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Posts posted by Markeg

  1. Hi Gilbert,


    Great distraction these photos.  Like the B12 and yes to Hornby doing a proper B12.  Maybe one day.


    Please don't mention the Cricket, Golf, Le Tour de France, Olympics.  We Aussies are just having a lean patch.  I stayed up a couple of nights to watch the cricket and cycling.  Re: the cricket team, I do think a couple of aussie batsmen just don't have what it takes to step up to test level. I think they need to blood a few younger players. 


    Royal Baby, the great gathering, Hornby's woes.

    Just keep the photos coming Gilbert, enjoying them.

    Mark in OZ

  2. Thanks Tony for your excellent photos of your excellent layout.

    Your progress is bringing the layout to life.


    I like the weathering on your 01.  Very subtle.  I decided that I would not buy an 01, but when the weathered version came up on a UK shop website for 40% off RRP, I snapped one up.  I have seen in a same named model rly magazine an article on weathering the 01, but felt it was a little over done to my liking.  So I am thinking I will adds some weathering on the body at some stage. 


    enjoying it all, layout, locos and stock.


    Mark in OZ

  3. Hi Nelson,


    Very nicely done.  Like the theme too.  North eastern.  Yea. Now we need some locos from the manufactures to go with the layout.  As I model the North east too.


    I notice in photo 5, above the engine shed an anchor- a Boys Brigade anchor.  I am a past boy and leader. What's the connection?


    Mark in OZ

  4. Happy Birthday Gibert.


    Enjoyed the video of the WD with working signals.  excellent stuff.


    When taking video, its all too easy to add some sound effects.  I was at the home of The Gresley Beat in Kent in 2011 with a new video camera and shooting footage with some comments which I could have done without.  All down to experience.


    Would love to get back so to see more UK based layouts.  But must save up for that.


    Just finished building a couple of Parkside Dundas wagons, a bogie brick and Trestle.  Now to add decals.


    Mark in OZ

  5. B17's look good Tim, what about Liverpool.  I have the name plates for that, but need to get some BR numbers (last 2 digits anyway).

    I like the look of the D11 too.  I have the NRM Butler Henderson, could weather that.  Am tempted by the BR D11/1 to change to Ypres or Jutland.  What I'd really like is a D10 62654 Walter Burgh Gair, only because his part of the family.  So will wait till next years announcements or a kit bash is happening.



  6. Hi Gilbert,


    Thanks for the photos of The Hadrian Bar car.  Really looks the goods.  Will study the photos a bit more and what you have done and see which way I go.   


    The small details are certainly making the layout come alive. 



    • Like 1
  7. Hi Gilbert,


    Like the photos of mallard pulling the Tees-Tyne Pullman.  I have a copy of Steam World with a photo from a similar position in your 4th Photo with a A4.  Very life like.  Its Like "Art imitating Life."

    In your Tees-Tyne, have you a Hadrian Bar Car and could you photogragh it for me?  I may have to make one up from the current Hornby lighted Pullman Bar cars if I can get my hands on one.  I know Precision Labels have the transfers/Stickers for such a beast.

    The issue is colour variation on the latest Pullmans compared to the older style models.   I could possibly buy the older version and overlay the Hadrian bar car transfers on that.  What do you think?  Possibly cheaper.


    I will consider that.

    Mark in OZ

    • Like 1
  8. Thanks for posting the photos Johnathan, they certainly highlight the superb detail on this layout.  I especially like the detail of the worker reading outside the workers hut in front of the station.



    Mark in OZ

  9. Hi,

    Comet have a range of LNER Gresleys and Thompsons Etched brass kits if that is what you are after.

    Old no longer available D&S range go for heaps on ebay. 

    I have a Comet Restaurant Triplet Set kit partly built by a fellow RMwebber/LNER webber to finish of which is sitting on my desk now.


    Mark in Oz

    • Like 1
  10. Hi,


    I asked them about the Bachmann Blue Pullman when they came out and how much postage was to Australia.  They said it would have to be divided into two for cheaper postage.  I knew that could be a concern if one was lost.  I did get worried as the 2nd parcel arrived 10 days later.  I was about to email them when the parcel arrived.  All tested and ran very well and cheaper postage.


    definitely will use them again and hopefully visit them too.


    Mark in OZ

  11. Hi Paul,


    Well done on a good job on the DJH Q7.  The extra details enhance a very nice model.


    I picked up a DJH Q7 here in OZ for A$73.40 (around GBP45) including postage. The handrails were not quite straight, but not really noticable when moving and looking from 3'.  It also needed brake gear, so I ordered some from Mainly Trains.  The pick ups were from one of loco and other side of tender.  Not very good for running abilities, so I added a PCB and wire to the other side of the locos front and rear wheels.  I think I will eventually add pickups to the tender too.  I added some glazing to the front and front side windows.


    Could you show us a photo of the pick ups you fitted and the brake gear?


    I bought Rob's Comet kit LNER Restaurant Triplet set which needs finishing.


    Mark in OZ

  12. Welcome back John,


    Enjoy watching the progress on YMRF.  Like the details and size, especially the canal-warehouse scene.  How did you do the water?My layout is 20'x8', which I think I should have gone a bit wider and now probably will some time down the track.  Though I model apple green region mostly and have some BR green era stock for a change.


    We have had 30-40 degrees celius here in south eastern australia and plent of fires.

    Keep up the good work


  13. Hi Sac martin, I too like the look of your weathering job on the 01, but have not succumbed to the weathering bug yet.  Nor have I a 01 as I have enough 2-8-0's at the moment.  I will wait for the Heljan 02 if it appears.   Though I have an Airfix pug to build and will have a go at that first.  I might then tackle something else like the 8F if it looks alright.


    Hi Doug, I have been working on the solution to the L1 front bogie and it works.  I can not claim to be the inventor, but it certainly improves the side play.  I have attached a photo.  The hole goes under the first screw in the base plate.


    I bought a B1 at full price too and was disappointed when they discounted them.  But it does run nicely and the Bachmann went onto ebay.


    I have ordered the P2 and will go nicely next to P2 Thane of Fife. And thats it.







    • Like 1
  14. Thanks Andy for posting Tony's photos and to Tony for allowing us the privilege of seeing his masterpeices in action on a masterpeice of a Layout.  They are truly inspirational for a LNER/ECML modeller.


    Wishing You and Tony both a great New Year and plenty more modelling inspiriation to come.


    I like the engineers shed by Pacific models too.


    Mark in OZ

  15. HI Jeff, and Doug


    Thanks and wishing you too the best for 2013.


    The single viaduct was a bit more difficult as I had to disgard the internal framing supplied, but I am happy with the end result.  I did consider getting the Wills viaduct, but that is a heavy product and again I would have to cut it down and I think making it the same as the double viaduct keeps it uniform.  I have sealed both with a lacquer.   I have laid some track over it and am running trains.


    I have a set of Hornby gresley suburban teaks, will pass on the Thompsons though.  I picked up from a fellow LNER modeller in UK a Comet Gresley Restaurant Triplet set, unfinished, but well built and painted.  Just have to attach made bogies, interior and roof, but a good buy I think.


    I have ordered a P2 high spec.  That will go nicely with my streamline P2 Thane of Fife.  I have also ordered an A4 Sir Nigel Gresley, thankfully that is all for the coming year at least from Hornby.  Haven't ordered an 01 as I have 3 2-8-0's (04, 8F & 7F) so don't need another one.  Though if Heljan produce the 02 with GNR cab in 2014, then I will hang out for that one.


    The B17 has been run in and was pulling a set of gresleys today, the detail stuff is fragile, like drain cocks and steps.  I always like my tender drive B17 which had improved running, but sold that.


    Keep up the good work and easter is not to far away.



    • Like 1
  16. Hi Jeff,


    Good progress there.  Hope you had a good Christmas and did Santa bring you anything for the Railway? 


    For an LNER modeller, all the A4's, B17's, etc are coming at once.  I even got the Bachmann SECR C class, very nice model.


    I have finished my single line viaduct and it is planted and trains running over it.  That was today.  I am using the old camera so photo is not the best.



    Have a great new year, and I should make it down sometime soon.  I think Frank K is in March, so will try to make that.





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