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Status Updates posted by AJ427

  1. Off to see Rush at Sheffield

  2. Off to see Rush at Sheffield

  3. Off to see Rush at Sheffield

  4. Recovering from an enjoyable evening on the KWVR's Haworth Haddock

  5. Daylight came and then went again. It's like night here now.

    1. 4630


      And it's the same in Huddersfield too right now. The front garden is already a lake and it's only 8:50am with hours more of heavy rain forecast. Glad I'm not working outside today.

    2. Tim Hale

      Tim Hale

      Lovely in West Dorset

    3. trisonic


      It's just The End of Bradford...

  6. maybe Stonehenge is the remains of a prehistoric marquee to keep out of the rain on the solstice

  7. BRM out now here in Leeds. MI looks mighty good in print.

  8. Just passed Gresley N2 on the A64

  9. Secret Santa season. More like Secret Saga in our office.

    1. Boris


      SAGA - Send A Granny Away

  10. is relieved that car has passed MOT

    1. pitbull1845


      As did mine this morning.. High Five!

  11. dropped a screwlink coupling on the floor, found coupling as well as a couple of loco lamps : )

    1. 60163


      A bit like Christmas came early, isn't it?

  12. Have to go out on site so missing out on the bacon butty run :-(

  13. Has a stinking hangover and chores to do...

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