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Everything posted by Gypsy

  1. Something of a milestone for my railway modeling - I've ballasted some track! Looking at the rather cruel closeup I need to do some cleaning up before I even think about weathering. I'm also going to tone down the concrete to make it a lot paler before I start to weather that.
  2. The has nicked my idea - either that or great minds think alike! he's a lot faster than me though...
  3. Thanks - how do you get it to stick before weathering on top? I want to put a couple of washes on to simulate dirt and algae...
  4. Looking at it, the concrete (Railmatch) is far too dark. Might have to tone it down before I start weathering.
  5. Slow progress, but really enjoying it... and yes, I know its too long at the moment!
  6. The allies had air superiority over France by then so the risk of a 'blue-on'blue' for a ground-attack aircraft seen from above was far greater than an attack from one of the few Luftwaffe fighters still operating in the area.
  7. Waiting for things to dry/cure on my Boxfile Challenge piece has given me the time to think about other ideas. I've wanted to build another layout for years but never had the time or space. I still haven't got that much time and I've got even less space but I thought I'd give it a go anyway. My first thought was an Inglenook shelf for the operating interest but that would not give anywhere for trains to go round on their own or to run in new locos. Then I had a flash of inspiration - do both, one on top of the other! The plan is for the circle/oval to be a narrow gauge mine track going along a mountainside before going underground and round a cavern with a lake in the middle - viewing the outside from one side and the inside from the other. The Inglenook I'm not so sure, I really like some of the RNSD munitions depot stuff I've seen, so it might be something like that or maybe just a simple mine head.
  8. That looks fantastic Henry - what did you use for the slate?
  9. Started cutting the base and wasn't happy with it or the abutments so re-doing them and the bridge deck - though that will be roughly the same as on the pic... I'm enjoying this so any constructive criticism gratefully received! Gyp
  10. I've been lurking on here for a while planning and plotting a layout and utterly failing to do anything about it. A couple of weeks ago I saw this and decided that after all sorts of ambitious ideas that have come to naught I'd try some actual modeling - something I havn't done for 30-odd years as life has got in the way. OO9 is a compromise between a small size - for both this and any layout I might eventually take beyond the planning stage - and a vaguely sensible scale to model to a half decent standard. The plan is pretty simple; a totally imaginary narrow gauge estate line crossing a series of small waterfalls on a single track bridge, set at some point from the 1930s onwards. I've got further than ever before; building the bridge deck and starting on the abutments, laying and priming some track and planning the route of the falls themselves so that's good. Hopefully I can keep it up! Pics to follow, probably next week. Gyp
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