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Posts posted by Markeg

  1. Very expensive to post to Australia and New Zealand, but they were only paying £10 for passage to OZ. At least the name plate of Commonwealth of Australia is in the NRM at York as the longest nameplate. I could notpost-7319-0-15390000-1341475277_thumb.jpg fit it in the backpack, so I left it there.


    Mark in OZ



  2. No doubt SRman, you will enjoy running some new coaches on your layout, with a southern region flavour. The Pull-Push set look excellent. I was tempted, but decided no. I have 5 locos to come over the next 6 months and now have some O gauge track to add to the budget. I have ordered a OO gauge LNER Push-Pull coach from Kirk/Coopercraft.


    There is another batch on the way in July.




  3. post-7319-0-40288200-1339927841_thumb.jpgHi Ken,


    Recover well. 250 kits in recovery period. When do you start? I would tram it up the Great Orme.

    I can now claim I have succumbed today. I have bought of a friend a box of Peco O gauge bullhead track. He has flat bottom.

    Now to look at some locos and rolling stock and a few points. I can blame him and you Ken on some excellent modelling.


    above is a photo of his layout.



  4. Hi Gilbert,


    The layout is coming along nicely, I'm sure you are looking forward to the overall roofs arriving.


    The Model Rail subscription arrived on tuesday which your article of planning a layout was in. It was an excellent article and one I'd wish I had read before starting my layout several years ago. I am looking forward to your next article, which must be in the issue on the ECML.


    keep up the good work


    Mark in OZ

    • Like 1
  5. She has put in 'stirling' service for you for that long. I will attempt to convert mine to a D10 62654 Walter Burgh Gair, but will have to source new chimney, dome, cab and name plate. Then that will do me until we see a D10 arrive, which may be a few years away. I think a general release D11/1 will come after the NRM Butler Henderson model and then possibly a D10.


    Does anyone know where these are available from?


    It is great news. Save me buying a PDK kit to build.



  6. Hi David,


    Looks like some work is being done and you will have a nice 16 road fiddle yard for lots of stock. + one dead Pullman coach.


    The W1 looks good too, GKing does a excellent job. What is the rest of the layout going to look like? Station, Goods yard, What is planned?


    I have just bought myself a SEF original W1 to build, but must finish the Garratt, Coronation coaches, some wagons and the new improved control box (wiring). I have 5 of the Bachmann Thompson coaches which I picked up cheaply, I know they are not up to todays standards, but look the part. I will be attempting to convert a Hornby Gresley sleeper crimson & cream to a composite too.


    Look forward to your progress.



  7. To Max and Rob, those B1's look brilliant. both weathered and pristine. A question about the smoke box door on Bachmann and Hornby models, which is more correct, because they look a little different? I must get a couple of the books out to check. It won't matter in the end as I will buy the Hornby model.


    I have the old Bachmann LNER Roedeer, which I bought very cheaply hear £40apx/$60 in Australia and will flog it off once I get my hands on the new Hornby B1 but in BR this time.



  8. Hi Tim,


    Looks like some good progress is taking place.


    I enjoyed seeing Copenhagen Fields at the MRC HQ in May last year when I visited the UK. Very impressed and enjoyed my night too.

    I also visited the Gresley Beat, so saw 2 LNER layouts of Kings Cross area.


    Look forward to seeing it in the RM, but wont be visiting Utrecht, Houten unfortunately.


    Mark in OZ

    • Like 1
  9. Now that the weather discussion/distraction is out of the way, we can get back to the real issues. See more of the Peterborough North layout.


    I was looking at the BRM website and some of their video clips and found one on the Hornby A4 Sparrow Hawk with sound and watch it to see it going through it paces on Peterborough North.


    Here is the link to the website. https://www.model-railways-live.co.uk/TV/ Then you need to select Models and Kits and the scroll down to Hornby Sparrow Hawk. I have one of these but as yet haven't gone DCC, though a fellow club member has lent me a Hornby DCC select unit which I will use until the NCE unit is procured.


    Excellent work, bring on the A2's.



  10. I agree with Gordon, the track looks fantastic, especially when you blow up/enlarge the picture. I have a packet of Brassmaster Fish plates to put on my layout and this just goes to show that the little extra details do make a difference. I must get on to that, but not today as as its 34o celcius outside and it gets hot in the shed.


    Regarding the door hinge rebates, just wack a bit of white undercoat in them until you are ready to fill them. Stop gap method, I think the real railways use that method over the years.



  11. Hi Merlin,

    Excellent photos really bring the layout to life. Excellent detail too. Love the Photo of Merlin pulling out of the station past the loading gauge (posted today). I remember seeing it in BRM too, must see if I have that copy as I usually don't buy BRM unless it has something that interests me. Do you have an overall shot of your layout?


    You have quite a collection of A3's and A4's. I have 6 A4's and one each of Hornby A1 and A3, Bachmann A1 and A2.


    The D11/2, which kit is it, Little Engines or PDK? I was hoping Hornby were to announce these and the D10's this year, but now I will have to wait for Bachmann's announcement in March. Then if there is no D10-D11 then will have to buy a kit to build and as is the norm, when you finish it, they announce it. This has happened with the Gresely full brake. I'll stop rambling and what motor and gear box did you use? A D10 is top of my list, specifically LNER 5433 and a BR 62654 Walter Burgh Gair one of each definitely.



  12. Hi Ken,


    Thanks for the reply. Just returned from having tea/dinner/supper -evening meal. Had a quick look through at some of the entries and photos of your work. Some very nice items there. I model mostly LNER in 00 gauge with some BR favorites, but that is getting up to near 30 now.


    I see you have made a D16 4-4-0. A friend of mine here has built himself a 45' x 20' 0 gauge layout with a few BR locos, DJH A1, BL A3, Black 5, Pannier and I think one other. I will get to question now. I have looked at the Gladiator kit of the D10/11 Director and may one day buy one, specifically D10 62654 Walter Burgh Gair as its has the same surname. How do you get the balance right, is the chassis compensated? But I must admit I think I would build a 00 gauge one first, but I'm hoping Hornby or Bachmann make one, now Bachmann for 2012-3. Then I would buy several to have one in LNER and BR liveries.


    Went to Gainsborough MRC and saw a couple of nice 0 gauge layouts at Bristol MREx while I was in the UK. My favorite was seeing The Gresley Beat and meeting its owner.



  13. Hi Ken,


    excellent work. The Duchess will certainly come up well once it is painted.


    I have a latest Hornby Duchess in red and is a very nice loco, but does not compare with your work.


    I see you live in lovely Llandudno, my wife and I visited there on the May day festival (2011) and took the Great Orme Tramway to the top.



  14. Hi Jeff & Owen,


    In regards to the DCC Controller, I have doen some investigating and have decided on NCE. I was thinkng of buying cheaply, but that is throwing money away when the NCE here in Bendigo is around A$200 so will be looking to set up the layout over the Christmas -New year and look to purchase sometime in the new year.

  15. The photos are excellent and give a good indication of differences. Both look excellent.


    I will wait till I read what Tony Wright has to say, and also have too many things coming this Christmas-New Year period, so I will budget for one in the new year sometime. No hurry mind you. May flog the old Bachmann LNER Roedeer off too.



  16. I'd buy one if I were you.


    I just bought one and have the early crest on order, so will have 2, but will likely sell one. The late crest ones are selling very well I see, shops are selling out of them, so hopefully will restock for those um'ing and ah'ing.


    I hope we see a LNER/ER 0-6-0 announced from the same maker as these 3F's. If Model Rail tested them and they pulled 13 coaches and look as good as this, bring it on.


    Hi Gilbert, fantastic shots, I will have to practice with the wife's SLR when I get a chance.



    • Like 2
  17. Hi Doug,


    Back from the land of the ... whatever they call the UK. I succumbed and ordered a Beattie tank. Delightful little loco. Will not fit the LNER period though. But since I now have over 30 BR locos it may 'well' fit that period.


    See you at next months meet.



  18. Hi Rick,


    Excellent photos and the scenic work is too. Bring on the sun and surf.

    My Beattie arrived and is an excellent runner, tested it with 6 4 wheel wagons behind it today on the club layout. plan to attend the next BRMA meeting.



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