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Everything posted by treggyman

  1. Hi Looking really good.... Some nice details well executed...... Cheers Bill
  2. Hi Tony Glad to see some,however small,progress.... The trouble with a good summer is the heat that we're not used to..... I feel sorry for those whose layouts are in lofts like mine once was...... Keep up the good work...... Cheers Bill
  3. Hi Dean Thanks for the comment..... Your layout project sounds interesting..... Is it on RMWeb ? Cheers Bill
  4. Hi Did a bit today whilst the rain fell...... Finished off the slurry tanks that I'd been building seemingly forever..... Here they are in a coat of grey primer..... I've spent this evening fitting the windows to the office building & painting /weathering it.... Also the bund wall but not yet taken any pics of that...... Next is to paint & finish the tanks & associated pipework/ladders/rails.... Cheers Bill
  5. Hi Tony Thanks for the comment....Greatly appreciated....... It was very enjoyable to build & fun to operate in both formats....Cassette fiddle yard & roundy roundy...... It has one more show potentially booked next year & then???????? It is being replaced slowly with Hendra but due to life getting in the way it is a slow build...Albeit I'm enjoying the build as there's no pressure to finish it..... Cheers Bill
  6. Hi Tony Progressing well...... Keep up the good work.... Cheers Bill
  7. Hi A bit more progress last night..... Got on with the slurry pump house....... Although not fitted the windows are made...... Just one or two finishing touches & then paint...... Also need to decide whether or not to detail the interior...... I may well but not urgent as the building will always have an open back as it butts on to the Linhay which is removable as it is on the next baseboard...... Not very good pics I'm afraid.....I think my camera is like me....Getting old!!!!! As the fine weather continues will only be able to do odds & ends..... But progress is being made.... Cheers Bill
  8. Hi My Provincial class 153 arrived & runs fine straight from the box....... I also built an office/control room for the slurry tank loading/storage area.... The idea is to use it as a view blocker to hide where the line actually runs into the shed rather than behind it...... It's possibly not tall enough so I did wonder about just having the tanks closer to the Linhay without the shed..... Some pics of both options..... First with the office shell in place..... & then without..... You can see the problem with the hole into the Linhay visible from the station end of the layout..... The jury is out but I think I'll go with the office in place with maybe a short piece of backscene behint the tanks & a tree or two..... We'll see...... Next up is some work on cladding the Linhay,finishing the office & detailing the tanks...... Can't decide whether to have a slurry loader or not..... That's all for now Cheers Bill Sadly my Kentrol feedback controller decided to die so I've had to replace it with a Gaugemaster version.... All works well though so no problem.......
  9. Hi That frame is a fantastic bit of workmanship...... Not enough superlatives to describe the end result...... It will certainly add a whole new dimension to the layout operation....... Brilliant.... Cheers Bill
  10. Hi Thanks for the pics....... Very useful....... I've just been searching for my original picture of the one at Burngullow...... Can't find it anywhere so must have accidentally deleted it.... The beauty of posting on RMweb...... At least it's not lost !!!!!! Cheers Bill
  11. Hi Thanks for that...... I'd not seen the Flicker pics before but the first two on the second link are the ones I took.... DOH.... The Par Dock ones I can find but not the fleeting view of the Burngullow loader...... There were more I think...... At least I now know roughly where to look in my disorganised photo filing system........ But pics of your structure would be welcome as it's not quite the same & is probably more what I'm after modelling...... Thanks for the reply.... Cheers Bill
  12. Hi I like the look of your slurry loader..... Any chance of front/side views...... The reason I ask is that I'm building a couple of slurry tanks as a view blocker to the entrance to my traverser fiddle yard.... To hide the gap I was going to put in an office type building but your loader would probably be more appropriate..... Is it based on the one at Burngullow as the previous ones I've built have been of the one at Par Docks & although I've seen a pic or two of the Burngullow one I can't find them at the moment........ Really enjoying your progress & finding your description of how you've done things very useful as a comparison to how I do things....... Cheers Bill
  13. Hi Ray Congratulations on a well deserved pot.... It's a great layout so good to see it recognised as such. Cheers Bill
  14. Hi A bit of progress at last....... The weather's been so good & we've been away to London to visit the Grandaughter & the garden etc etc....... Anyway......Sorted out the 'lazy 'point.......Hopefully......Another dodgy switch!!!!!! Also had an issue with the entry to the traverser/fiddle yard......This was a wire had become loose/disconnected....All sorted now. Dug out my '90's/sectorisation stock......Lots of '37's in various liveries ,a couple of'47's & '50's so lots of variety..... I'll post some pictures another day as some of them need couplings added & most need weathering..... Today I finally fitted the ply roof to the Linhay...... It's some large building....... A couple of poor quality snaps...... 47361 Wilton Endeavour having had couplings added rests after a bout of shunting...... I'm not sure this loco ever came down here but my nephew says it did & anyway rule 1 applies..... It is the Heljan model but came without fuel tanks etc so I've stuck on some Vitrains ones....... The purists will probably recoil in horror but it looks OK to me....... Also been playing about with the manufacture of my home made couplings.... Previously each wagon needed a unique coupling....Time consuming..... Also it meant that I got rid of the coupling pockets so reducing the wagon's potential sale value...... I've now figured out a way using the NEM coupling pockets that means the couplings are not only removeable but can be made almost in bulk just to clip fit when required......RESULT.... I've got most of the stock I need for Hendra but would quite like another Polybulk wagon......I've got three already..... However they seem to be going for silly money.....£60+ plus postage so no thank you..... However I did buy a Provincial liveried Class 153 today so now my passenger fleet is complete..... I've a Dapol class122 , a Bachmann 158 in Regional railways & now the 153..... I do also have Bachmann 108 & Met Cam DMU's as well if need be.... Well time will be of a premium for a while so progress will be sporadic but hopefully I can get on with some of the buildings etc in spare few minutes...... Cheers Bill
  15. Hi Good idea regarding the wheelsets on Co-Co loco's...... I've certainly had issues with the wheels pivoting on the centre axle......(My poor tracklaying) I can see where you're coming from regarding the CDA's..... I thought it was just me.... The other problemI feel with the CDA's seems to be the wheel flanges are too 'sharp' ie pointed..... This seems to enable them to find the slightest gap between the stock rail & switch rail...... Filing the flange helped a bit as did rewheeling but continually readjusting the point seemed to be the only solution that worked...... I shall follow your progress with interest. Cheers Bill
  16. Hi Been following your thread with interest from a distance but feel a comment coming on...... You say that you are concerned about derailments but are not using your CDA's to test the tack as you feel they are too 'temperamental' Oddly enough I find the Hornby CDA's the same in OO..... Thus..... When building points/track I ALWAYS use a CDA to test the point..... If a Hornby CDA will run through it.......The rest of the stock also normally does too.... Funnily enough I've found the Hornby Class 60 to be the loco of choice as a tester.... The same applies as above..... Really enjoying your thread..... Cheers Bill Edit to finish post....Pressed wrong button & post posted too soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Hi Well the traverser is now fixed..... In the end I didn't build a new one but cut through the soft wood supports so they were no longer giving rigid support & glued & screwed ply to the sides to form a rigid vertical support..... Seems to be working so far!!!!!! The point that I had a problem with wouldn't throw again..... the one I replaced the switch..... I resoldered the joints & it seems Ok now but I may have to change the switch again...... Also the entry to the traverser only works on one controller..... The controller works elsewhere & the other controller works the section so there is a problem getting power to that section..... One rail is fine..... So I need to find why the problem lies.... It could be another faulty switch as it is from the same batch that the point motor is powered from..... Have a look next time...... Other than that have had fun 'playing' trains/testing the layout.... Been running my sectorisation stock which normally doesn't get a run out..... My Hornby TTA tanks buffer lock with the '37's....Replacement buffer heads ordered (the Bachmann ones don't...Slightly larger heads) Otherwise the occasional back to back tweak & all is fine.... Cheers Bill
  18. Hi I agree with iands post above.... Certainly an interesting project which I intend to follow with interest.... Something I've thought of doing but haven't figured out how to but also keep operating interest.... Good luck Cheers Bill
  19. Hi Well a bit of a setback....... Got back to working on Hendra today after getting other more important jobs done.... Set it up.... Sorted out some sectorisation stock to run...... When I noticed the traverser tracks were higher than those of the adjacent board by 3 or 4mm...... Couldn't find an obvious reason until I put a straight edge on the traverser deck....... The ends of the planed timber I have used as a frame have bent up on both sides for no apparent reason..... The trouble is that the whole thing has been screwed & glued....... So cant just be unscrewed to repair...... So a probable rebuild is in order....... I normally use ply for my frames rather than softwood & have never had this problem before so I think rather than try to repair/adjust it would be more likely to be successful/reliable to rebuild........ Especially as at exhibitions structural stability is of paramount importance in my view........ Temperature & humidity can vary so much through the day...... One thing that it does mean is that I shall fix the drawer runners vertically as there was too much vertical slop with them being fixed flat..... Just as well I hadn't fixed the roof on the Linhay as that would have made the job very difficult............ Anyway I now Know what my next jobs are..... Cheers Bill
  20. Hi Rich Thanks for the above comment..... Nothing will happen in the short term as Hendra will take priority...... However I like Creedyford & with some tweaking it can be changed without too much work involved to make it sufficiently different without losing it's character...... Well that's the thought anyway....... Question is do I move it to Cornwall or does North devon see an increase in freight activity....... We'll see.... Watch this space but not for a while yet.... Cheers Bill
  21. Hi As I understand it from the guy I was speaking to last November 4 wheel wagons are a no no for newbuild...... This is due to either rail or similar regulations that all new build must be bogie wagons...... He did say that the JIA's could be used except for as stated above the unloading facilities.... Specifically designed for the CDA's back in the day..... As I see it..... The problem is are there any HAA's around in good enough nick to be converted.....or similar wagons....& at what cost to who...... Or who pays for new wagons & a new unloading facility Or do the Cornish minor roads get clogged with more Articulated lorries..... The guy certainly reckoned that rail was a better option as 38 CDA's at a time could be unloaded a lot quicker & more efficiently than the equivalent delivered by lorry.... Hopefully the right decision is made for the future & not just short term economics take over..... Cheers Bill
  22. Hi Melangoose Thanks for the above comment..... Just annoyed I couldn't get more....... Cheers Bill
  23. Hi Hendra has it's first definite invite..... Next April at the Helston show....... Better get a move on...... Anyway now Penhallick Junction has returned from the Helston show today any available modelling time 'til August will be spent on Hendra so hopefully some progress will be made...... The Linhay roof needs fitting then the building needs to be clad.... Then...... Cheers Bill
  24. Hi All August 2016 was my last posting on this thread.......A long time ago....... Well I had been wondering what to do with Creedyford.....Several ideas had cropped up but none as yet actioned..... However I now have a booking for it in November of this year at the Cornwall Model Railway Exhibition at Carn Brea on Sunday Nov 4th...... It will be good to dust this layout down before it probably gets a rework....... More later if no more invites........ Anyway something for me to look forward to.... Cheers Bill
  25. Hi Ray See you again in August Cheers Bill
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