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Everything posted by Gypsy

  1. I'd second that - I was diagnosed young (still late 40s) with an agressive form, but one that was caught early. Had the prostatectomy and precautionary radio. Its not all been plain sailing but I'm pretty much back to 'normal' now - whatever that is! Stick with it and stay positive.
  2. They look fantastic - I presume you have plans to sell them commercialy?!
  3. In my (very) humble opinion, yes!
  4. Agree with the bigger version and white edging but I'd stick with your version (with revised wording) - the arch mention makes it look like its been bought and used because nothing better was available off the shelf - your skills mean that's far from the case... If you really want a cast version 3d print it?!!!!
  5. If you wanted a Spartan, I'd get a refund. That's an FV432. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  6. Personally I'd go a fair bit darker at the bottom and graduate it. I found the Vallejo light and dark slimey grime worked wonderfully for this kind of thing...
  7. Not one of, undoubtedly the best. On the prostate you have my sympathy. I had surgery and radiotherapy 4 years ago and am now pretty much normal though I suspect I'm a bit younger than you (50s)... All the best.
  8. I was going to suggest the wall but Andy's second pic looks far better...
  9. I'm going to dissent. The gear looks good, but doesn't look 'right' to me, I vote the dray (as if that matters)...
  10. Fantastic to see something at last!
  11. I like it even more with the Blue Pullman! Great work
  12. Brilliant idea - thank you very much!
  13. Looks really good! How did you do the bindweed?!
  14. Absolutely agree with Dave - its stunning work, but at the end of the day you need to enjoy your hobbies!
  15. I think its stunning - and bear in mind that the original would have been hand lettered and not printed/stencilled anyway....
  16. Yep, dirty enough & go with glazing...
  17. For what its worth I think you should stick with the Wills box - it looks 'right' to my untrained eye.
  18. Ta very much - I'll add them to my next order
  19. Thanks Chris, I'd be happy with that. There's a few odds and sods I want from them in the next couple of months...
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