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About tomparryharry

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  • Location
    Newport, South Wales
  • Interests
    Anything to do with railways. Music of all sorts. Trying to make people laugh, especially on RMweb....

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  1. Hello folks, I've been having a quiet peruse of the latest craze of spring loaded generators. There are lots of this on Youtube, hence this topic. Some of the videos are quietly laughable, but some (IMHO) do indeed have some merit. Some on the limits & fits on these machines will probably not work out satisfactorily, but I guess early days. The technology to build these to micron precision is available to us, and as one of the larger readerships on the net, I guess there is a lot brain power on here. Thoughts, Please? Please think on this in a positive attitude. Yes, there will be problems, but as engineers, we're here to actually solve those problems. Cheers, Ian.
  2. Once again John, you're quite right, and I understand your point. Reading your last post seems to hit the nail on the head, fairly & squarely. Cheers, Ian.
  3. You are correct about the quantity of players in the Premier. However, The league games start up in a few weeks, and I honestly believe that the earnings potential for a premier player, far outweighs any 'mere' national game. Selection for the national team shouldn't necessarily be about being in the Premier; players should be chosen for their ability and attitude. 'Right person; right place; right time; right job.
  4. Sad to say, but England will never do well in a summer tournament. The British leagues start in a few weeks. Would you risk an injury when you're on £ thousands a week? A tournament; any cup, is small potatoes when you feel you are better than the game. It won't happen until England managers start looking at the non-premiership clubs. Those so-called lesser players can run just as fast, and amazingly, score goals. if someone like Harry Redknapp can lift the FA cup for Portsmouth, then it needs people in that ilk to make it happen. I'll probably get howls of derision, but that's life.
  5. Yes, sorry about that. My advertised computer keyboard is running a bit slow today...
  6. I hope the brakes work, otherwise the subject title might be 'buses in old cafes'..... Ok, I'll get my coat....
  7. I can't take any credit; it's just that I happen to know the shortcomings of the process. As a slight aside, I'm wondering if the unequal expansion is a contributory factor in the Mazak problem. Remember, even little 12V motors give off a lot of heat.
  8. sad to say, but powder coating on aluminium doesn't really last long. The problem lies with the expanding aluminium being underneath the powder coat. The expansion rates are unequal, leaving cracks when aluminium expands & contracts. I'd suggest that if you want to repaint these fittings, do so in a warm environment. The rationale being that (hopefully) the parent metal has expanded to its limit, and any nooks & crannies are exposed to the paint. We used to powder coat our road wheels. However, after a while, the plastic-based coat would crack, and losing its air-tightness. We would sand-blast faulty wheels, and re-paint with a much thinner coating.
  9. Southall shed is a prime example of coaling via bucket & hoist; still used today.
  10. To be fair, I did consider adding sound. However, the amount of expletives swamped the sound chip, both in variety, volume & magnitude. If I did something like that, then I'd be put in the 'naughty box' by the Mods... " Are you habitually stupid, or have you been on a course?" "D'you see that corner? Good! Now, yeff off over there, and keep out of my Yeffing way!"
  11. Naturally, we all would like to ultimately see the Dapol arrangement for the 48-517 motion. The good Captain (Kernow) very kindly donated a DJM 48xx chassis. I still have it here, but house moves, stroke & depression have postponed my (or, more correctly, Cpt. K's) post mortem. I still have my original DJM release, and it's highly likely I'll buy a Dapol autocoach to work with them. As a slight aside, I wonder if Dapol might be inclined to factory-add some pickups to the autocoach & the new 48-517 models. The intent being to increase/improve the electrical pickup. Sound into the coach baggage area? Not that I 'do' sound, you understand, but some do... have a great week, folks.
  12. Since local shops have opened, I no longer need to go to the Moon for dairy products. 'Cracking cheese, Grommit!
  13. A cab-forward Baltic type Oil fired Smokebox mounted to either side to enable cleaning 4 cylinder. 2 cylinders forward, 2 cylinders aft, both driving onto the centre drivers to supress hammer-blow 6' drivers Marine style boilers Tender has controls. As such, an A&B end to obviate turntables Remember, we are talking about a railway operating Company, where operating costs are always uppermost in the minds of bean counters.
  14. With the greatest respect to you, why have you bothered to write your post? We are, after all, in a consumerist society, where the manufacturer takes the risk, and has control over things like production space, etc. You or I won't lose out on this if it fails to make the grade. I think the current atmosphere of détente has never been so good, with multiple manufacturers making some very high-class kit. Also, it's the attitude of presentation towards the consumer has changed significantly. No longer:- 'We're number one in the market; take it or not' has gone, pretty much for ever. Manufacturers are now saying 'what would you like? Dapol always kept the public at arms length. Nowadays, they're talking to people. Personally, I congratulate this. As an alternative view, I'd suggest that the quicker Dapol make the 48-517, then the quicker Dapol will make something else. I've got a list of candidates...
  15. Having made a 'song & dance' about a sans-topfeed model (DJM) I'm slightly curious about the new model via Dapol. I'm not knocking Dapol; far from it. The 517 is, for me, a no-brainer. However, has DJM 'p!ssed in the pot' with this model? I accepted the limited capability of the older model as a one-coach locomotive, because that's how the auto tank diagrams were made up. The route to Penygraig is almost a continuous rising gradient, and the shedmaster at Llantrisant would put a pannier on in poor weather. Having written this, I'm actually looking forward to seeing the model in the flesh. There's always room for another on the Cowbridge-Pontypridd service...
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