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Posts posted by eldavo

  1. Morning All, Pretty serious frost out there today. Good day playing trains down in Bristol yesterday and I even managed to return home with my wallet unscathed. Quite an achievment given the vast array of droolworthy and expensive toys on display!


    I believe wasp nests should be fine this time of year as the residents all die in the autumn. The queen legs it off somewhere to hide out till spring then starts the whole colony off again. Feel free free to correct me if the residents of your nest are still in!


    Had squirrels in our loft one year and they did quite a bit of damage to cables and stuff. The noise of the young ones playing was incredible. Unfortunately they didn't nicely signpost their entry point so it took me some while to find it. I did manage to bag one with an air rifle though!




  2. Morning All, Bright with a sharp chill in the air. As PhilH has decided not to go down to the Southampton show it seems like too good an opportunity to miss, I'll have to find an hour or two. Need some bufferstops is my excuse. Have a good one all.




  3. Morning All, Murphy's law is still alive and kicking. Walked the dog in the rain, arrive home, step indoors and the rain stops! Hmm.


    Somewhere is definitely close to Southampton but is a long way from Anywhere.


    Quiz night tonight (ho hum), a small list to deal with tomorrow (hmm) but playing trains in Bristol on Sunday. :)




  4. Morning All, Something strange is occurring, there appears to be a glimmer of blue sky poking through a hole in the 7.9 oktas!


    "called Shorty". That would be Shorty the Short horse would it. No I didn't just call you a short hearse.




  5. Morning All, Distinctly chillsome this morn. No great excitement today, another day in the office. Suspect it will be a case of packing up the club O gauge layout this evening as it's due down to Bristol for a bash on Sunday.




  6. Morning All, Full set of oktas again. I'm told by those that have ventured outside that there is also a biting cold wind. Have to venure into the office today as I seem to have a weeks worth of meetings in one day. Chinese language course at lunchtime preceeded by my annual assessment meeting with my manager. I predict the future career plans discussion section of the aforementioned may be short!




  7. Morning All, It seems to be Monday again, how did that happen? Full set of oktas in these parts but they aren't leaking at the moment. Don't seem to have any meetings or telephone calls in my diary for today, what a shame.




  8. Morning All, It's Friday whoopee! I would have thought you would be an expert on leaky plumbing by now Gordon. Surprised the German manufacturers haven't put in some gizmo to allow for frozen contents. Seem to remember one of my Beemers sprung a leak in the washer system but all it needed was to refit a hose somewhere.




  9. Morning All, Bloomin' wet and orrible in this part of ampshire. You should expect snow as I was in the office at 9 this morning! Had to get in early as someone offered to buy me a coffee. Should be back at home soon after lunch so normal service will be resumed.




  10. Morning All, Continuing grey and damp in these parts. Three day meetings eh! Can't say I really miss those. As I'm in serious chilling down mode in preparation for leaving the working community in 2011 if somebody can't complete a discussion in a day then I can't need to listen to them! Of course others might conclude it's all down to age and I can't concentrate on anything for 3 days at a stretch!




  11. Morning All, Looks distinctly grey and damp outside the window this morning. Tricky one on the dog front Gordon. Probably more difficult when you already have two, adding to the pack rather than creating a pack and all that. Pure speculation on my part of course.




  12. Morning All. I think I preferred the snow! Chucking it down with rain and wind turning the brollie inside out, just right for walking the dog. You are definitely a soft touch Gordon and not just underfoot! Time for me to head to the garage and break out the Christmas presents to sort out a baseboard...




  13. Morning All, Nice and slushy out! The pound symbol, and a load of others, is a known issue with the forum at present. Seems a right mess generally at the moment. Half the time I can't post responses to threads or answer PMs. Bet Andy is happy with the new software and the hosting company, NOT!




  14. Morning All, Looks like we are heading back to our normal slush rather than snow. Would be nice to see some green now, the novelty has worn off! As the planned outing this weekend has been cancelled due to the weather I now have a spare weekend. No option but to build some baseboards I guess.




  15. Morning All, Sitting in a nice warm study looking through the window at the fresh whiteness all around. Doesn't look like I will be driving anywhere anytime soon. Does look as though it is trying to rain now so this lot may not last long.


    At least we only have snow and not the ground shaking.




  16. Morning All, Definitely less snow this morning but it was still below freezing when I walked the dog. Might even venture into the office today. Once a week is probably enough really.




  17. Morning All, Pretty grey hereabouts and currently trying to snow. Felt pretty darned cold this morning when I walked the dog. Probably just below freezing though it was dark so I couldn't see the thermometer!




  18. Morning All, Still underneath the white stuff like everyone else but at least today there appears to be traffic moving. Bitterly cold East wind whistling across the fields when I took the dog out. Had to de-ice his paws twice while out as the snow freezes into hard lumps between the pads of his paws as he walks! When he was younger we had to equip him with doggy wellies as he cut his paws so often on the flints in our fields. Unfortunately all we have is one left front boot as he lost all the others one by one. There is no design of doggy boot that will stay on a Lurcher in full flight!




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