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Posts posted by westerner

  1. Well spotted, whilst I've been busy putting correct headcodes on the steam locos, I haven't yet got round to doing the hydraulics, although looking at Dviad Cable's Hydraulics in the West, there are quite a few examples of the locos having the wrong headcode. However it is something I will be addressing at some time.

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  2. I dont have trouble with backlighting as the curtains in the room (the window is quite small) were closed so as I said the only light was an energy saving bulb(equivalent to 100watts) in the centre of the room. and taken at about 5.30pm so daylight was already going.

  3. The pic in my last post was taken with a Lumix FS 30 which as far as I know has no way of altering the aperture. It was taken with just the room light on, flash off and a 2sec delay. I am amazed how good the pics come out with this camera.

  4. Whilst not an ECML person, I do like Gresley caoches and parcels stock (but then I like all [parcels stock), one or two even turn up on Wencombe.




    Coach is the York portion of the Kingsbridge-Manchester train.

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  5. More or less finished. Macro phtography can be a cruel thing. Suddenly noticed what a bad repaint job I'd done

    What looked vaguely OK in the previous photogrph looks aweful with the macro switched on.


    All thats left to do is touch up the poor paint job, some subtle westhering and the nameboard Wencombe Signal Box. Just as a matter of interest looking throufg various books some appear to be enamel, so I'm assuming that the board was replaced at the same time as the new enamel running in boards were produced. Can anybody tell me if this would be OK.


    The photograph of Fred the signalman at work.



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  6. Some more progress today with levers added to the frame.






    And the Signal box has had the dark stone bits repainted in chocolate to match other woodwork around the station as the time period is 1958-1964.




    I've also painted various other bits for the inside of the box. Doing this while they dry.

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  7. First bit of the interior, floor and lever frame. Oh I do realise that this box has internal stairs, I'm cogitating on how to do them. One problem is the thickness of the casting means you do loose a lot of internal space.




    Took this in passing, not my best pic but I do like the composition even though some of it is out of focus. I must have another go with the DSLR and tripod and things.



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