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Everything posted by edcayton

  1. I really hope not! It seems to be accepted that if you build a new road it just generates new traffic to the extent that it becomes just as congested as the old ones, does this happen with rail too? The European experience would suggest it does. BUT, surely we should be encouraging people to travel LESS by whatever means? The lemming-like idiocy of commuting is no good for anyone. I know people have to do it, but what a waste of time, energy and resources! I really do think that a fundamental re-think is needed for this (and for new roads too before you shoot me down). Ed
  2. You shouldn't scale from drawings Larry, especially ones that have been enlarged/reduced. When I worked in the drawing office at ICI every drawing had "do not scale" writ large. We worked on the assumption that machinists etc would use the dimensions. Ed
  3. Could they not do something like they have at Perranwell, which would mean no need to reinstate the second platform and, more importantly, the footbridge? Ed
  4. edcayton

    Dapol Class 22

    Whatever they do some people would whinge. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. For Pete's sake, it's a toy train! Ed (who remembers queuing at 7.00 outside ToysRUs on Saturday morningsto get the latest "must have" for my kids)
  5. My own plate-5021 ED-was originally issued to a MkII Jaguar 2.4 in Warrington. A friend bought the car in about 1974. He gave me the plate; back then the old card "log books" just required me to fill in the next space as the new "keeper", transfer the plate to my Morris Minor Van (ISTR there was no fee to transfer the number back then) and then he filled in the next space and became the keeper again.He was not pleased by the replacement plate being 171 WNK ! When I got the MG in 1977 things were a little more regulated. I had to present the van at the DVLA office in Luton, where the chassis and engine numbers were checked before the transfer was allowed. That cost £50 by now. Around that time they changed the rules so that you could only transfer numbers to the the same class of vehicle. One consequence of this was that the owner of the local laundry had put his plate "temporarily" on to his electric van; and there it stayed for many years. I was a little concerned by the SORN rules as the MG came of the road in 1995 when I got the Camper, as this was pre-SORN, there were rumours that numbers would "lapse" but I had no problems when I put it back on the road this summer. Ed
  6. I remember my Dad being amused by a Harley-Davidson at Exeter services wearing P15 OFF. Ed
  7. That time did not exist. Various people with money and influence were queueing to get the likes of A1 and 1A-I believe Lord Montague of Beaulieu got one. Fiona Richmond did have an E Type with the number PEN 15 at one time. Close to me is a Peugeot with 01010, except I don't know which are letters and which are numbers. My first car, a Morris 1000 Traveller had the number RAY 515. Some years later, whilst waiting to be rescued by the AA, I saw a Rolls-Royce bearing my old number. Turned out that the guy I sold the car to had sold it for the number for more than he had paid me! Ed I should point out that it was me in a Vauxhall waiting for the AA, and not the Rolls-Royce.
  8. edcayton

    Dapol Class 22

    I do rather fancy the idea of an 0 gauge minimum space layout based on the Hemyock branch. A class 22, a few 6 wheel milk tanks and maybe the one passenger coach (did the diesels work passenger trains on this line?) could really tempt me away from 00. Ed
  9. 'Smine! Keep yer 'ands orf. I've always wanted one but don't have enough confidence in my own abilities to build it to a good standard. I was, therefore, delighted to win Mozzer's voucher in the RMWeb raffle this year and am really looking forward to seeing it. Ed
  10. Which underlines a point I have made before about the desirability of a transport system which allows a large and heavy device to hurtle along at high speed with a "driver" who can't stop it, steer it or do much else, and under the control of a signalman who can be miles away and can't see the train! If this was invented now it wouldn't be allowed. Do we really need drivers? Ed
  11. In the same way as he should EXPECT to see children, animals, bits fallen off other buses, damage to the road/guideway etc.
  12. edcayton

    Dapol Class 22

    Have I got this right? The weathered ones are exclusive to Kernow, but t'others will be generally available? Ed
  13. Higher!!!!!............Lower!!!!!............ Ed
  14. I still don't see why the raiway are involved. Ed
  15. I'm not clear if he drove up on the railway or the footpath? Ed
  16. Don't I remember you going with Talktalk for your internet Larry? Guess who sponsors the X factor? If I have got my facts wrong (not at all unusual) then I apologise. Ed
  17. With apologies to any ladies on here. I have been thinking about the fairer sex (who I do not begin to understand), since I heard Theresa May on the wireless the other day and she said "no woman can have too many shoes", A lot of us on here, including me, seem to have the same attitude to model locomotives, but may be regard things like rolling stock, track, signals et al as "distress purchases". Presumably, then, this would be equivalent to some ladies' products? Or have I got it all wrong as usual? Ed
  18. A brilliant song performed by the superb (and equally well named) Middle of the Road. Don't knock the rock!!!! Ed
  19. It was (is?) possible to get a kit to convert the old BMC "A" series engine from chain to belt camshaft drive. It would be a lot more difficult to convert the other way because a chain needs lubrication (and hence an oil-tight cover), plus pretty much all engines are overhead cam now so there are difficulties around the head gasket and camshaft seals and cover. In my somewhat cynical view I regard the adoption of timing belts as a gift to the dealers by the manufacturers so they still have work to do; with modern cars being so reliable and needing less servicing! Ed
  20. Just (12.45) seen a four engined bomber go over heading roughly South-West. I think it was a B-17 Flying Fortress. Made a beautiful noise. Anyone know for sure, and where was it going, and for what purpose? Ed
  21. I'm trying to think what new bits of "proper" railway have been built and opened in the uk (rather than old bits reinstated) in modern history. HS1 and the Selby diversion spring to mind, but what else ? Ed
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