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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Some quick pictures taken the right way up... First off showing the line to Cumbernauld ducking under the main Edinburgh to Glasgow line. Some scenic work started and some of the rail edges painted but much more to do. Track is super elevated through corners. Background has castlecary viaduct to right and at back can see one of many feeds between scenic sections which will be behind back scene. Secondly showing a couple of shots of greenhill upper looking towards Falkirk high. Again complex arrangement of off scene feeders still visible here pending back scene install Finally a shot of the most complete part greenhill upper where some of track detail has started to appear n moments when I need a break from track laying... Back scenes here disguise three tracks all at different levels going to fiddle yards or supporting scenic section on other side.
  2. has taken me a while but i said i would upload some plans to give an idea of what im trying to achieve. well here we go, hopefully the photos are the right way up this time... first image tries to give an impression of how the whole thing fits together. there are effectively three scenic sections representing Greenhill Upper and Lower junctions, Cowlairs Junction and Eastfield, and Glasgow Queen Street. There are two completely independent fiddle yards underneath the Cowlairs, Eastfield and GQS sections each with 15 tracks. Each fiddle yard contains a reversing loop so trains dont need to be handled, especially important given access is somewhat tight! there are a number of links between various exits of the scenic sections and each fiddle yard providing some interesting timetabling potential! The fiddle yards are fully laid and wired and the link lines with some interesting junctions, flyovers and gradients are all laid waiting connection to scenic sections. the second image shows a schematic of Greenhill Upper and Lower junctions. these are nearly completely laid and wired. as stated in earlier post all track is Exactoscale concrete FB for main lines, C&L wooden sleeper bullhead for loops and sidings. Pointwork mostly Tillig for simplicity although there are 2 C&L kits in there too for the sidings. Points are powered by Tortoises. finally, i have the plan for Glasgow QS and Cowlairs / Eastield all marked out, points all bought and wired awaiting installation but have not yet started track laying on this section. This will be Peco points with Exactoscale concrete, C&L wooden track. Have fallen out of love with Tillig points to be honest and for the difference in price the Peco are going to be an acceptable compromise. This and the fact there is not enough clearance for Tortoises under this section due FY under which has lead me to shallower Peco PM option. As you can probably guess, some way to go yet but i should be able to play trains on the Greenhill part pretty soon which will be a milestone :-). Aim eventually is to try to represent the wide variety of traffic through this area around late 1980s onwards. Freight is my main interest and currently building up stock to represent: Petroleum block trains from Grangemouth to Mossend Speedlink from Grangemounth, Inverness, Aberdeen, Stirling, Fort William and Oban to Mossend Container traffic in more recent era to/from Grangemouth and North Coal trains to Longannet that now take this route + a few fictional ones (what if steel from Ravenscraig was exported through Grangemouth Docks for processing in Sweden and this saved Ravenscraig?) Additionally I have far too many engineering wagons and will represent sleeper services coming up from dividing at Mossend and also on WHL along with DMUs or Sprinters to / from Cumbernauld and Falkirk and Dunblane and of course the Edinburgh-Glasgow push pulls...
  3. After a couple of years getting the basics in place I've decided to share my latest project. Greenhill upper and lower junctions in central Scotland (with just a wee bit of compression), 1985 to present day. As I have far too much stock, time has been spent on a double deck fiddle yard containing 29 sidings. This has held back progress on scenic section although has been taking shape recently with most track now down. Track is exactoscale concrete sleeper oo with tilling points and c&l wooden sleeper for loops and sidings. Am trying to build detail into the track such as expansion joints and catch points which is adding a fair bit of time. Whilst glue drying on track have been working along painting rail sides rust coloured and losing my sanity... And have started some scenery. This is only my second layout and of somewhat larger scale to first. In addition to above the boards are in place fo phase 2 which sits above th fiddle yard which will be Glasgow queen st and eastfield depot shrunk representations... Together with lines down to cowlairs and for the west highland line diverging. i think I may have bitten off more than I can chew... Will add some better pics in due course and when I have some time, a track plan. General overview of greenhill lower including loop lifted late 80s with later junction layout... Overview of greenhill upper. The two junctions are not yet rail linked... This will be shrunk castlecary viaduct. Final pic shows what will be GQS over top of one of fiddle dumb bells .
  4. Actually just took a closer look. 47835 as sold by Bachmann as a limited edition had white lower body sides. The 47835 body shell I picked up at the weekend has mushroom coloured body sides as commented on earlier in this thread regarding one for sale on ebay. This looks like perhaps the locos were delivered with wrong coloured lower sides and then had the bodies replaced and Bach now selling off th incorrect coloured bodies. Makes no odds to me for where this shell is intended but does suggest Bach corrected when they realised there was a problem which is to their credit. It may also explain why so many 47835 shells kicking around at the moment and no chassis I've seen distinguished by white painted piping.
  5. Yep suspect a glut of these never sold. I bought a body only from Bachmann at model rail show last weekend for £10 - wonder whether this e-bayer did same? Mine prob going to disappear under a coat of something but not sure what yet...
  6. I have and on class47.co.uk there is a shot of her in this livery with very much the dark grey upper sides. I can't say for sure she didn't fade or carry a non std look at some point tho... I've mailed Bach to see if they could correct for production...
  7. Not original 3tg as the line between the two greys is too far down the body side. Looks ok for the RFD interntional livery apart from the upper grey colour being far too light. Hopefully colour corrected on production run...
  8. Matt

    Peco's random wagons

    I have to agree with comments above but Peco ain't stupid. If the Royal Wedding one didn't sell then they wouldn't do this one. That, to me, is the worrying angle...
  9. Someone was asking for photos of 47572 Ltd Ed from Hornby Magazine - attached: Not sure that my camera skills do it justice. The weathering finish is not bad and slightly reminiscent of the 37025 weathered version for anyone that has that one - I wish they had given the roof a more liberal dusting rather than the exhaust only look...
  10. 47572 Ely Cathedral was the one that took me by surprise too. Was displayed on HM's stand at the Glasgow show at the weekend. They had two on display and I bought the one that was still in its box - the lady commented that the other one was the last one but I was not sure if she meant with them or totally the last one. During our brief discussion she revealed that it had taken them by surprise as usually when you commission a ltd ed it takes ages to flow through but this one had turned up very quick. Don't know if this means they haven't advertised as haven't bought a copy of HM recently. Priced at £89.95 I think in line with most of the other ltd eds. Weathering is a little better than the norm Bach factory jobs but not as good as a "good weatherer" (not me) would achieve! Will post photo at the weekend (livery is std large logo except no black window surrounds, body has no flush ends with two different ends like most Bach releases to date). M
  11. How many ltd ed 47s are out there just now? I found one I didn't know about at the weekend (and purchased instantly) - does anyone have the definitive list? That I know of: Std releases: I/C 47614 Titan, LL 47535 Uni of Leicester, Parcels 47474 Sir Rowland Hill Ltd Eds: 47461 Scotrail Blue Stripe (Rails) 47541 Scotrail Red stripe (Rails) 47145 Merrdyn Emrys (Rails to come in future) 47406 Intercity railriders (Gaugemaster) 47572 Large log Ely Cathedral weathered (Hornby Mag) 47xxx GW150 (Kernow) 47975 Dutch (Bachmann Direct) 47835 Intercity Swallow (Bachmann Direct to come in future) 47xxx NSE (Modelzone) Interestingly no freight ones at all or late life BR Blue ones (2010/11 releases from Bach anyone??) Anyone add to the list above??? M
  12. Rail's website showing 47461 in stock this morning... looking forward to mine landing in next few days (although still need to lay some track to run on!!)
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