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The Dorset Wanderer

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Status Updates posted by The Dorset Wanderer

  1. The family have just left, this leaves several unfinished bottles of wine. What to do?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. steve22


      Wine down the sink, glass in the washing up bowl?

    3. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      forget the glass. swig it

    4. petethemole


      if you can't face it, it should keep overnight, enjoy it tomorrow.

  2. Just found 1hr 30 mins of Pink Floyd at pompeii on U tube- HEAVEN!!!!

    1. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      Overhead the albatross hangs motionless upon the air

      And deep beneath the rolling waves

      In labyrinths of coral caves........

    2. Gloucester Road

      Gloucester Road

      Found it too. Watching lots of floyd while my ankle heals.

  3. Just found 1hr 30 mins of Pink Floyd at pompeii on U tube- HEAVEN!!!!

  4. Ambition achieved with 'Hennock' in issue 161 of Model Rail

  5. Damn this Jamesons is good!

    1. bike2steam


      Nice to know some one with good taste.

  6. Just asked wether I would like a new career with La Senza! Things are looking up!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. eastwestdivide


      I heard the take-home pay was pants.

    3. Horsetan


      Hopefully he won't make a boob on his first day.

    4. CullingworthGNR


      Tats a great job offer. I'd be in there like swimwear!

  7. All the plastic kits made, time to fit the asbestos fingers and get into the brass

  8. Just one rule-Bring A Mug!

    1. The Dorset Wanderer

      The Dorset Wanderer

      See my Blog http;//DORSET3MM.BLOGSPOT.COM/

  9. 3mm scale modeller,organiser of Dorset 3mm Group-Have 3mm layout 'Hennock' which has been shown at several exhibitions across the South of England.

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