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Everything posted by mezzoman253

  1. I also note he's not had feedback for this one yet, although only a couple of days since it ended. It'll be interesting to take a look at that, when and if it comes through.. Rob
  2. I see some were taken in by this it went for £35. He's either duped the buyers or lost a layout for £35. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/111308552048?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Rob
  3. Well it will be a collectors item, as the "didn't pass the group stage" version Rob
  4. Interesting someone mentioned the NFL. All the teams are franchises, and the players are graded by ability and their position e.g. Quarterback, tight end, etc. This is done by an independent body. Prior to the start of the season the team with the worst record has 1st pick of the players, they can defer that pick or chose a player further down the list. This continues until the best team has last pick. This has the result of balancing out the league and no one club can dominate for any length of time. The players agree their own contracts, but don't go to the highest bidder. So in time all clubs CAN reach the top of the pile, whereas theoretically it's possible in football, what usually happens is the established clubs grab all the best players, so perpetuating the status quo. Rob
  5. Until, and it won't happen any time soon, the revenues from TV rights are apportioned in reverse of what they are now, the lower leagues are going to struggle and the game will collapse. The Premier league will sail gracefully on whilst all the others will founder on the rocks of financial ruin. Rob
  6. Came to the same conclusion, it's survive this season and start again next. As for Sam, given the funds he'd do as well as most. So unless a benevolent buyer comes along with millions it's more of the same. Cannon fodder for the top 4-5. Rob
  7. You'd think they'd drop the road surface by a foot or so and accommodate most of the smashed trucks, rather than have to inspect the bridge umpteen times. Rob
  8. On a flight to New York a very attractive blonde woman kept leaving her seat at the rear of the aircraft and going into 1st class and sitting in a spare seat. After many unsuccessful attempts to get her to stay in her allotted seat, the stewardess went to the flight deck to see if the pilots could help. One of them said "I'll sort it out, I speak blonde". He approached the woman, who was back in 1st class again, and whispered in her ear. Immediately the woman got up and went back to her seat in the rear. The stewardess was amazed and said "What did you say to her?" "Simple" said the pilot, "I told her only the rear part of the plane was going to New York, the rest was landing in Washington."
  9. RVP is getting his excuses in prior to looking elsewhere. No Champions League next year, he'll be off. Premier league - no strength in depth, top few plus the cannon fodder. Roy Keane summed it up last night, PL great marketing but not the top league in Europe anymore. Man U nothing to play for if they go out. Welcome to the world most of us inhabit. Rob
  10. Well they're not going to contradict howard Webb are they. He's a very good ref' but in this instance he got it wrong. So for 3 crucial games Andy Carroll is out. Swansea have blinked, whereas Sam is staying. Which strategy was correct will be decided at the end of the season. Leeds & Joe Kinnear both bizarre episodes. It's a funny ole game. Rob
  11. Pleased with the 3 points but the others in the battle all got something too, so status quo at the bottom. If there's any justice Carroll will not be banned for 3 games, but is there any justice. Rob
  12. Absolutely, but he didn't expect that? Rob
  13. Opinions:- Chelsea 0 http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/25954812 vs West Ham 0 http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/25954813 Rob
  14. Hi, Just found some video I took a while back of my Railfreight class 37 on the layout. The quality isn't great, but it gives a feel of the layout. I'll take some more in time and hopefully they'll be better. Rob
  15. The Newcastle fans must be pulling their hair out, along with Pardew. Cabaye is going to PSG for around £20 million. Good business, bought for £4.3 million in 2011. But if you want to get into the top 4-5 you need players like him. Rob
  16. There is revenue sharing. The premiership gets the spoils and the rest get the crumbs. It should really be the other way around to make the game healthier from grass roots to the Premiership. The game is organised so the top clubs stay on top and the rest stay where they are. The only way now to get into the top spots is if a very rich backer comes along and buys your club. Rob
  17. Hi Colin, No, I completely agree with you. Obviously no news that bulletin and had to fill the gaps left. I like Moyes and feel for him, but Sir Alex was in a similar situation when he first took over at Old Trafford. There's only one top spot and no one has the right to it, statistically it won't be "your" club every year. Also a Hammers fan, of 50 years. Rob
  18. This was posted on Saturday last. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/81156-v-scale-virtual-preston-carlisle-dumfries/ Rob
  19. A few changes to the signalling gantries I'd previously built. With the platform starters scratch built there was no need for the large gantries from the previous pics. These have been re-cycled into a single unit spanning the approaches to the station. I've some double headed TrainTech heads that will fit on to these, as well as dummy platform indicators. Whilst taking the pics this one came out quite well, the lighting picking out the weathering on the retaining walls effectively.
  20. At Ally Pally last year I bought some yard lamps, I've just got round to fitting them today. They're not wired up, so no "night" pictures yet. They'll need a little toning down, with some matt vanish, as the black is very glossy. Rob
  21. Both recognised central defenders are crocked, Collins against Arsenal and Tomkins yesterday after 15 minutes. We played with a back four who are all full backs. In our previous games we've not had too bad a record for the defence, whilst not scoring many. Now we've limited options in attack and defence. The other relegation candidates are looking better under new managers, whilst we are slipping backwards. It doesn't look good. Rob
  22. Hi guys, Thanks for the nice comments. The layout is not based on anywhere in particular, just things I've seen and are pleasant to my eye. The 47 is an old Lima model, and is used for practicing weathering. The signals need some ladders and finishing with small items, phone, code plates, etc, and a bit of weathering too. We're getting there. Rob
  23. Hi class 66 & gismorail, Thanks for the nice comments. if i can get the loco's & DMU's half as good I'll be pleased. The weathering and scenery are something I really like to do. The main aspects are Berko spare heads and will eventually work, not wired in yet, but the other parts are just too small for me to get working, but give the feel of a full set of signals. Still lots to do on the layout. Control panel is built and wiring is proceeding slowly, plus some of the buildings will be lit, and the station needs finishing. Rob
  24. Temporarily put the platform signals in place and took some pics. Not sure the big gantries need to be there now.
  25. Hi Brian, Thanks for the nice comments. I've not done much to it over the summer, but am getting some things done now we have the longer nights. Rob
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