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The Black Hat

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Everything posted by The Black Hat

  1. One things for sure. It doesnt look North Eastern! Whether its the Radial tank or something else no doubt some people will be happy with the annoucement so good on them....
  2. Just double checking. Are the P2s with sound all delivered to the country or is another batch of them due to arrive in a week or two?
  3. Those interested in shades of green might be curious about these hints with 'Eleventh Earl of Mar'. Will soon be getting round to sorting it all out.
  4. Well if anyone is wanting a spare tender, the one thats on the "Eleventh Earl of Mar" is intending to be changed.....
  5. Mine is going to become "Eleventh Earl of Mar" - that should get you thinking....
  6. Ive noticed that Braunton is running with a Merchant Navy tender. Would it be an option to buy one of these and swap the tops, or are the two tenders for the two different classes different sizes?
  7. Pre-orders in for Hornby K1 and DJM Q6.... just need a Bachmann J21 now!
  8. I never said that Braunton was. I said it runs with the WCRC fleet and as I model some of the WCRC fleet and those that run with it I was hoping for Braunton. If I was being pedantic, given Im in the North East with a WCRC steam ban in place what I need lots of are WCRC diesels! I have looked at some pics and think Hartland might have the same tender as Braunton. Im wondering if Hornby have made the other tender type as part of a rebuilt Battle of Britian and thus could be a straight swap? Or would that leave the BB owner with a duff engine?
  9. The Black Hat

    Hornby B1

    Looks like your right and it is the same tooling. Hope the box can be changed to a more standard Darlington front and that its not the same for all Hornby B1s.
  10. Okay everyone. You might want to sit reading this. Ive gone and bought a Southern region engine. Its actually the second one I've ever had, but given my loyalties to all things North Eastern, and those that favoured more standardisation, like Stanier and Swindons produce this engine is to be the token example of Southern power on my layout as if Im being accruate I cant run an entire session with Eastern region stuff thats not augmented with things from elsewhere as Im modelling modern day privitisation and preservation. The first Southern engine (in case your interested) was Winston Churchill, but that still was sold in the conversion to DCC Sound. Now, I have recently been able to buy a discounted WC Crewkerne and know that there are experts in the field far more knowledgeable than me on these machines - one of the few southern designs I do like! So, can someone please offer advice as to which rebuilt West Countries around today I can change Crewkerne into? Im hoping for Braunton, given I already model half the west coast fleet, or those that run with it, including 5043 Earl of Mount Edcumbe, but if not Hartland is a second option. Thanks in advance...
  11. The Black Hat

    Hornby B1

    Looks like an NER type smokebox door too but cant be sure. The model does look good and I especially like the electric lighting lamps on the bufferbeam. Well done Hornby.
  12. Crikey, all this and we havent mentioned rivets yet... Edit: Smiley added.
  13. Got mine today.... will soon be faced with the paintbrush and adding some yellow to the fronts.
  14. Any idea if its got all its electrics in the body. Just wondering how easy it is to chip one or convert it to sound?
  15. I am just wondering... Would DJ Models start making rolling stock, or are locomotives etc the way forward for now?
  16. And just think..... as everyone finds the limits of how far these things went north. Soon you can have a model of a Q6 heading south!!
  17. Bachmann and the NRM have been clever in selecting the C1 as the next model. It gives Bachmann good PR to go with the NRM on it, and gives it an avenue to market the engine to the public as a rarer item and thus inflate costs as its not from the Bachmann main range. It will be interesting to see if future releases of the C1 will be done the same way and I expect that they will. However, the main impetus behind this is that the model is of a popular prototype that many will want, regardless of the price increase. Many will forgo the purchase of a second model to just buy the one C1 instead. As others have said its cheaper than a kit built and is reaching the prices found in Europe for a model. This is where the price will stay towards the future, as preorders govern models produced and in the end will probably effect the end price. The C1 is going to be in demand owing to its nice looks, liver application but also that it is filling in a hole in the locomotive fleet for those modelling the GN area of the ECML and its surrounding area. So long as people want it for their fleet or want one as its also through the NRM thus driving into the collectors market, this and any future releases will prove to be expensive, popular, but still successful.
  18. I was thinking that this was obvious as soon as the annoucement of the southern Atlantic was done. Even if some tooling is used, the research and development would surely encompass both types. As a result, Bachmann were able to develop both classes at the same time. The engine is qutie nice, and looked impressive when parked up outside at the event in spring. Bachmann will also be doing a fantastic job given their current standards in the market, although now it seems other new companies are developing models to rival them. Im sure many will be pleased and that the model will prove popular. Heres hoping they looked at the J21 when they were there for a Bachmann release in the future, but given the range from the NRM series I hope the lads down south get somthing next! (Bet you didnt think you'd here that from me!)
  19. Perhaps you can chat to him about the 'local geographical area' and how big the region on which hes standing actually is....
  20. 4 Engines?! The D17 is at Shildon and looking sublime. Quite worthy of being selected to be a model of Bachmanns desire to model the NRM. Down at York is Aerolite and at Darlington 'head of Steam', is the Q7. But... I don't suppose Bachmann could measure that J21 while they are at Shildon. Something useful to do waiting for the train back to Darlington.....
  21. You might think that, but me and another dont. My point was that to say two hours there is boring was harsh. Even when you miss the train there are things to look at, notice and walk around to see and check. Its not just about engines, its engineering, buildings, track layout, legacy issues like remodelling. Looking for areas that have once seen use on the railway and how the facility itself has been altered for the MDTR. Then compare that with the places your used to going to, and see often. Against operations today and those a number of years ago. Even when youve done that you can get a drink and sit back and relax.You can occupy yourself, or wait patiently. Even if you need to be in Shildon its you that missed the train. The train didnt miss you. You can do this anywhere you miss the train, some are better than others, but theres many places worse than Darlington to be stuck for ages. To say that to have such a difference of opinion is 'inapproriate' is baffeling on a discussion forum. Anyway, back to the topic at hand.... not long to go now...
  22. Rubbish. You can look around and see that theres one gorgeous and well built railway station that your standing in. A station with its design where even the roof and pillars were all standardised and able to be used elsewhere like Huil. Theres also the complexity of modern train movements on a main station with branch line feeding services. The way in which trains arrive and are stabled, have to be pathed in between mainline services. The place where freight is pulled out of the way on the main loops and the areas which show that there are also other movements. If nothing is running then theres sometimes peace and quiet but it doesnt last too long, especially on a day where the weather is good. Theres a decent coffee now with Costa there too. Yes you need to watch for the connection to Shildon which should be hourly, but Id rather spend hours at Darlington than many other places on the network. If anyone is curious, you can see why here; http://www.blackhatrailwaypictures.co.uk/f355976534
  23. Could be the D17, but thats surely got to be an engine of limited liveries and georgraphical coverage....
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