. But I still find it a bit repetative. Thinking of having a loop to a much larger fiddle yard.


    I would love trains to run round once or twice then go off scene while another tuns up. My fiddle yard is too small for this - so................ grey matter is smoking - and funds permitting I may have the saw out and have to make a call to the tiny track laying gang for a winter project.


    Thanks for the interest


    • Like 1
  5. Thanks Mason - I have added some extra weeds to the scrap yard and it must be a weekday now as a squad of tiny welders have turned up for a shift.







    Bit of a special day on shed - wonder when the last time NORTH STAR and CITY OF TRURO were together on shed









    Couple of shots experimenting with depth of field on the camera - guys at the platform end look to be quite happy - must be something good coming up the hill soon.









    Thanks for the opinions about Howes sound Mr Temeraire - when funds allow I will check that out.



    • Like 4
  6. Don't think I got this one from this site.

    Aoplogies in advance if it is already here - the wee fairies in my head are not as sharp as they used to be and sometimes they lie to me now.


    A high School janitor is fed up cleaning lipstick off the bathroom mirror. The little 15 year old Princesses had a habbit of applying lipstick and kissing the mirror leaving big smoochers for him to clean off. Sometimes 15 a day. No matter how many notices he put up - they just ignored him so he asked the head teacher for help.


    The Head teacher asked all the girls to come into the toilet to see how difficult it was for the Janitor to clean. You can imagine the faces the princesses pulled listening to the poor Janitor. So the Head teacher asked him to show them how hard it was. He dipped his mop into one of the WC's and washed the mirror clean...........!


    The mirror kissing stopped over night.


    Some are teachers .....others are educators.

    • Like 5
  7. Oggy 1953

    Thanks - At the moment I have 4 sound locos

    a 47 with SWD sound

    a 20 with standard Bachmann sound

    a 37 with SWD sound

    a 27 with SWD sound


    I am now truly skint - the recsession has just about killed architecture in the UK.

    It will be a wee while before I can afford anything let alone £100+ sound chips. Having said that the only sound one I may ask Santa for would be a Deltic.


    I like all my SWD but am fed up emailing without getting a reply. None of my sound chips do "notching" and I find the sound a bit random - the 27 and 20 can get stuck regardless of throttle speed. Unless you thrash...cut back and thrash again.... I find it fun and very realistic - but not matched to train speed. Maybe SWD don't do notching but a reply would be good.


    Might explore Howes sounds when I am down in Oxford next month - just window shopping obviously.


    Thanks for asking



  8. Thanks guys


    Lewis - The number panels are plastic bits from sprue ends of the Knightwing fences. Painted with Phoenix Faded BR Blue and some old number decals. I will do some more just using mounting board (easier to cut) - once painted they should look OK.


    Jeff - The weathering is by brush using Phoenix Faded BR blue + Faded Yellow + track rust - tried to get a streaky washed out effect - looks OK from a distance and as a 1st pass - but I have a lot to learn with weathering - scrap yard is a good place to hone techniques. Loving your TMD layout pictures Jeff - had to miss DEMU this year and last - but looks like yours was well received.


    Thanks for the interest and the questions



  9. Thanks Chard - I will probably do likewise and let my scarp yard evolve over years and fill up. Not my style to finish things - would rather keep adding - slowly.


    Nearly 2 months since last update - work getting in the way of fun (again) - still - at least my firm is still managing to survive (just)


    Managed some more fence, some weeds and first ever weathering to poor old 45 127.



    HELP ME ........ I appear to be on the wrong side of this fence - I think that might be bad.







    Boss......... We have found a hole in the fence - bet 40 106 has escaped again.




    • Like 3
  10. Thanks for the kind words (again) 7APT7


    Decided to have a wee break from Ballast and cleaning.


    I have made a start on my Depot Scrap Yard.


    Fence + Gates to rail access siding + spray black to Ballast - will have to get a fair bit more dirt and ankle deep muck - but for now just building slowly and trying things for fit. More fencing in the paint shop.


    First visitors placed for effect........... 45 127 off it's bogies and a start made on weathering. Like everything on this layout - this is my first attempt at painting and when this dries _ I will add more layers and streaks of black + oil and a faded red buffer beam. An old Hornby Dublo Steamer lies on the back road. It is 7032 Denbigh Castle - no idea about this loco - friend gave it to me - and it will be respected and left in piece at the back - maybe some day it will be saved.


    I will also build some "sleeper towers" to sit the 45 on rather than have it lying on the ground (Give it a little dignity for it's last hours)


    In time I want to build the scrap area up to have..........

    sad.gif Cabs of locos cut and lined up.

    sad.gif A Class 27 showing signs of spontaneous combustion - prior to withdrawal.

    sad.gif Ankle deep scrap and salvage.

    sad.gif Piles of Number panels cut off locos. This may end up as a cheap way to have some of my favorite locos on site without having to buy them all (Am I Scottish ... or what....!)


    For some reason I love scrap photos and sites like WNXX will have to be studied a bit more.


    Any ideas / suggestions welcomed - no need to rush - as you know I am not the fastest on RMweb.








    • Like 1
  11. Warning ..... Scottish football Joke coming up.


    no ....."Scottish" and "football" was not it......close though. :rolleyes:


    Paisley team (St Mirren FC) has a sexy new stadium in Ferguslie Park - a very rough area in Paisley.

    The new stadium is nice - all silvery metal and covered stands etc.


    The Locals have already proudly Christened it........... Here comes the joke......


    "The Methodome"


    West of Scotland self deprecation at it's finest...... class.



  12. Thank's CHARD - beat me to it.

    Lewis if you have a look at post 46 on page 2 of this Topic - you will see a Photo I took (back in the day) at Glasgow Eastfield. Red Ballast 47 155 + oil + muck. Yummy.


    To me red will always anchor a layout to Scotland - see also the excellent Waverley West albeit a more subdued "Browny Red" - which is much more fitting for Genteeeeele Embra.



  13. Thanks for the interest Lewis.


    The Ballast is all Woodlands Scenics "Fine" which IIRC is intended for "n" gauge. I think the "oo" stuff is a bit coarse but that is just my view.


    The Red stuff is called "Iron Ore" and the grey stuff is called "Gray Blend" which has a nice speckly effect with some black ones through the Grey.


    Hope that helps - Nice name by the way - my 16 year old is also called Lewis - Have you ever been to "your" Island?



  14. Thanks all for various kind words of encouragement - helps a lot.


    No Andy - couldn't find any manky blue DMU's (yet)


    Another month (and a bit) and another update showing more very low progress.

    Just as well this is a hobby and not a job.


    So in the past month I have

    :) Done the ballast and oily staining through the station.

    :) Created a wee farm scene down near the tunnel.

    :) Er...... That's about it... :(


    But I have been cleaning (got my Trix wheel brush thingy from Gaugemaster (at last)) and placing some figures around depot and platforms.


    Bought a great wee railway man holding an "I Luv U" up to passing trains. Had to have that.


    First 2 pictures show the strip down of station area all built to be removable - even though the boards are permanent.














    Hope someone likes these new bits



    • Like 2
  15. Thought I had done this one already (a fav of mine)

    Apologies if I did - on the last forum - please laugh anyway and give me a sympathy "thank you click"


    Teacher is telling class that humans are the only animals that can have a stutter.


    Wee Mary sticks up her hand and says "not true miss..... I once had a tiny little kitty that had a stutter."


    Teacher decides to humour her and asks her to tell her story.


    "Well miss" says Mary...... "my tiny little kitty was in my back garden and next doors huge Doberman was running round in circles tied to a pole and barking like mad. After about 10 minutes the daft dog managed to snap the rope and he jumped..... over the fence...... and landed on the grass in front of my little Kitty.


    Kitty faced the dog.....arched his back .....and spat.....SSSSSS...SSSSSSS.....SSSSSSSS. ........but before he could say Sh*t the dog ate him!


    Boom Boom



    • Like 6
  16. 4 more blurry print scans from me.


    These have been added in my Gallery selection - hope this is not "frowned upon" duplication - but they also seam to fit well into this 1980's Scottish thread.


    24 006 (The Eastfield re railing pet) has it's last taste of sunshine Glasgow Works April 1980





    A crispy 27. This time 27 202 Nothing strange about that in the 80's and this is where they wound up - dumped at the back of Glasgow St Rollox works in April 1980




    Sunday afternoons inside Eastfield shed. 47 053 loses it's dignity in 1981 for bogie work while 37 125 and 081 try not to blush.







    27 032 waits to depart Bishopbriggs - probably for Dundee in May 1981. This would have been my train home from Glasgow that day to my home town of Bishopbriggs - First stop out of Queen Street






    Hope people like these - at least it brings the Thread back to page 1



    • Like 5
  17. Cracking layout Mr Deltic Man..... Wow :blink: :blink: :blink:

    Can I ask


    :rolleyes: What the dimensions are for that tasty Spiral....?


    :rolleyes: What the cost might have been - maybe not the 4 circuits you have - do you know what 2 circuits might cost?




    :rolleyes: Why no Deltics Mr Deltic Man?


    Is this why the last one never got far ...... did nosey people keep asking questions?


    Hope you can keep this up - looks great fun

    Thanks for sharing


  18. Taybridge - welcome to the dark side of RMweb......... "Layout Topics"

    I am sure (as I have said to you few times) your layout will go down a treat here and become a permanent feature of Page 1.


    I have been posting some 1980's Queen Street photos in my gallery page - it is uncanny how well you have captured the real thing but managed to blend in your own fiction.


    Looking forward to more



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