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Posts posted by 81C

  1. Evening All

    5 page catch up today 

    I felt a bit under the weather today after walking the dog, I had some Heinz mushroom soup and all is well totally knackered I had a kip this afternoon as both meals out have been deferred.

    I'm off to bed to bury my head in a good book, sleep tight :superman:S.L.Eepie :biggrin_mini2:

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  2. Morning All 

    Sunny and bright 

    Just spent the last hour catching up, had a good day out at Tolworth, the show was good as GDB and I pre-emptied the catering an excellent breakfast was devoured in the café just round the corner

    from the show the layouts were good knocked spots off Wycrail last week and we bumped into most of the usual show goer's for this area that we know.

    not doing much today the first load of laundry has gone in with 2 to follow if the day allows.

    Dog sitting tomorrow I hope it's not p!ssing down as he gets moody if he doesn't get walked he won't go out in the rain and will pull you back to the house after a dump.  

    I'm going to ready myself for 11am and watch the march past, nice that they have got good weather today for the occasion.


    Enjoy your afternoon I think I will get a pub lunch :superman: T.Hinkin-Ofmebelli :biggrin_mini2:

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  3. 1 hour ago, grandadbob said:



    P.S. I recently changed energy suppliers and have been waiting for a refund. £108 has just arrived in my bank account....now all I need to do is decide what to do with it.  :scratchhead::rolleyes:.......I'm going to Tolworth on Saturday:whistle:


    As your flush you can buy the breakfast Saturday I'm getting there for 9:30 for mine and so I can park easily.


    Morning All 

    Blue sky with sun rising from behind the trees.

    That dear little puppy now 6.5 months old ran the full length of the house and knocked me flat on my back yesterday I've been spending weeks training him to stop jumping up, the SiL's family were there at the weekend 

    as normal the hound misbehaves for the following week. , another visit due later can't wait.

    Slapped #rse was here yesterday she started with her orders the coat went on and I was off out the door she had gone by the time I got back she can't call me as I've blocked the phone to stop her from

    dishing out her orders on that.

    Better get on enjoy your day :superman:I.N. Limbo :biggrin_mini2: 


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  4. Morning All

    Sunny and bright with clouds on the horizon 

    Today is tidying up day I have so much paperwork for the house sale etc I thought it would be best to file it in date order in folders.

    The wheelie bins are half empty and the collection is tomorrow so more junk from the garage will go into them I'm 50% boxed up now it's

    just the day to day stuff that wants packing which the removal company will be doing for me.

    Must get on enjoy your day :superman: Casey Jones :biggrin_mini2:


    GDB are you going to the Ewell Show ????

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  5. Morning All 

    Wycrail was a hit and miss for me wanted to get in and out sharpish no such luck finger prodding, track cleaning, etc prevailed on most layout and many operators were deep in conversation

    done a second circuit then left still not seeing anything running on some, I'll knock this off the list of shows to go to, even poor old Chrisf didn't get his bread pudding

    Watched the Rugby late yesterday afternoon I'd see enough by half time shame having got into the final to flounder like that but that's how S.A. play, even Jones said he was mystified with

    English performance.

    Watched the GP qualifying just now should be an half decent race I see MV did one of his idiotic moves on Lewis when will he ever learn I'm sure Horner blamed Lewis.


    Must get on with the housework enjoy your day and get well soon for those who are poorly.:superman:H.Ousemaid :biggrin_mini2:  



    • Friendly/supportive 18
  6. 2 hours ago, AndyB said:

    81c. I think there's little chance of the result not coming to your attention. Especially if we win!!


    I've got one eye on the match. :blackeye:

    The other one is on the mend; thanks for all the supportive ticks.

    Andy I'm back from the Wycrail show and non the wiser to the score I just hope I can get the game on the telly without self spoiling. 

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  7. Morning All 

    I'm about to leave for High Wycombe via the Blackbushe café it's hissing down at the moment I think a steady ride in this weather taking my time 

    will be the order of the day.

    Enjoy the rugby chaps I'll watch this afternoon providing some c0ck don't spoil it this morning, the Grand Prix seems to be hotting up I wonder if the young fool 

    MV will spoil someone else's race he tried last week and came off the worst.

    H.A.G.O. :superman: T.R,Ainwatcher  :biggrin_mini2: 

    • Like 17
  8. Thanks Wales more money in my pocket the odds were carp which was obvious didn't expect such a wide score gap.

    Dog walked and fed earlier he's off to be weighed at the vets this afternoon to see if he requires an increase in his daily food intake. 

    better get my man bag sorted for tomorrows show ear plugs will be the new items to go in.

    Tomorrows game will be who can batter who off the field first, just hope our second row can do another good job on stemming the opposition like last week,

    I'm sure we will hear GDB screaming all over Southern England and if the clouds turn blue over Sutton Towers we will know if we are loosing or not.


     Enjoy the game tomorrow I never watch a RWC final as I always bet on it . 

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  9. Morning All

    Had a nice evening out at a pub quiz last night between us we managed to grab 2nd place I did answer a few no--one else in the team knew.

    Today is doggy day again he's the proud owner of a muzzle which he hates I did remove it when some idiots dog charged us Zeus nipped the things

    backside which sent it packing the owner got a mouthful about his dog being off the lead and unruly, a photo was taken which give him the #rse.

    Chrisf have no fear I hate bread pudding it makes me reach so there should be plenty for you.

    Rugby to be watched later as it's only Wales and NZ playing I sure Wales will do me a favor and loose today more money off the bookie if they do.

    Must get on enjoy your day :superman: S.W.Inglow. :biggrin_mini2:

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  10. Morning     All 


    Another post off into cyber space it must be this key board I'll try a new one that the slapped #rse owns :spiteful:

    Spent all morning out of the house as the slapped #rse has cleaned up the garden today Zeus was good fun he tried to munch 6 road workers they said he's alright 

    little do they know he will bite, they must have fancied their chances with him as he was muzzled, what made me laugh he had a dump where the were laying some

    fresh tarmac just to piss them off yes he does things like that. 

    I'm off to Wycrail Saturday it must be the first show I have no show buddy in years GDB watching rugby and SM Mike taking his dear lady to the medics so please don't

    approach me if you are someone who likes moaning or won't let me get a word in edgeways I don't suffer fools.

    enjoy your day :superman: G. R. Ummpigit.:biggrin_mini2:

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  11. Morning All 

    Blue sky waiting for the sun to appear.

    Off to see the freehold management to get the run down on the flat I'm buying, kitchen shop next, b and q for some new paintbrushes a burger from the chuck wagon outside 

    best burgers for miles around and home to some more work in the garage top up the skip and phone Hippo Bag to collect it.

    Tomorrow I'm out to a pub quiz with some friends should be interesting something I've not done in years.

    Yesterday the slapped #rse tried to get one over me with the Solicitors I sent a copy of her silly email to the Solicitor copied her in with my own annotations on it which denounced

    her email to them it was a real madam Edith job, again she was trying to tell me what I should be doing.:jester:

    Must get on enjoy your day :superman:A. Busybee  :biggrin_mini2:

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  12. Having nothing better to do and I'm a people watcher sitting watching rugby for the past few weeks I'm amazed how many player don't do much when on the field but are the first to bitch 

    when the game doesn't go their way, I won't point fingers but the results will tell you who they are, that's why I take money off bookies like I used to do when betting on the horses, I backed the Jockey 

    & Trainer combinations like my father never out of pocket apart from the odd occasion.

     enjoy your day :superman:Sindy Katte :biggrin_mini2:

    • Like 13
  13. Morning All

    Dry and patchy cloud  


    The sight of those two buffoons on the channel 5 train set show last night made me switch channel.

    Excellent game yesterday I'd like to see S.A. pick their place in the final we have  had our dose of Whining Winnies  

    with Nigel Owens yesterday. :jester:

    Off to the TV enjoy your day.:superman: R. U. Fann :biggrin_mini2:

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