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Everything posted by zarniwhoop

  1. Mmm, pancakes. Actually, at this time of year most Tuesdays I have pancakes, usually with a blood orange but using sunflower oil instead of butter. Tonight, two courses of pancakes with butter - first should have been galettes but it turned out I only had a little buckwheat flour, so mostly wholemeal. With smoked tofu (the main supermarket oak-smoked sort, not the beech-smoked stuff with firm edges which is now almost never available), leeks, olive oil and a little za'atar. Those could have used a little more salt. Oh, and with french crême fraĉhe mixed in. For afters plain pancakes (no sugar for me) with all wholemeal flour and a little peppermint and rosewater flavouring, with a little crême fraîche on the top instead of in the pancakes. Ça marche.
  2. No idea, but it looks like a proper parcels train - unless I'm mistaken (possible) the middle van is Southern, coloured in shades of dirt.
  3. On the lists where I see it, and sometimes use it, it is an admission of a mistake (e.g. posting to the wrong list, or forgetting to push a git commit). I suspect it comes from American.
  4. I think it must be about 60 years since I last saw a Johnny onion man.
  5. For me, I particularly associate Pearly Gates with pups (pickups - the transducers, nothing to do with doggies). When I had received my initial compensation for my injury, and was only working part-time so had time on my hands, I decided to try to resume playing (slide) guitar. I had something cheap and nasty from the late 1970s, so got an epihone 'SG' (SG400). After a while, and once I had a better amp, I realised that the sound of the bridge pup was inadequate, so I looked at alternatives. In the end I got a Seymour Duncan Seth Lover (replicating the original gibson PAFs, although with balanced coils), but I considered the Seymour Pearly Gates before deciding that it probably wasn't what I wanted (for me, middle frequencies good, piercing treble bad). More recently, I've wasted hours listening to pup reviews on youtube (not a good idea, the Opus codec claims to allow high-quality sounds , but it is still lossy and my headphones are not the best). Given that the sound is a combination of the construction of, and tonewoods of, the axe (and probably even the brazilian rosewood of the fingerboard on a genuine '59 might make a difference), the pups, and the individual player, nobody will ever match BFG - but for those (yourself excluded - I know you have views on the 'inspired by gibson' headstock) who want to get close perhaps an Epiphone 'inspired by gibson' 59 is a start - and then add a pair of Whiskerbuckers from Cream RT pickups. OTOH, that will cost a significant number of deltics. But please don't call me Zed while the current war is happening, it can be regarded as alignment with Putain's army symbol. I chose zarniwhoop when I got broadband - all the good hitchhiker's names were already taken. But my real name is Ken, and I usually sign online as ĸen - I got into unicode/UTF-8 (funnily enough, prompted by a russian) and eventually discovered the default linux gb keymap [1] included ĸ on AltGr-k : it's actually an obsolete greenlandic letter, but it looks like a greek lowercase k which went down well with the greek guy I was corresponding with and who helped me with comments on creating text fonts for use in the linux console. Any resemblance to cyrillic is coincidental and could as well be ukrainian as russian. 1. Except, probably, on debian and derivatives such as ubuntu. Best, ĸen
  6. Nothing to do with Billy F. Gibbons as far as I know.
  7. Why, oh why, oh why ? The local Sainted buriess has installed exit gates. The idea is that you scan the barcode from your receipt, and the gate opens. Why am I one of the few people for whom it never works ? On monday or tuesday, one of the gates was buqqered and half open but kept showing red on the sensor. Today the security guy sorted out someone on the right gate, then went over to help someone on the left gate. So I tried the right gate and it refused me too. Went to the small queue on the left gate, by this time the security guy was not in evidence. Two people went through, it refused me. One of those people came back to help me, but he couldn't get my receipt to work either. Eventually the guard reappeared and used a card. Meanwhile a large number of people had used the other gate without problems. And I hadn't even ranted about their lack of Perrier this year. Remember when using cans was the big idea, to reduce usage of plastic ? No badoit for a long time, but cans of perrier were convenient and easily recyclable. Looks like that is so last year, and the idea of wine in cans seems to have also all but stopped. Meanwhile, I'm getting severely p155ed off by the interstitial glucose sensors - lots of "try again in 10 minutes" over the past few weeks, readings when in the main part of the target zone (above 5 up to 10 mmol/L) generally agree with blood glucose, but at the bottom of the target range (3.9 to 4.9 mmol/L) and below they often read way below the blood glucose, and above the target range they often read way above. Seems to be a quality control issue now that v2 is on general prescription. I'm expecting a replacement for the sensor which ended early last Saturday morning (instead of at 10pm this Monday), but I seem to be spending too much time checking the sensor, and contacting the helpline. Double plus unimpressed.
  8. For screw-top bottles I sometimes use water-pump pliers.
  9. I would put the musical period a bit longer, from 1951 (Rocket 88) to the end of the 70s (Skynyrd, Man, Rory Gallagher) or even 1980 (Mötorhead, the Ace of Spades). But in each year during that period there was an awful lot of dross.
  10. I thought the firkin was the British Standard unit of excess, normally used in two's. 🤣
  11. You have reminded me of my current mailing-list signature: Archbishop James Usher claimed that the heaven and earth were created on Sunday 21st October 4004 BC at 9 a.m. This too was incorrect, by almost a quarter of an hour. -- Good Omens
  12. I too weigh water for baking - but my experience of the markings on the measuring jugs I've bought from supermarkets is that they are very approximate.
  13. Better street lighting levels ? Just wait until your local lights get replaced with current low-spill lights. OK on residential roads, but very poor on 40 mph dual carriageways.
  14. Blimey, where do you buy them to get to that price ? Mine (ex tesco) went a couple of weeks ago after a similar time. Got a new one at the local asda for much less than that, a quick look online suggests it was about £55. OTOH, this is only a microwave - a control for the setting and a timer, no fancy extras or grill. and it seems to need longer than the old one when cooking things, both are/were nominally 800W.
  15. My memory says that the sides (and the corridor side of the compartments) on production BILs and HALs were wooden (the initial run of BILs were very different). I think the 2H/3H DEMUs similarly had wooden compartment sides, not sure about the interiors. For the BILs and HALs I cannot remember the seat colours (and anyway I was never in first). For 2-EPBs, my pics of 5759 from the East Kent in 2013 (green, syp) show wooden sides, trojan upholstery, and whiteish roof (and end above the bench seat), although at least one of the doors was whiteish below the droplight - probably from a repair.
  16. A further thought. I don't know which desktop environment you have installed, but try playing the DVD from the desktop terminal (xfce4-terminal if on xfce), i.e. 'vlc /dev/dvd' (that will only work if a /dev/dvd symlink was created, if you get a message '/dev/dvd No such file or directory' then try 'vlc /dev/sr0'. The purpose is to see what error message(s) you get.
  17. Have you installed the following libraries: libdvdread, libdvdnav, and libdvdcss ? The are not necessarily required by VLC because people use that for things apart from playing DVDs. But libdvdcss is a runtime requirement for playing encoded DVDs.
  18. Call me a traditionalist, but I prefer traditional espresso machines. I've gone through a few over the years, currently on a lowish-end De Longhi. (probably around £100). Slightly underpowered, but normally there is only me. I've had better machines in the past, but they all wore out. As another person in a hard water area, I have to use citric acid every few months for cleaning the machine, I see that delonghi now sell bottles of lactic acid for cleaning. I've also got my own grinder - used to be very into grinding different blends back in the day. There was a franchise outlet in Brighton up to about 2008 with a good range (Santos and Java, Elephant Ears [ big beans], etc), after that I got Monsooned Malabar for a while but can't get it these past few years, so I sometimes use various different espresso beans just for a change. At one time I had a Gaggia and liked their several ground coffee variations, but again they are no longer available anywhere I shop. Sometimes I grind ordinary espresso beans a bit coarser, for a cappucino-sized cup of cafè crema (a slightly longer espresso), but nowadays I mostly just use pre-ground lavazza. For me, the problem with bean-to-cup machines is the size, the possible need to plumb them in, and the general assumption that I'll set the system up the way I like it amd then leave it at that - in practice, from time to time I prefer changes. Having said that, nespresso seems to make a decent drink - but the waste annoys me.
  19. Happens to me far too often - I type a 't' and somehow a TAB is generated. Mostly when I'm editing some text and discover that the line has become offset (the tab goes at the start), but when typing in a web page, like here, or sometimes when in a search box on the browser, I get a new tab with everything after the 't' in the URL field. I rest my keyboards on my knees, with my legs pointing out a bit - I supect that the PCB in the keyboard can flex.
  20. Does gaining 4Kg, and then the presumed struggle and self-denial to lose approximately half of it (so, continuing self-denial and no uisge-beatha for you for the moment) not merit sympathy and supportive feelings ? Alternatively, maybe what you actually did was take the approach common among those of the female persuasion in the 1970s and turn to tobacco to stave off the hunger (in your case, obviously that would be the finest cigars, perhaps hand-rolled on the thighs of dusky maidens) ? Yes, your comparison to the austin allegro was clearly humour (or, more likely, black humour if you ever knew anyone who had one of those misbegotten cars). But we have a limit of one emoji rating per post. Also, fitting in with the groupthink rather than being thought of as an outsider encourages people to go with an existing rating rather than add a different one. Of course, if the ratings were translated into voltages you might have got a shockingly different result. 🤣 Sometimes I rate for the initial part of a post, other times for the final part, sometimes (particularly for the bear's posts) I don't know which part to rate, and sometimes I just think (well, you can guess, don't want to fall foul of the unwritten rules). Was going to end with an emoji, but couldn't find one suitable - so in view of your language-learning here are a japanese ogre 👹 and a japanese goblin 👺 to prepare you in case a shopping mall there turns out to be a colosal cave (and apparently that is the correct spelling). ĸen, thinking about going to bed - but it's early days yet (trying to keep night-shift hours for a few days to get to an early hospital appointment, rather than my normal so-called gentleman's hours).
  21. I normally stay logged in, but scrolling right up to the top of screen shows an indication of new notifications if there are any.
  22. Really ? I'm only seeing the green banner for nominations, and the orange banner for the survey.
  23. I'm a linux enthusiast (building from source, so old machines are regrettably no-longer practical for compiling), so feel free to disregard this comment. But word processing (libreoffice - in general use it is reputed to cope better than MS Word with old MS documents, although it might give issues with some firms' in-house standards that rely on MS macros if I understood comments elsewhere) email - maybe thunderbird ?, browsing - firefox, picures - ImageMagick for basic manipulating or changing format, gimp for general manipulation of photos) are the easy things and any recent ubuntu-derived distribution should have no trouble installing on an old (BIOS, not UEFI) machine. For less old machines with UEFI (so called trusted computing and secure boot as in MS own the machine, not you) then installing can be a lot harder. But I agree that using applications that are built to only run on some version of MS Windows is not an easy path for linux users.
  24. My bank keeps encouraging me to use its online app. In the end, I had to (needed to pay a new bill while my cable connection was broken). Normally I use a browser on my desktop, I have low confidence that a phone will not eventually be stolen, lost, broken or just with a flat battery (or lacking signal, of course). But recently I wanted to cancel a Standing Order (remember them ?) and discovered I can only do that via the online app.
  25. Firefox was often like that for some months, i.e. clicking next page often took me to the bottom of next page, but occasionally to the top. For the past week or two it often takes me to the top of the current page, in those cases I sometimes like on the numbered next page - I now tend to assume I'll end at the bottom if it is the next page.
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