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Posts posted by millerhillboy

  1. Some duff power was required to satisfy my desire to buy the new Farish model.....


    Luckily I picked this one up cheaply on the Bay of E, someone had over oiled it to hell, and was letting it go cheaply although the cheeky ###### didn't mention that at the time and it was a rank rotten runner really, compared with how they should be (hence the cheapness I guess). Although it was nothing an hour of cleaning with IPA and re-oiling didn't solve very quickly. So a bit of bargain really.


    The intention was to make her one of the famous 64B allocation but with Farish doing a triple grille (pre-Serck) version that killed the possibility of one of those.


    In the end I decided on D1573, no real reason. A Gateshead loco with brief training interludes at 64B, so I'm happy enough she'd have been in the Edinburgh/Borders route area.


    Took her apart, cleaned here, toned down the running gear in my standard way, toned down the pickup strips (still a bugbear even in modern N gauge) and then stripped, renumbered and added all the detailing parts from Farish. Painted the buffer shanks silver as well (under a magnifying glass). :heat:


    Only issue is I can't quite see how to satisfactorily change the route indicator box :scratchhead: ....


    Anyway, she is what she is at the moment. Route indicators perhaps another day. My Dapol 26 has caught my attention this morning and is in the works.


    She still needs some subtle roof dirt and a little bit of streaking and road dirt along the bottom but again for another day perhaps.





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  2. Room for a wee one?


    There are clearly some great layouts in here, some of which I have missed altogether and I must go back and click through to some superb stuff.


    My own layout thread lives in the Waverley Route sub-forum but I hope its worthy of a nod over here as well.


    So its a N gauge layout, based on a fictitious please on the South East area of Edinburgh with rolling stock geared towards the Waverley route but also allowing Edinburgh interlopers in as well.


    Please pop over and any feedback, good bad or indifferent most certainly welcome.




    Oh yeah.....the link


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  3. Another loco finally reached working service, she's been on here before but this is her in her final state with crew added, final details etc etc


    I have to admit I don't like the coal load, I prefer to see some of the tender insides with a partial load but with DCC getting squeezed into these things plus being a tender drive there wasn't any room to play with at all really, so will probably just have to live with it.





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    Well the toddler is out and I am delighted with the pictures, they are GREAT!!!


    I use a Gaugemaster hand held controller so should be ok.


    D9020 Nimbus, I agree with what you are saying which is why it is such as difficult decision, much more limited operation but much better running, very difficult one to call. Shame I cannot afford to just get enough stock to run both eras but it would mean selling the kettles to buy the tin boxes!


    Anyway am still not sure what to do but appreciate your comments, very useful to have other peoples ideas.




    Toddler picked up this morning while doing the Tesco rounds, haven't had a good look yet but will later.


    I think you ought to speak to Russ regarding controllers, I believe there are better slow speed running controllers than the gaugemaster. Drop him a line, but be prepared its a subject in its own right!!

  5. Hi Bernard,


    Our model is of the 1960's era class 26 with leaf spring bogies, open door window (not plated), square bogie footsteps, correct roof shoulder grilles, nose doors (not plated/ welded) drop down cab side windows etc oh and disc headcodes.


    Hope this helps.



    Is there a drool smiley?


    Mines is ordered and due soon I hope!!

  6. Didn't pick up on this thread until I was searching the forum for advice on which colour LEDs I might use for the control panel I have.


    So basically I've got a point indicator board, which came with green and red LEDs. However I'd tried to give the panel a signal box feel by painting it off white, beige, cream sort of colour.


    So the question is what colour of LED might be appropriate?



    So I was thinking possibly yellow but they seem too yellow, so perhaps warm white might be better?


    Any thoughts or advice how those two colours might look on the panel above?

  7. Thanks Dave

    Will be attempting some sort of conversion in due course, Etched Pixel definitely produce fold up etches for split boxes. I've ordered a set so we'll see what they look like when they come.


    Any reason the buffer beam is black, I thought they would have been red. Of course it could just be filthy dirty!!


    Nice model though, Mercig certainly are quality work.

  8. I've just received a picture of Holbeck's D26 as prepared by Ian of Mercig studios. Ready to haul the Up Waverley just as soon as the Farish Full Brakes and Sleepers are released. :)


    Lovely stuff Dave, do you have any idea how Mr Mercig carries out the front end modificaiton. Was it a 44 with filled in nose doors as I'm contemplating or was it a split centre box model to start?


    Its certainly lovely and if I can get something like that I'll be absolutely delighted.

  9. Three Waverley regulars in their early, post FI afterlife.










    Nice timing Dave, with the impending arrival of Dapols green class 26 which is due for Warley if not before of which I have one ordered, how nice to have a superb pic of such a beast and lying on Millerhill of all places.

  10. It just came in one of those microbox HSS twist drills about 8 years ago, and it seems to be the only one left between 0.3 and 0.7...


    Yeah, I've had umpteen boxes of these now and I never see to get much use out them other than the larger sizes, the smaller ones seem to snap just by looking at them half the time.


    All I can say is look after the good 'un.

  11. I am sure non N/2mil modellers will not mind the temporary takeover, there are some cracking models there,


    I especially like the A3s, they really look the part, and that typically grubby V2 too - very nice.


    Can I ask how you did the V2's outside steam pipes? I've often pondered whether they would be a viable aftermarket accessory, maybe in resin or whitemetal - something one could use as a quick and easy mod simply glueing in place and painting. I recall speaking to Graham Hubbard of Bachmann many years back and he told me that a number of different variants of the V2 were planned including one with outside pipes, but such is the way things have moved on in N even the V2 has been left behind somewhat and I doubt they will ever see the light of day now.




    Thanks Roy, yes at normal viewing distance both A3s are reasonably acceptable although I'm sure the new Dapol ones will bowl them out completely.


    Ah yes, I forgot about the external steam pipe modification. It was a 15 minute job, sections of Evergreen plastic pipe cut and filed to shape.

    Once pretty much the right shape, they were glued in place and then filler used to blend the join. Simples!


    Yes, I remember when I first saw the V2 and was amazed by the detail. However the boiler bottom skirt now looks rotten and hopefully eventually it'll get reworked to current standards.


    Mines is also lowered. Dr Al of this parish is the architect of this mod, and I'm sure its explained somewhere else on Rmweb. The difference is subtle but well worthwhile.



    I was pondering doing a 60813 with the stovepipe chimney but never got round to buying a second V2.

  12. Yeah, Foxhunter stuff is pretty good. Up until the advent of all these new lovely Farish steamers you could produce something better than standard Farish stuff, as in handrails, lamp irons and lots of other details Farish just didn't bother with.


    I suppose nowadays they are a bit crude but still can produce a damn fine model, and there's always the enjoyment of knowing you built it yourself.


    My Foxhunter A1 was a joint effort, my good friend done all the base work, soldering the tender together and as well as forming the boiler and cab nice and tightly together.


    I done all the detailing work and from my point of view I'd say they were excellent kits




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  13. I'll try again this weekend to get a better lineup photograph of the depot (nominally Niddrie something or other) quite liked the sound of Niddrie Cross possibly?



    On shed are the usual St Mag suspects '52 and '100, 60824 (again). D1970, D5066 from haymarket and a straggler D7614 from Eastfield has made its way east.



    Finally D1970 again passes a peak hauled engineers train, just emerging from the overbridge just south of the station.


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  14. Some more from the more 'built up end of the layout



    D1970, now since tranferred to the Bay of E, awaits at the currently nameless station, at the last stop before Edinburgh. 60824 also simmers in the station loop heading north on loaded 16t coal wagons, no doubt from Lady Victoria.



    D5066 works south on some tankers whilst 60100 by now is relegated to local stopping services


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    I have a couple of old poole style A3's and A4's including "Prince Palatine" but for me the trouble is that next to the most recent offerings they just do not stand up that well - they look very dated and a bit crude (That said yours do look rather nice).


    Thanks, I did do a fair bit detailing especially on the tender rears, but there's only so much you can do with them. Since I done those models I could revisit them and do more detailing, I've since worked out how to do front lamp irons and better couplings, and vac pipes.


    Apologies to the many non-N gauge modellers on this thread, as the whole discussion has taken a distinct turn towards 2mm. Surely with the imminent arrival of dapols 26 and exciting A3/A4 news in the pipeline hopefully we can be forgiven.


    I'm hoping a few picture might appease


    My (dads) layout isn't based on anywhere, other than its based on somewhere just south-east of edinburgh somewhere in the millerhill/niddrie areas to allow me to have a basis of WR stock but with some Edinburgh stragglers thrown in.


    60100 Spearmint works northbound


    old farish mk1s, since replaced with the excellent new ones, I ought to photo the new ones this weekend when down visiting my old fella!



    Grimey St Mags resident 60824 works southbound


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