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Posts posted by cromptonnut

  1. And above all, isn't it ironic that the most vocal complaints about the control method are from self proclamed 'Electronics Experts' or 'Control Systems Experts'; just the sort of people who (you would think) would be capable of adapting the signals to their own particular needs...


    I'll be using the mk 1 eyeball to feed back whether my Dapol signals (when I get them) are in the right position or not. Although I'll be operating the layout on DCC it may well be that my points (all 3 of them) are controlled by 'traditional; methods as although I have several accessory decoders I haven't yet managed to set them up properly, and given that it's a small and simple layout it's probably just less hassle than fully interlocking and working signals, particularly as at the moment only one point is actually on the main line to be signalled, the rest being in the sidings.

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  2. I use a Lenz set 90 with a Compact as a slave - not everyone's cup of tea but that suits my needs. Having not built my layout yet I don't know whether I'll need a booster for the 2 locos that are likely to be running together at any given time.


    Are there any shops nearby where you can try several sets to see what you like the most? I know that Digitrains near Lincoln have a number of sets connected to their test track - although it's N and OO - but it's really the feel of the set and the ease of operation that matters in this case and I'm sure they could recommend something suitable for the right amount of power needed for O gauge. No other connection apart from being a satisfied customer.

  3. If you aren't able to physically get to a location to have a look for backscene inspiration, I've found that Google Maps satellite view and street view can be quite inspirational. Admittedly if you aren't going for "modern" it may not quite work for you but in many cases the old houses are still there.


    As Forest Gate was mentioned, the satellite view is here: http://goo.gl/maps/pC1G and the street view gives you an impression of the view from the railway here: http://goo.gl/maps/9FS3


    Also, have you thought about "drivers eye view" DVD's or Youtube? That might give something useful too.

  4. I really like the 'rear view of the station' look, and am going to have a look at redesigning my plan that way round. I was working on using a low relief station building at the back of the layout because i'd bought it - and designing the layout round what I had rather than what I want.


    You've definitely captured the "less is more" look well and sometimes looking at other people's plans can make you realise what was wrong with your own...

  5. Wheels appear to be inside the frame - but it's the fact he doesn't seem to know what scale it is gets me - looks like it's probably O-16.5 narrow gauge if anything.

  6. I think the reason is that most O gauge modellers - due to the cost and requirement to build a lot more stuff than in other gauge - would be classed as more "advanced" or "serious" modellers, whereas there is not really the O gauge equivalent of "train set" modellers that would buy the equivalent of a Setrack oval track pack?

  7. Couldn't agree more!

    Mr Peco, are you listening?

    .... there'll be a demand you know, when the Dapol 08 is out......


    I have asked, and apparently as the minimum recommended radius in O gauge is 6ft, that's what they produce, and there "is no market" for tighter pointwork or, for that matter, other points, in O gauge.


    Clearly there are quite a few of us here who think otherwise... because sure, if you're running a 37 or 4-6-2 then it's going to have problems with tight curves but for something like the 08 or the many small wheelbase industrial shunters with short wheelbase wagons out there for these type of micro-layouts they're going to be fine particularly given the usually tighter almost settrack radii found within industrial settings exactly like you portray well on this layout.


    There is of course the Marcway option - or building your own, which many of us do not feel confident enough doing (and let's face it, if we did, there wouldn't be much of a market for Peco in the first place).

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  8. They are supposed to be O gauge figures though - or at least 1:50 which is probably as close as you're going to get.


    I'm not sure the "but every Great Western branch line had one, dear" could stretch this far though...

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