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Everything posted by edcayton

  1. That comes across as rather arrogant. I worked in industry for 8 years before going into teaching in FE. I got an HNC in mechanical engineering and passed the first year of an HNC in electrical and electronic engineering, all part time whilst working. As a grammar school boy you may not know what an HNC or FE are. I did a year full time getting my Cert. Ed. before obtaining my first teaching post. I went on to do another HNC in motor vehicle engineering and then a B. Ed(hons). I like to think I was a fairly good teacher. Maybe not anyone can teach but you didn't used to need a University Degree. Unfortunately with the general lowering of standards you now need a Degree before you can mow the lawn. Ed
  2. Like any job, teachers range from below par to great/outstanding/inspiring. I believe that most go into it aiming to be at the top end of the range, but that many get ground down by the system. In my experience it is the head that makes the difference. I really worry about this "academy" thing, it's too important to be left to private competition. OTOH I'm not sure that the French charichature of the Minister looking at his watch and knowing they are all on page 32 works either. Ed Sorry-can't spel karikachure
  3. Condolences Polly. My Mum has been gone ten years this year and I still think of her, little things remind me and that's good. It means she has not totally gone but you will be feeling the loss right now, so I hope the support of your friends here can be some help. Good night all Ed
  4. Good evening all. In the topsy turvy world that is my sleep pattern I have just woken up after 3 or 4 hours in the recliner in front of the telly. I did stay awake long enough to watch the final part of "Happy Valley". TV at its absolute best in my view. I've just been to put the black wheelie bin on the "front edge of the property" as instructed so I don't have to worry about getting up early. It is such a lovely evening and it was so silent that I just sat on the front wall for a while. I heard a diesel train in the distance, then a plane taking off from Luton. They usually land over us so I presume we have an Easterly wind. Then Alan (next door but one) came home in his V6 MG which makes a lovely noise but the headlights spoilt the darkness. I have to put a load of washing on and, unusually, the tumble drier. I am on Economy 7 still, I really must get around to switching. Something I carry with me from my ex-wife is that towels do come nicer than from the line. Why does she still want to be known as Mrs Cayton when she doesn't wish to be Mrs Cayton? Is it me or is there more advertising on the site today? It is train-related, but seems more prominent to me. Any way, g'night all Best wishes Ed Oh yes. My walking stick arrived this morning. I had been dreading an NHS aluminium one but it's a proper cane with a curved top. The very nice lady said that she had cut it to length for me before she came.
  5. Good morning all. Rick-any transport system that needs so much research to find the cheapest fares has shot itself in the foot AFAIAC. I'll take the car. Jock-interesting to read your tales of garages "from the inside". Two friends of mine went in to car sales in the 80's. Their interviews included "team building" exercises, and the sales patter had the opening "Hello, my name's Ed Cayton, that's Ed-what's your name?" Yuk. There was a wonderful comedy sketch where an old lady said "I don't want you to be my friend". As for PCP's. You pay a lot up front, a lot each month and, if you want to keep the car, a lot after three years. When my son and I were looking most salesmen tried to push this. It was also interesting how many showed us the "confidential" document that proved beyond doubt that they were selling the car at a loss! When they refused to move any further on one deal Sam and I walked out. They literally ran after us having found another £500! Waiting for the physio therapist Ed
  6. Whilst they did share a chassis they looked very different. Not sure if it was just the smaller boiler or the running plates were different, but IMHO the class 4's were the better looking machines. Ed
  7. Drawings of L&Y wagon in this issue. Ed
  8. Good evening all. Recently returned from the East Anglia show which was very good. I used my rollator gadget for the first time in anger and it seemed to make life easier. Met Ian (Roundhouse) of this parish-he seemed younger than I had imagined. He has several layouts, so this one has to go above the others when preparing it for shows! Enjoy the weekend Ed
  9. Good evening all. This has been a mixed day. I spent much of the morning with a stunning shapely blonde. She is a personal trainer and will be my link into a cardiac rehab programme so hopefully I can get a bit more mobile again. After my trip to the G0G show at the weekend I have realised that I need some help, so today I bought a "rollator"-a 4 wheeled buggy with brakes and joy of joys a seat. Now I fully realise that this gadget will be a PITA for others (much worse than a rucksack) at exhibitions but I'm afraid I do need it. The physio lady came on Tuesday to "assess" me. I am having a new bannister and a walking stick but she could not supply the rollator hence the paragraph above. She is also going to put me in touch with people who can help with the garden etc. I really am determined to get my life back on track, so I am relying on you lot to bo11ock me if I show signs of weakening please. Ed
  10. It can't be that smart if it needs re-setting. I certainly don't need yet another device to re-set after a power-out. Ed
  11. Cor, look at the valve gear! Ed
  12. I've been looking on google and both Sir Tristram and Sir Galahad were RFA's too. Why were they not warships? On a TV programme about Devonport last week there was an ice-breaker off to the Antarctic whuch was an HMS-seemingly by having some portable guns which could be mounted on guard rails. Ed
  13. Good morning all. On listening to the wireless this morning I have two observations and one question: Why is a Royal Navy amphibious landing ship an RFA and not an HMS? It will please Chrisf that Government policy is to reduce the use of the exclamation mark! I can't remember whether we discussed this on here or it had its own thread. I am fed up with everything going/moving forward. There was a Minister wittering about something and she finished by saying that it was achievable and sustainable going forward. Isn't that what sustainable means? Apologies, I've turned an observation into a question. I went to the GoG do at Kettling on Saturday. Not many layouts, although the ones there were of high quality. Indeed the whole "feel" of the show was high quality-is this because of the lack of rtr in the scale? Anyway I seem to have acquired a Slater's brake van kit and some MEK glue, which I have never used. Wish me luck with this. It cost rather more than my 00 Airfix brake vans, and I was never frightened by the prospect of building those. Best wishes to all Ed
  14. Dom, how is a helicopter supposed to land in the penultimate photo? Ed
  15. Morning all. I see two problems with this-1) where will they stack the logs? In a sort of trailer plane towed behind the aircraft? and 2) I think the fireman will have a tricky job. I'm going to the Gauge 0 Guild do at Kettling today to see what to do with my terrier. Best wishes Ed
  16. Morning all. The phone is working again! However I won't get my hopes up because the key thingy worked for a few days after its wash and then died. I have to agree with Chris about bacon rhind. If all of the flavour of a grape is in the skin then why isn't it the same for a pig? Rick-any spare pasties please send to me. Gordon (BB) she is lovely GordonS-great news that you are home, hoping for continued improvement. Remember the Queen song "Too Much Golf Will Kill You". I recommend more modelling, but don't get into arguments about gauge etc. Best wishes to anyone I have missed. I don't know how Jock does it and hope he is here again soon. Ed I wrote that this morning and, apparently forgot to post it. However, auto-save is my friend and here it is!
  17. Good morning all. Yesterday I dropped my new mobile phone down the toilet. It drowned, At the weekend I put my jacket through the wash. It had my 'van keys in the pocket. The key still works but the remote bit is broken. The cost of my stupidity? The key thingy is covered by my motorhome insurance. It will cost about £150. The phone is covered by my home insurance, it will also cost around £150. In both cases I have "chosen" an excess of £200 for such eventualities. As my Dad always said, quoting a TV advert, "get the strength of the insurance companies around you". Best wishes to all, especially those with health issues. Ed who could have bought a couple of trains instead.
  18. It would appear that the box illustration shows a Railroad version with the simplified livery. Ed
  19. I believe that making a circuit of settrack will cost rather more than if done in flexi? Ed
  20. It would be ironic if UK leaving EU resulted in a wave of migration of ex-pat Brits! I suppose the Express would be pleased if this resulted in a rise in house prices. Ed
  21. I think it is essential for any new loco to have hauled passenger trains as well as goods and shunting. Together with the need for widespread geography I reckon the sensible choice is the Jinty. But does it tug at the heartstrings though? Ed
  22. I can accept stupid people standing on the track, but I would hope that they don't allow stupid people to fly helicopters. If he had been driving a car like that and the Police saw him they would at least have pulled him over and "had a word". Ed
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