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witherbrow last won the day on August 16 2010

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    Hailsham E-Sussex
  • Interests
    computers, spitfires, reading, fast fords, oh and going out on ye olde bike every now and then :)

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  1. it looks great to me I used to love catching views of the plant when I rode by on my bike or the train. coincidently my Grandad used to work there too, he used to bore the piston holes in the engines plus he did a few cosworth engines too
  2. afternoon all building on a comment from the previous entry I've added another siding to the plan, just to see what it looks like mind as I fear I may be filling the board with track. I imagine this being a private siding for the local brickies/cement yard maybe even for the towns prize cattle? I feel I have the track plan near enough sorted, baseboard plans are done and permission from SWMBO has been obtained. All I need to do is finalize this plan and set a location/theme for the layout then I can crack on Any opinions on this plan are most welcome As you can see the extra siding is down to the right hand corner, it would add another shunting move and require a run around the wagons. I imagine it to be fenced off from the rest of the railway as it's privately owned Regards - LB
  3. definitely doable I will do a few test plans and see how the space works out, poss a low relief warehouse could be incorporated and help the hide the fiddle siding
  4. Afternoon all I've been jiggering about with the track plan seeing what I can do to it in the space I have. Looking at my spare room 4FT by 4FT may just be over the limit on what I can do with the space in there. It's still a do-able plan but I've been looking into an alternative and I think I may have it in the form of 5ft by 2ft. The new plan is still based on the old circle but has a much smaller off scene storage siding (not to fussed about this to be honest). I've decided to try and make the location in outer London , as a small suburban branch, the reason for this is more the fact I just bought two aec single deck LT red buses off ebay and I quite like them just to run this image down the blue bit will be the general town scape and station buildings, the red line is the platform, grey is just general goods yard area, and green is - well grass really possibly I will dig out a building to represent a telephone exchange if they were around then (1960's) I'm looking into two foamcore boards for the baseboard top which gives me an excuse to go to hobbycraft The beard scratching continues.... Regards - LB
  5. sorry that doesn't work this should: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/gallery/image/58955-square-tail-chase/
  6. I've had a fiddle and came up with this - I quite like it - also having a circle of track would be very nice
  7. I thought this too, I think it's originally design for use with a loco lift. As I think it will do for my needs
  8. Hello All I've done little apart from collecting stock and working on scenarios and routes for the simulator in the past three years, oh I've also moved twice and got married Anyway I found myself picking up this months model rail as all my book are still in boxes and stumbled across an article on the 4ft square peco setrack layouts. I've been bitten by this article and a spark of enthusiasm seems to have returned, albeit with a cautious head. At the moment I've been researching track and Baseboards, realizing that 4 1ft square foamcore boards 2/3 layers thick would be a good solution for cheap start, a standard timber frame with plywood top would be better meaning I'm going to have to practice my carpentry! Regarding the track I've found that this plan can be done with either Peco or Hornby, as its from the peco book though I'm going to stick with peco. I'm leaning more towards Insulfrogs, as when last bought an electrofrog it came with loose wires and my knowledge stops at buying the point really. Although as the smallest loco i'll be running is a 0-6-0 pannier i think it will cope fine over insulfrogs Without further ado - a track plan I'm aiming a small country terminus nothing fancy, something nice to look at really. As I say I'm thinking hard about this one as I dont want to be at home to mr cockup! Regards - LB
  9. I Have Managed to make progress on two stations these past few days: Finniston and Finniston Halt. Finniston is a small village along the branch line, that is only made up of a row of houses and shops on one road. Most of the land is under the ownership of the Finniston family who own the local farm, the skyline is dominated by Finniston castle and (due to monetary trouble) a wind farm. Finniston halt was built as a place for tourists to enjoy the boating lake and is still open today albeit with the bare minimum of facilities. Obviously i still have a lot more to do - mainly its just scenery and signals to do but i also hope to do a bit more fine tuning before the V1 release Regards - Ash
  10. I am having a look into the cuckoo trail as it may have been today as a coulda (and shoulda) line. I will look into the colour aspect of it at the moment the detail level of objects is set to full and over gameplay detail is at high, However i think i may be at the best i can get without splashing a grand or two on new parts for my pc still i will look to see if i can adjust any setting for better colour
  11. Managed to finish the seaside town of Kirrin on the route, fairly happy with my work although i do have another 39 miles of work to do The seaside town of Kirrin was originally a town where cargo ships would berth and exchange goods. These days all goods are sorted at the rail served depot just outside of Ford Road and the docks have been taken over by a pleasure boat company that hires boats out for holidays and provides ferry trips. The town itself is still growing albeit slowly, and its small but sandy beach is becoming very popular with tourists. Kirrin station (i am aware of the 'flooding' on the left and will get that sorted) The town of Kirrin looking from the old docks The rail line out of Kirrin passing the pleasure boat yard hope you like my first finished town next down the line is the villiage of Finniston complete with a castle! https://www.facebook.com/Lordbickerstaffsrailsimexploits
  12. I've been rather quiet on here recently, mostly because I'm sorting out my wedding and work is rather busy, but also because I've been investing a lot of time in Train simulator 2013. As you may gather from my other blogs I've been making scenarios for the game that get hosted online via a platform called Steam. I've made a fair few more which are available for download too and I've put them all in a collection available here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=116139080 Unfortunately Steam cannot take anything that has been created outside of it, this is mainly third party free and payware which is absolutely brilliant! I can add much more realism to the trains and routes with different wagons and livery's Anyway short story is I'm still making scenarios for this sim only they are hosted by a website now, still free to download and much more realistic. I will post details of them in my next entry. Lastly i'm undertaking the 'laborious' task of building a route from scratch which when finished should have a good 30-45 miles of track to run on. I've laid the branch line and have begun to detail the terminus station called 'Kirrin' here's a teaser: lots more to do! If you have facebook you can follow my page which tends to get updated daily : https://www.facebook.com/Lordbickerstaffsrailsimexploits Until next time!
  13. wish this railway was real - then could get the train to Alfriston for my wedding!!!!!!
  14. Like i said shunting is the theme of this one were back on the port road in BR blue and, just like the morning shuffle scenario Kirkcudbright is a hive of activity with oil traffic. you are to assemble a train ready for departure made up of full and empty tanks including a trio of aviation fuel tanks. Moving The Tanks Vehicle: BR Blue 08 + TTA's Route: Port Road Add On Packs Used: Port Road, Up The Junction, Class101 in this scenario you start off in the station complex at Kirkudbright and have to assemble a 14 wagon rake along with a brake van and box van at either end, theres not much traffic apart from a 101 that leaves in the early stages of the scenario and a 37 in the engine shed. once assembled in the right order you stable the 08 in a siding job done! bringing some tanks from the Petroleum plant Passengers are wondering why they cant get on this one behold the rake in all its glory! so Ten scenarios a milestone you could say - as previously mentioned Steam Workshop is coming soon so everything ive blogged will be available to download and ill be able to download other peoples work! 9im hoping someone makes the LTS route) i thought id let you know my steam username - lordbickerstaff - add me if you would like to download any scenarios or even if you just want to play a game or two - just got dirt showdown which is lots of fun! hope to see some of you online - Ash
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