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  1. Hi Rich, Closest to you will be Minehead 6th August next year, otherwise it is a trip into Wiltshire or South Gloucestershire I am afraid: Chippenham this October Yate in January 16 Trainwest (Corsham) April 16 Thornbury in November 16
  2. I had one of my drivers hit Whitby Road Bridge some years ago, he wrote of a 4 week old trailer..... It will take a lot more than photoshop to sort out the photo he took of me, there are too many blemishes!
  3. Todays visitor was none other than Andy York: Andy came to photograph the layout in readiness for a future BRM article, Andy's skill with the camera being in a different league to my own, even on the camera the pictures I saw looked great. It was great to catch up and talk trains for a few hours and hear Andy's thoughts for a slightly different approach to the article which I am really excited about. Andy had a handy mini tripod which are useful for some of the close up's. It was at this point that I wished I had detailed the back of the retaining walls! I took the opportunity to take a high level shot of the proceedings.
  4. Oops! I did a project on bridge bashing some years ago and one of the accidents was caused by new tarmac being laid but the council didn't adjust the sign so our driver was blameless, we were amazed the new tarmac had made that much difference as generally there is at least 6 inches wriggle room on whatever is signposted. I have also known a driver get a 15'3" trailer under a 14'3" bridge!
  5. I have done a few bits and pieces in readiness for my visitor today: One of the things that I have meant to address was the low bridge triangle as the original warning sign was pixelated, to the point I can't believe I actually bothered gluing it in place, it was that bad. New one is now in place, the actual bridge is 14' 9" but I could find a clear image of the sign so have gone with a 14'6" sign. The photo above shows the new sign and the class 08 which has been renumbered as 08949. This loco is the original Bachmann release which does not have the air brake compartment on the drivers side which I will add at some point along with some new handrails. The current Rail Express has an article on taking going away shots of trains, here is my effort of 47077 on a London bound train, the compact nature of the back of the layout makes this a difficult shot to capture. Also some class 03 pictures in the lower level:
  6. Nice job Gary, I have a soft spot for DMS' too, you have done a nice job on the conversion.
  7. Can't agree more Richard, it is worth the effort to get the end result.
  8. Hi Alan Basically I have 3 trains for the lower level; cement, scrap and a third train which is generally a rake of 12 t vans or ballast wagons. The first 2 trains are simply worked by the loco bringing wagons from the fiddle yard and exchanging with those wagons on the layout. The third is brought onto the layout, the engine runs around and goes back of scene again. For the upper level, the mainline loco brings the train into the central platform, then runs round back to the fiddle yard. At a later point the 08 arrives from the fiddle yard and shunts the from off scene.
  9. It has been a while since I last posted an update, I haven't done much modelling over the summer months and what little time I had has been spent getting Pallet Lane ready for sale (I am pleased to say that the original part of the layout has a new owner and will be making its way north next month). I have a VIP coming to see Peafore Yard next week (their identity will be revealed Monday eve) so have been adding some details to the scrap yard office, namely telephone junction box and toilet waste pipes, before and after shots below: Talking of scrap, I have been meaning to make some scrap loads now I have 2 rakes of 16t wagons. As the loads are removable and it is laborious making scrap, the loads have a false bottom consisting of a small piece of wood onto which Plasticard is mounted and scrap added on top. To remove the load you push down on one end and lift out from the other. My pile of scrap pieces was only enough for one wagon so lots more to make:
  10. I would have thought the economics of having the train tooled up would drive a run of S7's, it would seem an opportunity missed to stop at the one run.
  11. Apologies for the thread hijack, I believe the Lima locos are still about and last time I operated Pengwynn they still ran but were showing their age, so I can understand why there are more modern locos. I am sure in the fullness of time Geoff and the BMRG members will weather the locos as it does look a little odd at the moment, coincedentally the owner of the steam stock you mentioned was over at my house last night helping me weather some wagons.
  12. Only just found this, nice idea Peter and will watch with interest. Carron Road was one of the layouts that inspired me into modern modelling, Nigel did a cracking job with it.
  13. Nice start Richard, at your progress rate it will be finished by the end of September!
  14. I have just bought a Transcend Drivepro 200 which got good reviews and is excellent. If you go for it make sure you buy the suction bracket to go with it.
  15. Hi Dave, I will check with the domestic authorities re next year and let you know. Unfortunately we are away on Saturday so will miss this years show, hope all goes well and you get a good attendance. Rob
  16. Well done Richard getting it ready, it was great to see it in the flesh, lovely layout
  17. Thanks James, likewise. Dave Nelhams has shown an interest in having it at Minehead in the future so that may work for you?
  18. Hi Simon, Good to meet you yesterday, I think Polpendra is a lovely layout, it looks even better in the flesh so glad to have seen it.
  19. Good to catch up yesterday James, looking forward to seeing this finished you have made a great start
  20. 45132 pulls away through the Bristol suburbs in the early evening:
  21. Lovely trip to Barnstaple yesterday, good to chat with so many RM webbers and the positive comments received were much appreciated. Richard and the crew put on an excellent show, some photos below I took before the show opened. All set up and ready to go: I am thinking of getting some black material which will hide the legs etc. Having set up Pallet Lane today complete with drapes I think it will look a bit neater. The venue has a lantern style roof and about 9 o clock the sun streamed right through the windows creating a dusk look on the layout. 31210 got it's inaugural run on the lower level, normally it works empty coaching stock on the upper level Some purchases from the club sales stand, the MK1's are for making a couple of BSO's. The Deltic is DCC Sound fitted, and may get the full shawplan works for a model of the Kings Cross stabling point that is on the list to do at some point.
  22. Hi Kevin, Good to meet up again yesterday, thanks for sharing the above, it will come in very useful, I will get the doodle pad out to see what can be done
  23. Hi Gary, I have one of these in build, what are you plans for glazing please? I have used Humbrol liquid glazing for the small windows but not sure this is the best solution for the windscreen.
  24. Nice try Alan, Julie is at home looking after the kids on Sat as we won't all fit in the car with the layout, I need to return the favour while she goes to WOMAD (AKA WOMUD looking at the forecast) on Sunday.
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