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Everything posted by Shedmaster

  1. I was just sipping a celebratory glass of champers at the possible demise of 66 048, when I read your post about 059'..............and promptly spluttered it all into my lap ! Hope 059' can be.........fixed ? Maybe we could start a new post as to what is the all time favourite Class 60 ? It would have to be 059' for me................. (Seriously though, for the benefit of the tape...........I won't miss another knackered 66 but genuinely hope the crew involved with 66 048' are okay.) Dave
  2. Thanks for that...........no access to TOPS for me today to check out a bad tip. Dave
  3. How is 60 071 doing, anybody know ? I'm just checking out a tip here.........something to do with 1 x Class 60 + Flames = Lots Of Smoke ? Dave
  4. When you put it like that.......you have to agree there HAS been some positive 'wins' lately, even I've been impressed ! Thanks for reminding us that it ain't ALL bad !!! Dave
  5. "....and yes, DB bought EWS for their Euro Cargo Rail subsiduary and that companies European running rights. Apart from direct access to French markets, DB has access right into Spain via it's majority ownership of Transfesa. So EWS was effectively bought so that DB could aquire a major chunk of the rail freight capacity linking SW Europe, through France into Germany, Central and Northern Europe. Only time will tell if they are really interested in their UK freight operations." Interesting indeed then that the 'Ford' train should switch to another operator when, is it not DBS that actually OWN the third party company.....Transfesa ? I know I may be getting my trains/companies muddled a bit here but my point is essentially accurate.... I also think that EWS had BIG financial problems when they 'bought' the 66's all those years back........why did they suddenly change the publicity machine to refer to a 'hire agreement' shortly after telling us all they had 'bought' new Loco's ? It never recovered from then on............. Like I said previously......double railfreight in five years and have nothing left in ten !!! Dave
  6. Hiya, Thats actually a bloody good idea, I got too power hungry though, but with three Loco's sharing the work, it was considerably quieter anyway, as there was no 'struggling'. Has anybody actually worked out yet that the 66/0 cannot handle many of the loads we give them on their own ? They're fine on anything around 1500t, but then you're just asking too much. It's okay to moan about getting stuck behind a scabby, tinpot EMU which you have to then follow 'all stations' uphill, but is it not US overloading our trains to the point where the 66 just stalls, that is the real problem ? As a 'DB' man, I still have to abide by the 'Notch 8' rules, to save fuel we're told, but there are always exceptions ! Dave
  7. Hi all, It's well known that I despise Class 66's, however, I recently had the pleasure of driving three in multi ( 9,900hp! ) on a 1,800t train and can honestly say it was a pleasure to drive - as if there wasn't even a train attached ! Now, seeing as work is a bit in short supply for us freight boys n' gals, resulting in plenty of 66's sitting around idle, why cant the DBS sheds feasibly be 'locked' together in the same way that NSE did with the 2-HAPS(?) at the end of their working lives, i.e run 'pairs' of 66's working in multi, large cabs at the outer ends, thereby working each Loco. only 'half as hard' and using less fuel ? This would give great results for fuel economy, acceleration AND the ability to pull our trains properly, all at the same time and also bend the figures in relation to the leasing costs.....i.e, we'd then get our moneys worth ? Alternatively.........SELL/UN-LEASE THE WHOLE DAMNED LOT and just hire what we need to run our trains at the time...........thats all we do now, hire Loco's off of ourselves (WFMU) and unfortunately cant even get that balance right ! We tell way too many customers each week that their train will be cancelled/delayed due to US having no Loco. Could you imagine going into a restaurant and having your dinner served, only to be told that your knife and fork are out on another job and wont be available for another six hours ? I do love the 60's and realise that business needs to move with the times....BUT for what it's worth..........theres got to be a better way ? Rant over........... Dave
  8. Can anybody kindly explain please......this is seen as relevant to the O.P, my apologies if others disagree.......... I've heard complaints from various industry individuals, some who run rival freight firms, about the fact that EWS/DBS wont sell their 60's. In previous years there have been issues with the way EWS disposes of it's hardware such as Loco's that THEY OWN, and competitors have gone running off crying to the rail regulator to complain about this, the result being that EWS got slapped wrists and were told they HAD to make Loco's available for sale to competitors etc and were not allowed to just scrap them. Well, how the hell does that work ? I buy my car and I now own it.........it's up to me if I want to scrap it on the day of first registration if I so choose, it's MY car, so, as long as it's paid for, maintained and then disposed of in a non-hazardous manner, I can do what I like with it. Well, the same with EWS/DBS. They OWN the Class 60, as they did with previous classes, why is it an issue what they do with vehicles that EWS/DBS actually OWN and then decide they don't need ? I don't wanna see them sitting around rotting but then if they wanted to melt them all down and sell the metal, why not...........THEY OWN THEM. Thanks, Dave
  9. Not good news indeed............ I wonder if they will scrap them and if we'll see the mass followings now such as we saw with the Deltics at 'The Cross'.........with BBC news coverage and some anoraked dope in front of the camera going "Errrr....3100hp in your right hand, oh yes, and a proper engine too, and errr, oh yes it's yellow at the end, (thats where the Driver sits! ) and errrr........where's my tissues" Has anybody seen that particular video on YouTube.....? Was That You ????????? I'll miss driving the 60's certainly but to be positive, at least we've got the new 'Fuglies' to ease the pain..........maybe..........I think they sound fantastic !!!! Dave
  10. No problem with the idea of them having a re-branding excercise......it happens BUT, why not design the NEW livery specifically to suit the NEW loco, as they very cleverly did with the Class 60 ? Surely the guys who pay these livery designing twits their wages can see through their BS ? It's just like the whole 'Its got opening cab doors and working lights so it must be good' argument all over again !!!! As previously mentioned, there is simply no communication of 'quality' in liveries now except for the GNER and EWS of recent years......even with EWS they had a slogan to support their marketing, something about 'doubling railfreight in five years and having nothing left in ten'............if I remember correctly ????????? Dave p.s the new 70's look great in everything BUT 'Freightliner', as shown by the excellent photoshoppers on here !!!!!!!
  11. So, now the curiosity is getting at me.......slowly but surely..........after working out that it doesnt 'actually' weigh 135tons after all........... Can any of our FL friends please tell us, having seen pictures of this new cab design : What is the left hand computer screen for ? What is the right hand computer screen for ? What are the levers in front of the Driving position for ? ( i.e.....Reverser, Auto-Brake, Straight Air Brake, Throttle ? ) You could generally work this out before but these Class 70's seem to be a whole, new breed of animal....... Thats all for now, Many Thanks, Dave
  12. Hi Mike, Many Thanks for the 'educational' reply, which was very helpful as ever. Just like to point out that I got 135 tons from the GE Builders plate on the Loco, which states 135 METRIC TONNES........however as you say, the TOPS data panel clearly says 129 TONNES, so straight away, a difference. Also, the co-co bogie is an obvious difference between the 67 and 70, so of course, more weight distribution, enabling the RA of 7. I knew that the 'official' figures/design couldnt be wrong, but the 135 tonnes did get me wondering. Thanks again, Dave
  13. Just out of interest.......... 135 tons of sparkling, brand new locomotive, BUT....... How the hell does it get an RA of only 7 ? Look at the Class 67, very heavily route restricted even now, but the new Class 70 - won't ever be allowed out will it ? My basis for the question is the attitude of various 'know nothings' in the media and our very own Network Rail, blaming Gauge Corner Cracking and the like on 'heavy new trains'...............well, this is one 'heavy new' piece of kit isn't it ? Something doesnt add up here......... Dave
  14. James, You have my vote of support.......I love the look and feel of the dutch Crompton and Mainline 350' in your pics....... Both would be welcome visitor's at 'Battersea Stewarts Lane' from next year - when I start to build it that is ! Best of luck mate...... Dave
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