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Posts posted by 'CHARD

  1. And misidentified to boot, as I guess you realised - it pound-to-a-pinch-of-snuff wont be D1968, but I could believe it would be D1958, one of those delivered in blue

    Indeed, and I've had a dialogue off-line about this shot with the photographer ;)


    The train was diverted from the Carstairs line and appeared on the scene with some haste, probably unexpectedly, I think it's fair to say. As is well known, many of the guys out capturing the twilight of the Waverley had a social context in mind rather than recording numbers. Type 4 and single BG passed Riccarton at line speed, ahem, and a cursory glimpse of the number was 'what a coincidence, that's the same number as the year!'


    1968 was a Haymarket loco but she was green at this date, well documented in all sorts of ways, and the likeliest explanation is that this is D1958, one of the handful of locos delivered new from Brush in blue. That's what she'll become when she reaches my W/B.

  2. The leading PMV looks like an LMS 4 Wheel Motor Car Van (Diag. 2026)'Chard.


    Parkside Dundas produce a 4mm kit: Product Code PC40. According to the blurb on their website, "The LMS constructed 150 of these vans in 1938, with a further 75 by BR in the 1950s. They were a development of the diag. 1929 vans (our PC33 kit) and many lasted into the late 1970s with a few surviving in the Service".



    Nice one, thanks Pete. Seems as if there's one definite area where exotica is writ large on Waverley workings, and this is the intense parcels traffic, much as I thought. Seems as though that's the place where not just the new Hornby Hawksworth BG but also the kit market's got a part to play, cheers for the details!

  3. Opening today's account with this people shot that is the counterpart to the scan of Bruce McC's letter from Edinburgh agreeing to the brakevan trip on the last Kelso:



    More gut-wrenching nostalgia from the freight-only period:



    The Paper Train? No pilot, but a booked 64B BFYE 26, at Flex cutting, latterly a popular photographic spot:



    Demolition train, Burnfoot, headed by a smouldering Clayton, and not in the romantic sense



    This morning's highlight and discussion shot, it's another Blue Brush 4, in another livery, and with a steam style headcode - look, you'll see what I mean:


    EDIT: contrary to the caption, this is bBFYE D1958, this batch of locos being common performers on their real patch between Carlisle and Glasgow on a variety of traffics, but notably Freightliner services (none of which were diverted over the WR, due to gauging issues).

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  4. http://www.railbrit.co.uk/imageenlarge/imagecomplete2.php?id=22956

    shows D8574 and D5071 most definitely in GSYP Summer 68, so did the 64B Type 2 receive Early Blue before the winter?



    this appears to show D8574 again later that summer but now BFYE? It's got GSYP D5310 (I think) inside anyhow, so Haymarket's stayed green after Inverness' were going wholesale BFYE, also seen here http://www.railbrit.co.uk/imageenlarge/imagecomplete2.php?id=23307 check out the chalk-marked leading PMV - is it? don't recognise the origins


    http://www.railbrit.co.uk/imageenlarge/imagecomplete2.php?id=23147 familiar tracklifting shot at Hawick '71


    A memorable Class 25 face from the freight-only period:



    some 45 contrasts from Russell Saxton's 'Name that Peak' thread:





    but what is this:


    Green, full yellow end, centre glass panel Class 45, red 55A shedplate?

  5. I wouldn't like to say it is definately a green one, If it was it could possibly be 166 which had a shedplate fitted too the front along with one on the cabside (55A) above the number, also quite a few BFY ones still carried their shedplates


    I think the only class 45's to receive GFY were splitboxes.


    I'm sure Russell will tell us wink.gif



    Look again at the cab roof and the buffer beam/ bogie front. I reckon there's weathered green and red there, Bruce McCartney's Agfa repro are pretty faithful. Anyway, while we're about it, here are some more from that period that may be easy, may be debatable, may be plain impossible to i.d:



    FYE Peak odd looking square edged panel, again looks like red bogie front



    June '68, SYP austerity green? split box



    Just a nice record shot for you all of D14 with end doors on 12 June '68 and SYP

  6. Awesome Russell, many thanks for that. Waiting for the page to load was like waiting for an exam result; knowing the die was cast but would or wouldn't it be a pass!


    That's great, having noticed that Peaks were very blue by the end of '68, I'm keen to reflect the relative impact of the green that still remained without too much repainting, looks like the 46s were green's last stronghold...


    EDIT: I've just lost the plot and re-found it! This info indicates that D188 was still wearing GSYP when the Waverley shut, no repaint at all needed!

  7. I get the suspicion that the Austerity livery was pending clarification/ official sanction of the new corporate livery, during the 1965-66 period, but that's just a hunch.


    Sorry to be a pain but does anyone know when D188 (happily Bachmann's present green 46 AND a Waverley regular) received FYE, by the way?

  8. Just gone back over these links and have never seen a 1160hp / class 24 with the arrows on the cab doors before. Are you suggesting that 5062 and 5068 were the only two like it Ian ?


    Fascinating stuff.

    When you inflate that pic to the limits of reasonable resolution, the anonymous Type 2 looks like it could be D5071, which IIRC was a 64B machine at this time, along with TTGSYP sister 5072 that is the subject of the Kernow L/E. At the moment the intended recipient remains recumbent in her Bachmann box awaiting clarification on this point, for she will end up in this very era-specific early livery variant.

  9. Scotch Dyke was long-closed to passengers by then, and judging by the dates of much of your photographic records you were out pretty solidly during late '68 capturing these wonderful evocative images for posterity. Was this a marathon road-trip on the trusty two-stroke? It would have been a good half-hour walk from Longtown...

  10. I'm glad someone took a photograph of the famous last stand by the locals at Newcastleton!



    Indeed, this legendary episode in the disgraceful closure process is captured in several pictures, including by one of the papers, if I'm not mistaken. The daytime and Downing Street elements of the protest ae also well catered for. However, as my layout will be the line in suspended animation in late '68, I will never have cause to model this in 00!


    I wonder at what point in the procedings this picture was taken, because the constabulary seems to outnumber the protesters here!

  11. Jamie's post

    Mate, great spots! I'm not conversant enough with Flickr to search the site effectively, and fortunately I am pedestrian enough to trawl Railbrit - as Pennine says it's a bit user-fiendish.


    The closure notice is awesome, it lists two dozen 'stations and halts,' including Whitrope, which was presumably staff-only (so why list it, as there won't be any jobs there on 6th Jan '69?), and the inclusion of Harker suggests that there was still a staff service, presumably into Carlisle, at this date, including non-Waverley staff who would still be required to turn up for work on Black Monday. Parkhouse RAF personnel were the other non-public affected.



    Ian, the appearance of another 31 on a troop special doesn't surprise me at all, but 28s and 29s remain in the tantalizing basket. [EDIT: there is no evidence that either of these classes, nor any other pedal-cars ever rode the Waverley's metals.] Incidentally, like 31s, I do not want any evidence they were even intermittent performers on the line. Regarding the 24 i.d - yep those two do tally with my notes, I'll double-check the position of livery elements as these may be subtly different on them.



    Phil, I'm no expert on 26 works visits, but now you mention it 5307 is that odd-man out, shame that in detail she differs from the HJ model, as she's probably the essential 64B specimen. You just know that last comment I made will trigger more W/B tomfoolery...



    Cheers for the comments guys, guess the Bank Holiday bounce brought it to the attention of more people.

  12. Bust the Bank Holiday Blues with this selection of links to awesome pictures of the Waverley route on the Railbrit site, including some great signalbox pics towards the end...


    PESCO special ??“ sounds like something from Wallace & Monument, sorry Gromit!

    One of my fav people shots on the line:



    Did I link to this V2 already? If I did, look again and check out the concrete sand? bin foreground:



    Ok, who hasn??™t stood here yet?



    Five days before my DOB!



    Pair of V2s on the seldom recorded stretch south towards Barnes



    ??¦and as the driver??™s eye view looks today:



    I have never seen this location before:



    OR, incredibly, Newtongrange ??“ last station to see a photo of?



    Shankend Peak ??“ signature Waverley



    How about THIS little piece of history, was the fare expensive for ??™68?



    Newcastleton box, incredible record shot






    Kershopefoot box



    Longtown box and Mossband chord



    Shankend box and refuge


    Scotch Dyke box



    Tarras Viaduct on the Langholm branch, visited here but never heard it called by that name, wonder if the 4MT is 43139 or 43106!



    St Boswells Sth box



    BRCW on special 4th January ??™69, Riccarton


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  13. The extensive Railbrit archive is not the easiest to navigate nor the most searchable, thus it rewards persistence. Because it is, as we all know, a goldmine.


    The past two days' work has enabled me to definitively i.d 1547 as my second Early Blue Brush. I say this with 60% certainty, which is sufficient for decaling and detailing purposes. Pictured at Melrose and photographed when I think, the last digits suspiciously look like 47 after I manipulated the image as a screengrab, she would have been a DO5 (Crewe) machine at the time, and therefore very plausible indeed.


    Now to research the i.d of the 24 at Whitrope with the early style serif D-numbers. :P

  14. Any sane, joined-up plan would question the closure of a railway serving towns that were clearly experiencing growth. Here??™s a very tasty 40 role-playing a vulture at Burnfoot in ??™72:



    Where do you start with signature Waverley like this at Kelso Jct?:



    Pretty shot of a Type 2 entering Gala, around the time of rationalization:



    Fancy weathered twenties? Here??™s a rare Langholm branch shot:



    Stobs Camp ??“ scars of MoD tramway on Acreknowe hillside:



    Round Arnton Fell, today this would rival the beauty of the West Highland:



    I lingered here eating lunch in 2003. I saw my only ever red squirrels, but no GSYP EE Type 1s came past:



    Pass the remote:




    Read the caption, it??™s my branch??™s entire raison d??™etre:



    To the other Mr McCartney, a knighthood surely awaits:




    Enough to bring grown men to tears:



    Stobs with one of the 64B GFYE ladies (1968/9 0r 72), suitably informative headcode but this is 2M54



    Gresley N2 at Hawick, it says here:



    Caption caution, mid-60s must be pre-'64 if Riddings Sta is open, as it appears to be, now check out the smoke from this 12A Black 5!



    Steele Road, with only a handful of trains left to call, this station building makes a very tempting model...



    Hawick then and now, note oval wheel on the Vauxhall Omega!


  15. The 40 at Heriot shot is worth a second look. The caption is only half right, because far from passing through the station with a party of students on board, one of whom is taking the picture (because he later turns up taking a picture from the train itself entering Whitrope Tunnel), at the time the shutter is pressed the driver is actually setting back into Heriot refuge siding to detach a wagon that was running a hot box.

  16. And the next set, now with added detail:


    3-car Met-Cam near Selkirk Jct on 4/1/69, this is the very essence of Waverley and the houses are spot-on the style of my semis!



    The less-photographed Deltic special with 9002, in a very rare photographic locus, approaching Gala from the south, telegraph pole and signal cabling in evidence:



    BFYE D5337 at Penton in the frost just before the end:



    Shankend on 1/4/71 with D5307:



    Lyneside SB, this will blow your mind, Millerhill Boy!



    Subject of recent frothing, City of Truro on the border ECML-style:



    Green EE Type 4 at the very start of the Waverley in Carlisle, Dec '68:



    Scotch Dyke



    Looking back at Gala from a Clayton cab:



    Ballymoss on Shankend 1967, load 13 ECML diversion:



    80113 Hawick



    A 50 glimpsed from a Waverley service



    Border Counties trackbed, Plashetts



    The last Hawick freight, April '69. Beyond poignant, these Clayton pics -




    Last Hawick freight at Millerhill, with awesome period cars in shot:



    Heriot and a BFYE 64B 40, this shot is as good as it gets??



    B1 approaching Hawick:



    Holy grail time: Early Blue 1536 at Copshaw Holm, note carriage boards



    A4, Whitrope, snow aplenty



    Sir Visto, Hawick



    Seldom photographed: Longtown



    Tudor Minstrel, Shankend



    D49 at Hawick (see, I'm not biased!)



    That's all for now, it's turkey time! Enjoy!!!

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  17. Been trawling the inestimable Railbrit archive again, and thanks to the usual legends, here are links to, Waverley before and post-closure, a 37 at Whitrope, Clayton taking water at Carstairs, Ilfracombe being demolished, and a 26 on single line at Whitrope on April Fools Day 1971.


    EDITED 28th December to include caption highlights.


    And an Early Blue 47 at Melrose (image 26778), check out the headcode, I would LOVE confirmation that this is 1547, that I have now based a Bachmann i.d. tweak on, as covered in my W/B Blog.




    http://www.railbrit....e2.php?id=26820 Keshopefoot looking north towards L/C


    http://www.railbrit....e2.php?id=26778 1547 (?) at Melrose, check out headcode


    http://www.railbrit....e2.php?id=26771 GRCW at Leith Central DMU shed


    http://www.railbrit....e2.php?id=26756 Selkirk Sta 1970



    http://www.railbrit....e2.php?id=26736 St Boswells northwards view


    http://www.railbrit....e2.php?id=26733 D2720 ready to lift Kelso - Tweedmouth section


    http://www.railbrit....e2.php?id=26719 Riccarton from Up Peak-hauled Class 1


    http://www.railbrit....e2.php?id=26663 Early Blue 24 at Whitrope, i.d. confirmation sought


    http://www.railbrit....e2.php?id=26600 Up view into Whitrope from 40-hauled 4M45


    http://www.railbrit....e2.php?id=26572 5307 at Whitrope, obbo special April 1st 1971


    http://www.railbrit....e2.php?id=26541 Class 37 D6838 at Whitrope December '68 RARITY


    http://www.railbrit....e2.php?id=26522 Non-Waverley: last Corstorphine DMU at Waverley


    http://www.railbrit....e2.php?id=26493 Class 08 across Hawick rooftops, demolition 1971

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