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Everything posted by Jack

  1. I've just finished laying the track. Everything is now in place, hopefully i'll start the wiring tomorrow. With the forum running so slowly atm i'm not sure how i'm going to get the pics loaded up ... nothing to do with Andy and everything to do with rubbish rural broadband I also need to experiement with the tortoise motors on my marcway points. As others have commented on elsewhere, the points are quite stiff and I may need to replace the supplied wire with something thicker.
  2. The rules then ... 1) Use of standard Peco Bullhead Code 124 Rail [ref. SL-700BH] at the module end. 2) The join between modules is made with metal fishplates and a 6" or 150mm single section of Peco code 124 rail (or compatable) on some form of supporting base (ie not just 6" of track suspended in the ether). 3) The top of the rail should be 6.5" / 165mm above the 'table' height. 4) Point control and isolating sections are to be controlled locally to each module. 5) Track power is in the form of two wires with the positive (red) wire to the rail at the rear of the layout. Modules should be electrically joined using 'choc' blocks. 6) All wires used on the layout for track power should be a minimum of 16/0.2mm to cope with DCC power ratings if necessary. 7) Modules can be whatever length and width the builder likes as long as the can be joined using rules 1-3.
  3. Yup, there is nothing finer than paying VAT on fuel duty ... a sort of tax on tax
  4. Looking good there ... and thanks for flying the flag on members ... hopefully next year we'll be able to put a few modules together. I'm hoping to begin track laying this week ...
  5. The connection plates I have been working on are 6" pieces of 6mm brich ply with track [soon to be] fixed to them. I see what your saying though about support for weightier locos and stock ... I may experiment with putting in a bit of support. Thanks.
  6. Good progress!! I have some catching up to do! I like the way you've gone for road transport suitable to the era
  7. All the ground work is now finished, the men in dresses have left, next job track laying ...
  8. The last of the backscene paint is on and the corking is finished. The next job is track laying. Unfortunatly we've just been unexpectedly invaded by trainee priests and the house resembles a scene from Father Ted ... ... hopefully there will be time to take pictures tomorrow (of the layout, not the priests ).
  9. The backscene is awaiting a final coat of white paint and the cork base is down ... i'll post some piccies soon, but the plan is to start track laying asap.
  10. Nell's Bridge is set in the Western Region blues period, roughly the early 70's. Its OO, and hopefully about to get a bit of an overhall ...
  11. The last coat of varnish is now trying on the boards, which have finally been erected in the garage. Although it will soon be time to get cracking, now that Gough's isn't going to Stafford I'm tempted to get Nell's Bridge refurbished first ... not sure why, but my feet have been more itchy around that lately ...
  12. The all the visitors evicted it has been full steam ahead this week. After finishing the fiddle yard for Nell's Bridge (the woodwork bit anyway), I moved on to Gough's Yard again. The day has been spent varnishing ... still about half to do and it is quite laborious. However, having had to bin one layout through damage caused by damp, I feel in the long term it will be worth it. Pics should follow next week when I have finished ...
  13. At present it seems that thee and me are the only ones building modules ... and yours is the only one making good progress. Andy and I have had a chat and it was decided that it may be better if we try and get things together for next year as this year would be a little ambitious. So, 2012 here we come ...
  14. Thought I'd better post an update what with the group stuff getting sorted ... ... the boards are nearly finished, they have backscenes, dowels, clips etc. However, they still need a couple of coats of varnish. Unfortunatly life got in the way over the past two months ... very annoying. We've also had a string of visitors recently, so I haven't been able to set the layout up properly and work on it. However, from next week there should be some progress (famous last words)!!
  15. This is by way of a welcome to the O Gauge Modular Group. This was the RMWebMO sub-forum before the introduction of the groups. The plan is to create a modular system in O Gauge. Each module is joined by a simple track bridge - the rules for this can be found here. Why? Because I'm sure there are many on here who wish to dabble in O but don't have the space for a full size layout. If we can get a few modules together then hopefully at future events such as the RMWeb meet or SWAG, we can put together a reasonable sized layout from our individual modules. Jack
  16. A couple of pictures showing the boards in their current state, plus the laying out of the points (48" Marcway). Firstly, the right hand board. This shows the cut-out for the narrow gauge feeder ... ... and the left hand board ... Sadly today's carpentry time was eaten up by Phaff and Nonsense (tempting to do a PO wagon under that name) ... hopefully next week there will be some better progress ...
  17. Time flies when other things get in the way! OK, work is continueing apace on the baseboards, hopefully there will be some pics to post tomorrow showing progress.
  18. Is very sad at having to bin a layout due to water damage .. esp given the work that had gone in to it

  19. More good service from the Hobby Shop recently. It's always worth supporting your local ... all i need to do now is getting him to stock some real ale ...
  20. Sounds interesting, any further details?
  21. Hi Stu, No offers or other modules yet ... it could turn into a one man modular concept Unfortunatly nothing has progressed since posting the plan as I haven't been home yet ... I've had a very nomadic lifestyle since Christmas!! However, I'm champing at the bit to get going, so once i get home it will be full steam ahead! Cheers
  22. OK, I've been after building an O gauge micro layout for a while, and the thought of a modular layout inspired me. So here goes. My focus is pre-grouping and private owner, so the main stock will be a couple of ex-LBSC Terriers, an SECR P and a couple of private industrial types. Plenty of 4 wheel wagons to shunt them around. The track plan is a Timesaver and has been worked out accordingly. I have deliberatly made the central running line straight so the module can accomodate longer stock when joined to other layouts. The pointwork is 48" radius, the control will be my own hybrid DCC/DC box which is also in progress. This has been designed to allow me to control either layout in either DC or DCC mode. Points will be Tortoise powered. The control input to this module will be fully isolating to make joining other modules easier (a fancy way of saying i'll include an on/off switch for the controller!). The 8'x18" folding board is 75% finished and I've got most of the components ready to start. Photos will follow in a couple of weeks when more progress is made. Oh, and an impulse purchase of an L&M Transporter wagon, plus a fab holiday in Austria, has lead to the inclusion of the narrow gauge spur at the bottom. A special joining section will be included so this can still be used when joined to other modules.
  23. Just successfully chipped a Dapol 73 ... now need beer!

  24. until
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