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Everything posted by nickwood

  1. Robin, thanks for noticing, hope I'm going to see you there. The photos are from those taken by Trevor Jones for the 2012 Hornby Magazine article. They make interesting comparison with Andy York's photos taken for the 2015 BRM article. The sack store has dissapeared to be replaced with the yard crane, loco's weathered and much detail added around the layout. Much Murkle has three more shows booked this year; Woking REC show on 10 & 11th September http://www.rec-farnborough.org.uk/exhibition.html The Great Electric Train Show at Gaydon on 7 & 8th October (see Robin's link above), and Taunton Railex on 21 & 22nd October http://www.somersetrmc.org.uk/Rail-EX/
  2. Just found your thread and have had an enjoyable read from the beginning. I love the dereliction, really nice work. One question regarding the canal surface. You say you used the Scalescenes printed canal base, did you do anything to disguise the joints before varnishing over the top and if so what?
  3. Roger & Martin Thank you both for your generous comments. I am particularly pleased that you've both mentioned chatting to us about the methods used to build Much Murkle. For anyone reading this thread or seeing MM at an exhibition who wants to know more then please ask as we are always happy to explain how things have been done.
  4. Hi Chaz Nice to chat with you a few times during the weekend of the Salisbury show. I was very impressed with Dock Green. Just to comment on the covers thing. We always drape around Much Murkle overnight, hanging the drapes from the fascia. It has nothing to do with stopping dust but everything to do with keeping prying fingers off the layout. When I first exhibited MM I didn't hang the drapes and when I arrived for the Sunday morning session it was obvious by one of the figures being dislodged that someone had been poking around in our absence. Since then I've hung drapes which visually say "keep off" I haven't had a problem.
  5. Despite what Tom thinks we will be there
  6. Hi Nick The platform top is made from 2mm card. The area in front of the station building is covered in Scalescenes paving and the other areas are covered with a very fine dust that I found on a mountain track in Northern Cyprus, almost talcum powder consistency. Any fine dust would do though. Laid on a bed of neat pva and tamped down with a small piece of plywood. Excess was vacuumed off when the glue had set.
  7. Thanks, I spotted you having a look late on I agree with Mick's comment and I always enjoy a look at Tilley Yard South whenever I come across it.
  8. Now there's a turn up for the book, I didn't realise that you could read.
  9. Much Murkle's next outing will be in Fareham at Rotorail on Saturday 22nd April. This show is organised by Fareham Rotary Club and all profits will go to the Flat Spaces Foundation http://www.flatspaces.co.uk If you are visiting please say hello.
  10. At exhibitions I have been badgering Brian from Shawplan to do the LIma / Hornby GWR Railcar for a couple of years now. He told me during a lengthy converstaion at the recent Alexandra Palace show it should be available shortly. The problem is he doesn't update his website very often so most people will not be aware when it becomes available. I suggest for anyone interested they email Brian through his website and express an interest.
  11. That's the first I've heard about it, nice of Hornby Magazine to let me know I shall now have to go to the newsagents to have a look. MM has changed so much since Trevor Jones photographed it for Hornby Magazine in 2012. There have been many improvements to the buildings, scenic details and weathering and it makes for interesting comparison between Trevor's photos and those Andy Y took for publication in BRM in 2015. The earlier Hornby photos look very sterile in my view, partly perhaps because of the stage of MM's evolution and partly the photo techniques used. Andy's seem to me to be much more atmospheric.
  12. Thanks Andy, sorry I couldn't place you at first, but it had been a while since we last spoke. I do hope that you get your mojo back as the work you have done on Salcombe Harbour so far is superb.
  13. We're never too busy to say hello Mike.
  14. If you don't find it them send me a PM with your email address and I'll send you a scanned copy.
  15. Thanks to everyone who has commented positively about Much Murkle here and at the show. We had a great weekend and spoke to many people about various aspects of the layout. Couplings seemed to be the thing that intrigued the most people and I lost count of how many we sent towards Wizard Models to enquire about DG couplers.
  16. As Mick says, we are always happy to be asked questions. The best explanation I can give is to refer you to the thread I posted on how the set was built here at http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/89453-kitbashing-a-gwr-clifton-downs-auto-set/
  17. Much Murkle is prepared and ready for the journey to Alexandra Palace for the London Festival of Railway Modelling. Just waiting for the van to arrive so that we can load up and get on our way. Hope to see and get to chat with lots of RMwebbers over the weekend. Hopefully we will provide a small distraction to the throngs around the other great layouts in our immediate vicinity, Canada Street, Leysdown Eaton Gomery, Hope under Dinmore and Towcester.
  18. What weight in the bunker? Under the coal load is a void ready to take a speaker. See link http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/58847-much-murkle/page-19 See posts 471 & 472
  19. Hi Kevin, what a lovely layout. Every aspect of your modelling looks superb and I agree with Robin, very much in the Pendon mode in it's overall atmosphere. I really like the shot of the Dairy in the first post. Is it modelled on a prototype?
  20. We've used the sound effects for about around 8 shows now and they've always gone down well, but I have to agree Adrian, in the setting at Leamington they were much more effective.
  21. Thanks for all the great photos Robin, good to see you yesterday. We had a fantastic weekend at Leamington which was a well organised show despite the enforced rambling nature of the venue. We received many really nice comments about Much Murkle. If you are reading this and are one of those people who did so, then thanks, it is appreciated. We were in a small college classroom with just Talyllyn Railway Society stand for company but had lots of footfall to our room throughout the weekend. Because it was so cosy everyone seemed to stay watching for much longer than at other shows. Sometimes we had in excess of a dozen people watching and you could hear a pin drop, everyone was concentrating so much on what was happening. quite surreal when we are used to the hub-bub of exhibition halls. Roll on Alexandra Palace in three weeks time.
  22. In a short answer, no. It would take quite a leap of faith for me to believe that card would be a stable enough material to use for bogie construction.
  23. Read my post again Grahame, this is a test cut using heavy copier paper. My styrene sheets haven't arrived yet but I'll post results and settings when they do. Nick
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