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Everything posted by Shedmaster

  1. Hiya, I'm thinking positive here.......and so would definately have to say no. I can look back and say I've learnt plenty along the way and gained plenty of new friends, who have been more than helpful.......I hope I have been of some help to them in return. Lots of new technical information has recently come to light ( that was not available to York Modelmaking at the time ) and I feel that I can do a more accurate job now.......as I'm trying to make a model of a real thing, I feel that I should be using that info. properly and scaling it down properly, into the model that I want to achieve, using a more intelligent approach. The floor should have been designed in from the start of the project and for that matter the working doors as well....but like I said, I've learnt plenty along the way. Shed.
  2. Good Afternoon, Welcome to the re-launch of my project, formerly known as 'Battersea Stewarts Lane, London.....Home Of The Class 60'. I have taken the opportunity to go right back to the drawing board and look at doing the project in a better way altogether, an idea formed by looking at the 'architechtural modelling' arena and thinking that this would suit me better, in terms of the size of the layout and the availability of technical data that means there is no excuse to not do it properly from scratch. I have gone for the 'Clean Sheet of Paper' approach and a new topic, purposely to supersede the original work and the historic remnants from the original Manor Lane, concentrating here on the new approach. Because of the level of detail and accuracy that I want to achieve, I would like to move forward by concentrating on the main building on the site and doing it in such a way that everything is 'designed in' from the floor upwards.......including the working roller shutter doors. There is a lot of work taking place at the moment behind the scenes, working from various research drawings and CAD files and as soon as work begins again, I will post some stuff here. Hopefully, one day, our 'Traction & Rolling Stock' fleet will actually have that new home.......and a decent Class 71 and 73 will by then have joined the ranks. Regards, Shed.
  3. Hi Alex, This is really coming along nicely mate, it really pays to persevere I think. I'm stuck, yet again, on Battersea, but this is partly because I'm living at work !!! Well, I might as well be......... I'm taking plenty of inspiration from you still though as your Loco's look just right on your shed. Sorry to hear work is bad at the mo, just like to wish you well and hope things work out for you. All the best mate, Regards, Dave
  4. Shedmaster

    MRA wagons

    Dave, It looks like the gremlins have got in somewhere here as you've somehow posted pictures of the real wagons by mistake ? Surely ? They look absolutely brilliant to me !!! Well done on your continued attention to detail...... Thanks, Dave
  5. Hi Alex, I'm really really impressed with the overall look of your project......what a size ! Very happy that you took some inspiration from my work on Stew. Lane's pits..........it is certainly worth doing properly, good luck with levelling them ! I would also pay to come and see your layout, but I'd expect a guided tour as well.....lol. I'm a little dissappointed with myself here..........when I learnt the road 'ooop norff' I had to go to Toton a couple of times, and didn't think to have an authorised snoop around before we close it ! I can think of nothing nicer ( in engineering terms ) than seeing a '66' completely stripped down.......... Never mind, one day........... All the best, Dave
  6. Hi Alex, thought this may be of interest for your pits.......copied from the BSL thread......not sure if you've got to this stage of work just yet : Kindest Regards, Dave The 'Research & Development Dept' here at Stew. Lane, have today solved the latest engineering question..... The 16v DCC power feed will be outside the main doors hidden in the ballast and as each rail will be powered individually, this will be straightforward, but : "How can I use P4 fishplates accross the rail joins on the pits, and still jump power accross these same rails, without unsightly wires coming up through the pit mouldings inside the sheds?" I have used yard lengths of rail from the buffer stops towards the doors and then another yard length will go outside via the main doors. Roads 2 and 3 ( middle & right hand ) will each have a join, No1 road ( stub road ) will be single lengths of rail with no joins, except outside at the points. This is what I came up with......the 'Power-Pad' !!! I added a slither of metal etch coated with solder paste, underneath the site of the rail join, added the P4 fishplate and then joined the rails together. I then heated one rail to melt the hidden solder and got away with NOT destroying the plastic pit moulding. I checked that this metal had joined securely to the rail bottom, and conducted the current safely and will add the adjoining rails soon, repeating the soldering process. Voila.......One hidden electrical connection !!!
  7. Mr Grimley, Thanks for the kind comments r.e my flooring. All I can say is that it is worth all the time and effort getting the pits filled and filed, just my camera work to kick into touch now. It may have been lost in the sands of time but in the old days when I was running the old 'Manor Lane', it was actually a 'working depot'. The Traction & Rolling Stock all had regular work on the exhibition circuit and would go out regularly for this, only returning for wheel cleans etc. Then I thought it would be a great idea to build a 'proper' depot of my own for this and chose to model 'Stewarts Lane', so that the Manor Lane fleet had a proper home. During the build, I left my local club and joined this forum instead...........guess what? Nothing has turned a wheel in anger since !!! It's more likely you'll see an 0Z60 move to Toton instead mate......... Anyways, r.e your pits........."if a jobs worth doing...." All the best, Dave
  8. Hiya Mr Grimley, I have to agree, York Modelmaking are great to work with, even if you don't provide the most in depth data to start with ! Your project is very inspiring for me, however, your 60's could really do with a test trip 'down't tut south' methinks ! Plenty of heavy stone workings for them........ Seriously, loving your project. I've been using plenty of tippex to fill the gaps between the pit modules, then sanding them smooth..........it finished them off a treat but it's not a five minute jobbie. Lovely when painted. Best of luck with this amazing project mate, Dave
  9. So, erm, can I ask a dumb question then ? Why is it not being railed over to Germany via the tunnel ? I would have thought DB Schenker hauled this end, then Euro-Cargo Rail and then DB proper for the German bit, all under the DB banner, what a fantastic publicity opportunity to promote DB's specialist shipment capability ? Sorry, I don't know any overseas stuff, is it gauging issues or is 'Mallard' not fit for such a dead-haul journey ? Thanks, Dave
  10. Wow!!! What a transformation, from a Lima Like toy, to a professional model. I Very much like this model Jon, can I ask how you managed the 't/marx' transfers ? Brilliant looking screens too.......... All the best, Dave
  11. Hiya Mr Grimley, I'm speechless here...........your masterpiece is really progressing ! While I'm faffing about with the wrong colour paint, you're moving mountains ! I really love the picture of the 60 on it's lonesome in your post of 16th Jan, but think you must surely have the best model of raised platforms ever made ? Well done mate ! Erm, to round off, I have a question for you if you don't mind ? Which of your Class 60 fleet are you gonna send down to 'The Lane' for our 'fitters' to cut out some bodyside panels ? We have some nice sharp blades.........!!! I could do some nice bodyside reliveries with the black stuff if you like............oil slick anyone ? Seriously...........best wishes mate, you're really keeping me inspired here, Regards, Dave
  12. Could be interesting if the Loco has a 'broken back' as suggested.............imagine the sinking feeling of seeing that thing crash land ! Cranes fascinate me in a way because like gypsies, you never see them arrive or leave afterwards...........they just simply appear / disappear ! Hope it's just a case of dented pride and nothing else for the staff involved.......... Regards, Dave
  13. Don't suppose anyone knows what will be on 'Mike Twenty' today please............okay, okay.........the Whatley - St Pancras ? Hoping for a 60 please if you would be so kind..........and about five wagons max, just to ensure right time departure back to Acton !!! TIA Dave
  14. Hiya Mr Grimley, Just wondered if you have got to that stage where you've realised this project is more about the building itself, than the stock that will live there ? I'm finding that there's plenty to learn about building design and why certain parts have to be the way they are...........is there such a thing as a 'rivet counter' for buildings ? I think I fell into that category some time ago.................... Dave
  15. Hiya Mr G, Good Luck with the flooring at your place !!!! I've only had to do my concrete apron twice now......... Dave
  16. Hiya Mr Grimley, Just wanted to say, you are well on the way, if not there already, to achieving the ultimate illusion ( IMHO ) for a TMD layout, that is the illusion of being there yourself and walking around amongst the Loco's. The pictures already look stunning.........keep up the inspiration please........ Dave
  17. Hi Mr Grimley, Just checked back into this thread and very much loving your project......definately an inspiration for doing things properly. Can you please NOT go out and drain the stores of plastic glue though, as I still have some pits down here that need gluing ! I also want to see a Class 60 'in the air' but think the Bachmann jacks will need some work to achieve this...... I'm sending this one down to you for when you are able to return it to traffic for me.....: Many Thanks, Dave
  18. Hiya, As somebody with a vested interest in this model vehicle myself.........I can confirm that it would be a very good idea to contact the gent at MARC's models regarding this vehicle ! Unfortunately........thats all I'm able to say right now......... Go see http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php/topic/3991-battersea-stewarts-lane-london/page__pid__160156__st__125&?do=findComment&comment=160156 specifically, you'll be wanting post #138 or http://www.manor-lane.co.uk/NSE%20Area%20Managers%20Saloon.htm Good Luck, Dave
  19. Hiya, I've had the Bachmann lifting jacks on order for some time, from what I saw at Ally Pally, they are 'poseable', which could make them interesting. Can I ask what overhead gantry cranes you hope to use ? I can tell you the Cornerstone ones are exceptionally huge and am left unsure where to go for my particular needs..... If you get stuck for concrete effect finishing, please let me know as a friend on here has identified a product that will do the job..........only, it won't last forever as I think they won't be making it for long now. Thanks, Dave
  20. Hi all, I'm gonna miss the 59/2's down south, especially 203'...........it was always getting regularly spanked down here, but came back from the fitters as good as new every time !!! Dave
  21. Oh Mr Grimley, perfect timing yet again....... My very next job is to install the pits on my layout and seeing you do yours is very helpful, thanks for taking the time to post the pics. Dave
  22. Hiya Mr Grimley ! Two Words..........FLAMIN NORA! What a completely fantastic bit of work............and all of those 60's too, right up my er......alley ! Makes my fleet of 9 x 60's look a little bit slim.......... The garden pictures are best of course, so I'm told, for the natural daylight they give you, something I'll be doing one day I hope..... Now following this with interest........I just wish I had the time to do more on my project, but every time I sit down, Mrs Shedmaster finds me a job to do ! Best of luck, thanks for the inspiration........ Dave
  23. With photo's like that, I'd happily give you permission to have a wander round BSL when it opens ! Dave
  24. Can anyone please tell me if the Dapol tanks were the same ones that were used to and from Sittingbourne, Kent around the 1994-1998 period ? I used to work the 'Enterprise' trains ( 6O75 / 6S75 ) to/from Wembley/Mossend with a Class 56 ( as a guard at that time ) and should know better but simply don't. I remember the C & G tanks ( Grey/White Hornby type ) but there were others that we used.........I just can't remember what. The usual fotopic search hasn't revealed anything helpful. Thanks, Dave
  25. I wouldnt want to be seen as ungrateful, Dapol are indeed brining out some fantastic products, however, I would also like to jump on the bandwagon here and join the call for Mk2 coaching stock please, of the air-conditioned variety if you would be so kind ? I too would need plenty......... Thanks, Dave
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