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The Evil Bus Driver

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Everything posted by The Evil Bus Driver

  1. Sounds like a bit of forward planning going on. Nice to see though
  2. Terribly sad news. Thoughts are with his family.
  3. Here is a write up of Chelfham which was a Shoreham club layout back in the mid 90s. This got exhibited several times during my time at the club, once with a long extension featuring Snapper Halt. It only featured like that once due to being a bit of a nightmare to move. Here is a link with a write up by the former club secretary, Brian Taylor, who did much of the work on the layout. Hope people like it http://www.009.cd2.com/lynton_and_barnstaple_modelling/shoreham_chelfham.htm
  4. They're putting dual door vehicles back on the 49 now.
  5. Of course that might have been taken with a long lens, or from an angle which would make the spur seem really short.
  6. Absolutely agreed Huw. It would also be a kind of continuity too PS i have relatives in Cwmbran
  7. I've mentioned to a guy I know, who owns a CIG at Finmere, the idea of getting Bachmann in with their 3D scanner.
  8. Yes they are. Basically due to the narrow central reservation.
  9. Yes they're a bit of a pain when we do the 21 route which runs through the "other" set, as they can be shut for up to half an hour. That's where they have the "run off" section, once the horses have crossed the finish line, so a Deceleration bit, if you like.
  10. We have these in Hove. They are for the fire station down the end of a side road. Only ever seen them operate twice https://goo.gl/maps/kooTDMpsmxB2 And a level crossing for racehorses! https://goo.gl/maps/D5etNRrb83R2
  11. Hove to Aldrington is not far. How about on LUL Embankment to Charing Cross
  12. Its plentiful, it's cheap and we've all got plenty of it (No shouting at the back, you who buys bagged cereal I'm watching you lol) I've knocked together a pretty serviceable platform out of one of the narrow edges. As well as some kind of halt to try out the tarmac surfacing. Check them out here! 1. First is the platform. this would be good as a small intermediate stop on a branch somewhere. Doesn't even need a building, or you could say the building is up a path off scene. Just a small shelter will suffice, really. 2. And the bracing pieces underneath. I can't really understate how important it it to brace this type of cardboard, as it's quite thin and bends in ways you really don't expect. One idea is to laminate it, double strips and lay it down under a heavy book or something. Something big and flat anyway. 3. And the halt, made out of a few offcuts of cardboard. Not the tidiest but it'd be ok as a halt on a diorama or something. As long as you don't look too closely... 4. And the underside
  13. Morris's in Lancing is good. Does a lot of paint. And not as far away as Gaugemaster either. http://morris-models.co.uk/
  14. No models as yet. I might well modify those Bachmann EPB shells from when I replaced mine as a prototype. Might need some brass sides too.
  15. Yeah that's what i was thinking, like the former M&SCC had nicked a load of VEP running gear
  16. Heh I've had ideas that might have made SR modellers drool OR cry sacrilege. Mine is a re-bodied 302 that could have been transferred to the Southern and converted to DC traction. This proved impractical so the cabs were grafted onto heavily modified ex LHCS FO and BKs, the cabs themselves being heavily rebuilt and fitted with SR type jumpers. All my layouts are based on a fictional network serving equally fictional towns, that somehow remained private well into BR days but only merged when bankruptcy loomed in 1972. Hence the concept of the Metropolitan and South Coast Committee lines was born. My supposed units were painted in the fictional East Hampshire PTE livey of rail grey with a Jaffa (cake) orange stripe similar to DMU refurbished livery. Bus services in the area were operated by Lunsford Borough Transport and NBC subsidiary East Hampshire Motor services. Sound good?
  17. Fictional stock is almost worth its own thread.
  18. Rumour has it that Peco might be supplying edible hats with the first 1000 boxes of track.
  19. That's ok. More time to get the cash together. I'm going for the earlier blue/grey one.
  20. The Gwilii is one railway I really must visit. That and the Pontypool & Blaenavon.
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