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    sports esp football and cricket,railways,

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  1. Received My Henry Needler Class 37 sound today ,the packing similar to the above, but did have packing both sides and top but not at the bottom of box. The Loco moves around the track very well also very good instructions for the set up of running in the model
  2. I went Sunday had a great day have 3 on order BR 25/3 Celebrity Green . BR ,25/2 Blue Bodyside, ordered 3 May 2021 price honoured on both sound locos, plus added at show Class 97/2 BR Blue/Grey ETHEL sound should all be sent by December 2023 according to Rail Exclusive
  3. Received my latest 2 Class 37608 Andromeda and BR Blue 37610 RAILS LTD edition both run excellently at all speeds. not tried with a load yet, Thanks Accurascale
  4. Likewise my order for the Yellow 37 sound is on its way to Cheshire
  5. I would prefer a L.MS /5 Black 5 plenty to choose from plus a fair few have survived the torch
  6. The ESU 66s, 1,87 have been on sale for a few years now, also Heljan did a 1.87 Class 66, also some of the French 66s were shaped a little different with a collar at drivers end,, plus a number of GB66s were stabled in northern France for a few years
  7. Received Erlestoke Manor 7812 with sound at lunchtime, the model is excellent and runs very good from slow to fast, did not have the plastic, box cover , but that is not required in my opinion due to a well boxed parcel Certainly happy with the model .Thanks Accurascale for another great locomotive
  8. Not a shop , about ! mile from me, Cul de sac road, Hyde Cheshire
  9. Thank you McC for the information much appreciated
  10. Hello, Is there any news on when 37610 sound [Rails Sheffield LTD edition will be on course for delivery, Thanks In anticipation John
  11. Likewise My crew have arrived ,not sure whether they are on strike as no loco for them
  12. I also went to Macclesfield show , I think Kevpeo photo of the model does not really show how good Tamworth Castle looks although thanks for the photo, , , the model is much brighter [colourful ? ] than the photo shows, The model was stationary as it was lent out to show the model. Phil said Models would hopefully be ready for delivery around Midsummer [July / August ?]
  13. I usually manage to video it at Hyde North about 15-40, Last week the earlier empty Train one going to Cement Works Manchester , every empty wagon was very professionally Graffitied the train was very impressive bit strange every wagon was painted
  14. Achilles and Brutus wait is over my M5s arrived today thank you Accurascale
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