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The Black Hat

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Everything posted by The Black Hat

  1. The Black Hat

    Hornby B1

    A good choice, Sir.
  2. The Black Hat

    Hornby B1

    I dont think the NER smokebox door is just for Darlington built engines to my knowledge. Despite both B1s in preservation both being North British locomotive company engines, B1 61264 has a Darlington NER type smokebox, which Id think would be done by Hornby later, especially with the named B1s being Darlington built. Im not sure if North British used different types of door, but expect as mentioned, that it was swapped during a works visit. 61264 is the engine Id like done for my line first, with 61008 "Gnu" for a layout I've planed for later.... so if Hornby's reading this, please modify your 3rd Jan annoucement accordindly.... Id be most gratified....
  3. The Black Hat

    Hornby B1

    I agree the photographs are brilliant comparrions, but take issue with the part about wanting it on a plate. Problem some have, like me who has not altered engines too much (repaints yes and coaches but I haven't taken to cutting too many engines), is that the engines are expensive to start to work on, or modern tooling in recent years has meant that detail changes have been incorportated and that its a case of waiting for the right model to be done with the right features. This I think is the case of the NER style smokebox, but I would think it highly likely it will be done in the future. Its not a case of can you do it, but a case of can you do it to the standard and finesse of the models that are made now, especially when your considering an upgraded or detailed model like the B1. If your not prepared to wait, or doubt whether your efforts would ruin it - then perhaps maybe you buy the model for what it is as its as close as youd get for the time being. Meanwhile I am prepared to wait for the Hornby NER style smokebox, although I think Bachmann's B1 looks pretty close.
  4. You could go and buy the teak coaches, and then paint them yourself.... then youd have exactly what your after! Meanwhile, having seen some today in person, I really think they look fantastic, but think that even despite this they are too expensive for just a coach. The set will still be purchased, which I guess is half the bluff of Hornby charging what they do as they know they will sell. Cant blame them for that though, they are there to make money and despite such reservations over price I will end up getting some.
  5. The Black Hat

    Hornby B1

    I could cope.... but reckon instead that with modern tooling that Bachmann and Hornby would cater for the fact that theres different smokebox doors to model and thus do them all as time comes. So hopefully the next batch should feature a NER style smokebox door, for the masses to enjoy.....
  6. The Black Hat

    Hornby B1

    Why after starting to research this info from chatting in this topic do I find that your answer is unsurprising.... yet another North Eastern build that has not been modelled.....
  7. The Black Hat

    Hornby B1

    That mean no one has ever done a Darlington NER style B1, a kin to something like the first B1s and despite models running round with names of the first ones? Was an old Bachmann one not far off, while both new ones are not accurate. Wouldnt surprise me if no-one did a Darlington built type..... and I think its a shame given I would expect many of the class were Darlington and thus NER styled machines.
  8. The Black Hat

    Hornby B1

    Is that just on current releases of the new models too? That photo further up the thread of 61010 seemed to look NER style... compared with photos of 61264 which apparently has it.
  9. The Black Hat

    Hornby B1

    Am I right in thinking that Hornby have not done the NER style smokebox on any yet? I presume they will do it at some point, or should I look to Bachmann......??
  10. The Black Hat

    Hornby B1

    Didnt realise that there was more than just one style to be honest. Always prefered the NER style (no surprise there) as I think it looks much smarter and wish it was on more than just the B1. Reckon many other classes would benefit from it, like the K1, still it never happened like that. So guess will be waiting a while for a B1....
  11. The Black Hat

    Hornby B1

    Just realised that 61264 is a rivited machine - as thats the one I will model eventually.... might wait to see if either annouces it in the coming months.... Cant believe Ive finally become a rivit counter!
  12. Well well..... very interesting. Was it the same pair that did this role thoughout. I imagine that they soon were sent down to Newcastle to join the other classmates that I remember operating North East services alongside 142s.
  13. Shame I cant get down there to see them... Whats this about a 'Bathgate pair' - did some 143s run in the area around Waverley, after being built..... bet that would be something different to model and I didnt know any did opperate north of the border.
  14. Hello Id suggest making the canal as accurately as possible minus the water. Secure all areas that fluid could possibly escape. Have all the detail worked out and done. Then all I did was pour enough realistic water in to cover the area right up to the level required. I left it for a couple of days to settle and gell, before it did its work. Certainly looked the part at shows on my first layout. Hope that helps.
  15. Last time I knew Charlie had noted that these provincial and Tyne and Wear 143s, and original red and cream band 144 units would be much later, after the WYPTE red and cream stripe, and standard regional railways models on 143/144 which will probably be more popular. If theres enough people out there that acknowledge they want those earlier liveries then Im sure hed get round to them.
  16. As a thought for taking this further. Will a 21 pin chip still have aux 1 and aux 2 being abled to be used, given the amount of lighting and features this model will have - as it would mean its possible to get someone to get the tail lights to be independant.
  17. Those pictures make me think one thing. IT NEEDS THAT CENTRE CAR!!
  18. After seeing it Im certainly wanting the Regional and provincial 144 and 143, not to mention Tyne and Wear, but these last two are probably quite specific a choice overall...
  19. Ah yes.... the other DMU.... is work on this still on going despite the work needed on 144/143. Just wondering how far the new other DMU has progressed....
  20. That 8 weeks till pre-production samples due? or 8 weeks till production due and then starting to get them here? Sounds like its not too long to go now....
  21. Has anyone fitted Sound to Truro and how easy was it?
  22. Well.... if it needs to haul three coaches you might have just let the cat out of the bag about certain class 144 units.....
  23. You cant get that model here fast enough! Ive got a show on the 1st weekend of October and would love them by then, but will wait till whenever this winter or next year for them! Bet that second DMU your doing will be just as good!!
  24. Maybe they are waiting to change the 142 seating in case thats the one you produce next as your 'new' DMU. Then change the seats to give you another version to make.....!!
  25. Be interesting to hear the next DMU, which livieries selected to do first, but also peoples reactions.... Bet they are onto a winner!
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