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Everything posted by amdaley

  1. The solution seems to be using the DccConcepts Switch 1's which have two sets of contacts. One set of wires go to the Mini panel & the second set go to a DccConcepts Mimic panel.
  2. Hi Nigel. On my main layout I used momentary toggle switches with the NCE Mini panels & leds to indicate point position using Mimic panels. Using Alpha switches with the built in leds I was hoping to avoid having to buy Mimic panels but judging by the reply I just received it seems not. It seems I can use Alpha Switch 1's with the mini panel but I will still need a Mimic board to power the led's. in the switches ? Tony.
  3. Hi Ron. I did ask on their forum a few days ago & have just now got a reply. Tony.
  4. Hi Everyone. I'm constructing a four module end to end layout at the moment 12Ft x 6 Ft in an L shape. No layout plan yet. I will use an available NCE Power Cab for Dcc control. Looking through my spares stock I have an unused NCE Mini Panel left over from my main layout. Is it possible to use DCC Concepts Alpha switches with the Mini panel to switch Ip Digital point motors & show point position on a control panel ? If so how do I do it ? I just can't get my old head around it at the moment 😏 Just keep it as simple as possible. Thanks everyone. Tony.
  5. amdaley

    On Cats

    It's called the Tuxedo plant 😏
  6. Try to find out where the problem is first. Connect the Select to a single piece of track. If the display flickers like there's a short then you have a problem with the Select. If the Select works ok then you have a problem with the layout wiring. Tony.
  7. Richard came back to me with the function list. It might be of use to others.
  8. I've sent a couple of emails. The first bounced back because his mail box was full. He hasn't replied to the second email yet so I thought I would ask here. Tony.
  9. Thanks Phil. I just took the recommended sound file. Tony.
  10. Hi Everyone. I have fitted just a Loksound Micro decoder with Roads & Rails sound into my LMS 7120 version on a rolling road & it seems to be fine. I have a couple of questions. (1) Is there a list of the functions available for the installed sound file ? (2) If I fit the stay alive do I have to configure the stay alive to work ? In the Loksound manual Page 69 it says to change a couple of CV's for the power pack to work ? Thank you. Tony.
  11. amdaley

    On Cats

    We put a cavapoo pup into the middle of 5 indoor cats. They get on great. One of the cats & the dog are the best of friends. The rest of the cats don't bother with dog.
  12. Thanks Ron. Edit. Is there any other booster I could use ? Tony.
  13. Hello Everyone. I have a spare CS02 Command Station. Can I turn the CS02 into a 5amp Power Pro system by adding a 5 amp booster & if so what booster should I get ? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you. Regards. Tony.
  14. I was reading through this thread today & I was wondering did you ever get sorted with a system ? Tony.
  15. Nothing strange about it at all. The database has a value which Hattons have sold to ROS. Hattons have ceased trading so they have no further need for it. They simply liquidated an asset.
  16. It's a pity a model with pre installed sound wasn't available.
  17. What's the most suitable sound decoder with stay alive to fit to this model ?
  18. amdaley

    LMS 10000

    Thanks for that. I'll take a look. EDIT I took a look at the FOX product & it is expensive just for one L. I made an L from thin plasticard & when i painted it a metallic silver it looks fine. No one will be putting it under a magnifying glass. If it was one of the other letters then that would have been a different matter. I'll keep the FOX product in mind in case I lose another letter.
  19. amdaley

    LMS 10000

    I did a search on here & posted in the latest LMS Twins thread I could find. I did find a Hattons/ Dapol Twins thread but the last post was in 2011. I'll search again.
  20. amdaley

    LMS 10000

    I have the Hattons ones.
  21. amdaley

    LMS 10000

    I've lost the L from one side of my LMS version. Anyone know where I might possibly get lettering for these models ? I know it's probably a shot in the dark but I thought I'd ask anyway ? Thanks.
  22. Update on this. On chatting to Greg at Kernow I followed the suggestions of Greg & Kaput above. The settings suggested seem spot on. I fitted the Lenz decoder & am testing it on a rolling road. The settings suggested seem to work wonderfully well, Thank you. I won't mention those door handrails which seemed to be glued in & well, awful to work with. I can see modellers having a lot of trouble with these. Here's hoping I never have to go in there again. Not a good design at all. Anyway a lovely model despite the design of those handrails. Well done to Kernow. Regards. Tony.
  23. Thanks Kaput. I'll try those settings. If anyone else has any ideas on CV settings please post a comment. Thanks. Tony.
  24. Hi Everyone. I've just got a Kernow GWR Steam Railmotor & plan to fit a Lenz Silver +Plus X22 decoder in it. Can anyone tell me what CV I should change to match the coreless motor fitted in the railmotor & the value I need to put in the CV ? I think it's CV 50 but I'm really not sure ? Thanks everyone. Tony.
  25. I think the Rails connect decoders are DccConcepts rebadged.
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