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About Brinkly

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    Modelling the Launceston branch, one station at a time!
    4mm Finescale Modelling.

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  1. Amazing number of people clapping here! Thank you to all NHS workers and volunteers: it makes one proud to be British. 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Brinkly


      Ourobus - the NHS staff are simply amazing and the crap you put up with simply isn't fair. I really can't thank you all enough. Stay safe and keep well. Kind regards.

    3. Ouroborus


      Cheers guys.  The local priest came to bless our place of work yesterday.  That brought some mixed emotions.  Given the circumstances, some felt it more like we were being read the last rites and got very upset.  But we carry on and with God's blessings, we'll come out the other side.  Each week that goes by is one week closer to getting on top of it.

    4. Mallard60022


      I heard the phrase something like "There is and end to this..." this morning. I believe it is the title of a book about very tough events to be dealt with and the author was talking on Radio 2 to Kate Botley and Jason Mohammed at about 8 this morning. She was lovely and calm and measured. Quite inspirational. Stay safe you all.


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