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Everything posted by norfolkchinaclay

  1. Hi Charlie, will there be another batch of the Northern Rail livery units at some point?
  2. p.s. I know the Bachmann model is superior for accuracy and correct body type etc but the number of releases seems to have slowed (more liveries/running numbers on the way Bachmann?) and I have heard some shockers about the running characteristics if you are unfortunate and get an iffy one.
  3. Can anyone help with general detailing parts for Hornby Class 66's - does a parts manufacturer produce the different headlight units now seen on the various types of Class 66? I've got a Hornby 66 in GBRF Europorte livery and, although the light clusters on this model are a bit "in between" the two main styles in the real thing, the colour is wrong (black) for the actual loco (66736) which I only discovered after purchasing the model at a show. The rest of the livery and finish looks great so I may consider getting a few more of them if I can could change the light units, there does not seem to be much consistency in the choice of light cluster fitted across the fleet either numerically or by operator!
  4. Thanks 159220 - I had seen it listed with Kernow and noticed price was higher than the other ones Hattons have. Will check out Rails too.
  5. I want one a GBRf one but Hattons are not listing that one. Does anyone know if Dapol plan to produce either of the 73/9's as I'd want them too! Incidentally I've recently got a Hornby 73 which weighs about a 10th of the Lima one I had 30-odd years ago! I don't need it to haul very much but just wondering if anyone has directly compared the two for pulling power? I guess the Dapol model will be all-axle drive anyhow.
  6. Can anyone confirm if these types of wagons are in current use, please, and what for? Are they used for ballast and if so, how are they unloaded on site (I'm assuming with some sort of tracked excavator or bucket machine)? I have seen a number of MTA or MFA type alongside the ECML, particularly the black EWS-branded (presumably ex-Loadhaul) variety but not actually in moving trains. Also, were the EWS liveried MEA wagons (as per Bachmann model) used for ballast or some other purpose? Are there any small "virtual quarries" in yards or locations which might be suitable as the basis for a compact layout?
  7. Exciting plans guys - have just had a look at your website having never heard about you before! You deserve to succeed. Priced right too by all accounts. Perhaps I should put that Hornby FGW 142 on hold... Can't wait to see the final product and future developments!
  8. Look forward to seeing your plan ideas as I'm also extremely limited for available space! Very into china clay branches 1970s/80s like the sidings at Nanpean (anyone have a plan of these - I think think they have now all gone) and the Carbis line/siding but just read Bachmann producing the Grainflow poybulks soon, so tempted to do an E.Anglian grain siding like Wroxham, Newmarket or at South Lynn with one or two wagons + an 03 or 08. Can't get much more minimal than this surely..?! For anyone else reading this, does anyone remember a layout in RM in the late 80's called "Baslow" - BR blue era - that was only 6' long and sat on an ironing board? The theme had been thoroughly researched too and it has always been my inspiration of what could be achived in a very small space!
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