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Everything posted by mezzoman253

  1. IIRC penalties were introduced for the very reasons mentioned, a result on the night due to travelling fans and costs. I personally don't like them, but it's the only practical way, in the current game. Rob
  2. Thanks for the nice comment Jack. Slow but steady progress. It's a bit like tiling, you do the bulk fairly quickly, then all the fiddley bits take forever. Rob
  3. A few more pics, as a bit more scenic work has been completed, including platform faces, retaining wall detail and moss/greenery, and yard area. Platform ends. Fuel area. Yard, including old trackbed of siding. Rob
  4. The new Arsenal kit is unveiled http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1174325-arsenal-reveal-new-home-kit-for-2012-13-season The guy on the left doesn't look too happy. Rob
  5. Extra excitement for the owners of the clubs that get a second chance to get more money than they would have done if the play offs hadn't been invented. As for accepting it. it's a fait a complit, fans have no say in the matter. Playing the extra matches in empty stadia might make the powers that be take notice, but the "fans" aren't going to miss a chance of seeing their team win something, they might otherwise have not. Rob
  6. Even worse in Rugby League, I believe, the top 4 teams at the end of the season play off for the title.The team that was best overall over the year, doesn't necessarily lift the Trophy. Now that is bizarre. Maybe someone with more knowledge of that sport will comment and/or correct please. Rob
  7. The play-offs are actually giving West Ham a chance of Premiership football. Had they not been in existence, West Ham would still be in the Championship by finishing 3rd. They still may of end up there course. The exact opposite result would suit me. However both teams have yet to get to Wembley. Rob
  8. Liverpool V Chelsea Same old, same old. At least it's the 1st Saturday in May as it used to be many years BP(before Premiership). Won't be watching, off to the Olympic stadium for a test event. Rob
  9. In theory a 50/50 split of penalties and yellows for the attacker should happen over a season. The reality is, given a marginal decision, the penalty is more likely to be given, why? If you awarded a penalty to the defending side if the attacker simulated, that might get the attention of managers, and go some way to solving the problem. Or would you then get defenders luring attackers into dives? Rob
  10. A bit more insight into how the layout came about. My old 8'x6' shed/shack had seen better days, so with the nod from SWMBO, I purchased a heavy duty 12'x8' shed. Then proceeded to kit it out with electrics, insulation, heater and ventilation. As it doubles as my radio station shack, it wasn't practical to do a tail chaser round the walls, so the station to fiddle yard layout was adopted along the back wall. The base for the layout was two internal doors supported from the walls by angle brackets, and a layer of 6mm ply on top. This was then covered in sheets of grey high density foam in two layers. My thoughts were than it would deaden the sound and I could "plant" buildings in it rather than have them on top of ground level. The grey made any gaps in ballasting blend in and is easy to cut with a scalpel. Track laying was also unconventional, I used "Glue Dots" Glue lines to stick the track down. These are a bit like the stuff you have to hold free gifts to magazines, sticky rubbery stuff. OK on the straights and points, a bit hairy on curves. The DCC Bus consists of a "K" shape under the boards, and is of quite large amperage being earth bonding wire in yellow/green and comparable in black, I had these to hand and although probably overkill for this layout, I'd rather go over than under for the Bus. Every piece of rail has at least one dropper, long straights have two one at each end. All the points are Peco code 100 electrofrog, modified by cutting the switch rails near the frog to isolate it. This was done with a piecing saw as my attempts to do it with a disc were dreadful! All the point motors are Peco and have double changeover switches, one pole for the frog and the other for signalling, although I'm not sure if I'll use these or do signalling another way. At the moment I've still to make the control panel and just change the points by hand. It'll be traditional with centre off toggle switches and LEDs. So with all the track down and wired I started a few trial running sessions. I've an E-Z from Bachmann, but as yet no chipped loco's, so ran on button 10 the analogue mode. I would like to upgrade to an NCE system later, as the E-Z doesn't cater for changing CV's. There were one or two minor things during testing, but overall running was fine. I then airbrushed the track to tone it down and painted the rail sides by hand with acrylics, going for a more chocolate colour rather than the traditional orange/rust. Next was ballasting, I'd been putting it off but eventually thought if I don't do it now I'll never finish the layout. I spread the ballast ( Woodlands Scenics) with a scoop, made out of a tin foil plate, as wide as the rails, and just put ballast along the outsides with the scoop and used a paintbrush to get it in the right areas. Again I went for the unconvential for adhesive and used "Klear". I'd stocked up on this after reading the original formula was being discountiued. I got a can of IPA from Maplin, no not beer but a wetting agent to help the Klear flow through the ballast. I tried misting it on but found I was making more mess than progress, so used a eye dropper to put it on and the same with the Klear. Once i'd got a technique I was happy with things moved on quite quickly, and as others have said, it can be quite therapeutic. After it had set, I tidied up some odd bits that I'd missed and clear the track of any fouling ballast. I've since done another toning down of the ballast and done some fuel spillage areas between the tracks where diesel would stand/idle. In between wiring and ballasting I scratch built a low relief warehouse using foamboard, Wills brick sheets and some basswood trim. The station, and the higher retaining walls were made in similar fashion. Another scratch built building hides the fiddle yard. All these have been painted and weathered, using acrylics, and powders made from hard chalk pastels. I've also been experimenting the printed buildings/views as part of the backscene. Some have been successful, others not so and the work is still in progress to get the right feel. The backboard was painted, again with acrylics, freehand, using the "Rolf Harris" method. It seems to me to look ok. As you may gather, all this is to create an impression of somewhere, and is not based on anywhere in particular. Just elements that are pleasing to my eye, at least. Things to do. Platforms need surfacing, I'll probably use DAS air drying clay and paint and weather it. Building/yard lighting, and colourlight signals. Further scenery and detailing. Then when I feel I've "finished, onto the loco' for chipping and detailing. As you can see some unconventional ideas, some successful others not so, but it's been very enjoyable, specially the buildings and their weathering. If you need more detail about the techniques used please ask. Rob
  11. Yes Burntmills is the industrial area of Basildon, that's where the name came from. It's generic set in anywhere between the north midlands & north west. As for the rat's nest, you're absolutely correct, it'll get a bit tidier when the control panel is installed, There is a colour code, of sorts. Rob .
  12. The squares are 6"x6" so it's about 11' 6" long and varies in width from left to right. Rob
  13. This is the 1st layout I've built, never had an electric train set as a kid, did have a clockwork one though. Shame I still don't have it. I've been on the RMweb for about 4 years or so, picking up info' and tips, whilst forming the idea for the layout in my mind and then commencing the build around 3 years ago. I have other hobbies that get in the way, so there have been big gaps between modelling, some of months rather than days. I got re-interested in model railways after taking early retirement from BT and joining Hobbycraft, working in the model shop in the Basildon store. The layout is freelance and uses a basic Bachmann EZ-command DCC set for operating at present; track is Peco code 100 electrofrog modified to isolate the frog. Loosely based on a north western town with a medium terminus that has seen better days, but still maintains a fairly busy service. I've set it in the modern area around 2000-2003, although I was brought up on a diet of steam in the late 50's and transition to diesels. I do like the modern era around the change to EWS taking over freight, and the class 66's coming on stream. The old yard and surroundings are now used as stabling and a small fuelling point has appeared for the loco's. The old water tower is still in existance and used very occaisionally for steam charter locos. Off scene are a steel firm taking odd deliveries of bar and sheet for manufacturing smaller products. this gives me licence to run the odd freight. There's a branch line for a DMU/LE movement. There will be some glaring mistakes I suppose, but at present I'm happy with the layout. It's all a big learning curve, but I've enjoyed doing the scenics and buildings particularly. Lots more to do as always, operating panel, finishing touches to buildings/platforms, etc, but at least I can do some running if I feel like it. I've tried some different techniques to the usual ones for baseboards(internal door), ballasting(Klear) and weathering, some more successful than others. There are few resin buildings, mainly the smaller ones, the others being foamboard covered with Wills or SE Finecast sheets. Rolling stock consists of class 150, 156 & 158 DMU's in various liveries, EWS class 08, 56, 60 & 66 and various wagons. Most of these are as purchased and need chippping, and weathering to varying degrees.That'll come after the layout is "finished". That's a short resume of the layout so far, if you have any questions or comments please post them. Please note I'm not on RMweb all the time, so be patient if a reply is a little slow in coming back. Further updates as and when I do more to it. Rob Updated AnyRail diagram of layout. 11' 6" x 7' (6" grid) Early shot of progress. Similar view more work done. Station approach. Fuelling point, early stages. North Western 150 departs. Lima Rfd on EWS duty, practice loco' for weathering. Wider view.
  14. Did anyone see the documentary on QPR last night after MOTD2? Just shows the difficulty managers have, with the board and others trying to pick the team for them. An eye opening film. Rob
  15. The fear of dropping out of the Premier League is immense. Now approaching the sharp end of the season time is of the essence and appointing a new manager may get the result required. Just look at Sunderland. Mick McCarthy is a good honest pro', working with what he's got, the combination doesn't seem to be working. Unfortunately he's paid the price for poor results, be it his, his players, or his boards failings. I'll leave you all to be the judge of that. Rob
  16. Ok fair enough, it's all a sad event in football whatever the rights and wrongs. I'm surprised the police didn't get involved even though not informed officially. They still can of course. Rob
  17. I watched MOTD last night and there was some evidence that Evra's hand was not at the same level as ALL the other MU players hands, it was well below. Suarez could have interpreted that as being he didn't want to shake hands, and so passed him by, given the history. I'm not defending either party, no love of prima donnas in the game. Just an observation. Selective myopia seems rife in the modern game. I don't think the police need it to be reported to them to take action if they feel the law has been broken. Whether they do or not is another matter. Rob
  18. It has got free P&P but http://www.ebay.co.u...ME:B:SS:GB:1123 Normally goes for around £14. Rob
  19. We were discussing this very thing during the Fulham/Odenese game. How an earth are the smaller clubs going to become bigger clubs if any chance of progressing in the Europa league is thwarted by drop outs from the Champions league. It's all about perpetuating the established clubs and not upsetting the status quo. Rob
  20. Nice video of the swarming starlings Mike. We've not noticed any decline in populations in general. The magpies have done well, saw 7 on the roof of a house opposite yesterday morning. Over the years we've had over 35 types of bird come to the garden, but some only once. We will put out extra food when the weather gets colder, but there seems to be enough food around at the moment for them. Nice to see so many interested in our feathered friends. Rob
  21. Hi David, Would be nice, but the locals may have other ideas. Rob
  22. Sorry I may have cornered the market in starlings.
  23. Everyone on the Earth should have to spend a night out in the wildness to watch the stars. It shows us how insignificant we all are in the great scheme of things. Superb! Rob
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